Indiantown Latest News From The June 25, 2023 Edition




Council Member Janet Hernandez is on the board of the National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials. She wants to go to their convention in New York from July 11-13. She is receiving one free night of lodging before the start of the general meeting to attend the board meeting. Her conference fees, meals, and air fare are either being waived, or Hernandez is paying for them.


She is asking for the village to pay for two nights lodging for the convention. There seemed to be some reluctance because no one seconded her motion and therefore it died. But it was resurrected.

About 65% of the Indiantown population is Hispanic. Hernandez being on the board of the organization is a feather in her cap and to a lesser extent the village’s. Does that mean a small place like Indiantown can afford it? That is a council call.


A couple of things happened under the old manager that did not serve this council well. One was his encouraging of junkets. The council went to Tallahassee at the drop of a hat and called it lobbying. Besides, “sunshine” or the perception of it was compromised when they travelled together. It was never necessary for multiple members to go.


I think what brought the travel to a head was the two new members that were elected last year. They want more fiscal discipline for the village. Vice-Mayor Stone’s trip to the National League of Cities earlier this year was not viewed favorably by a majority.


In my opinion, here are the important things regarding travel. One is the board meetings of the local league of cities. The designated representative or the alternate should go. Except for milage, there is no other expense since it is in Fort Pierce.


There is also a local league advocacy team. One member should be on the team, and they go to Tallahassee during session to advocate for league bills.  In addition, one voting representative should attend the annual Florida league conference. While it can run for four days, the two important days are the voting day, and the day classes are given. It is in Hollywood or Orlando which are easily driven to.


Apparently, there is an $8000 budget for travel and education. $4377 has been spent so far this year. I would assume most of it on Stone’s trip. Going forward the council could divide the budget equally among the council members. If someone needs more than allotted, they could ask their fellow members to release someone’s allotment that is not being used.


Upon reflection, the council decided to pay for one night’s lodging for Hernandez at her convention.


The utility has allowed people going on vacation or up north for the summer to suspend their service. The excuse being if there is a leak then no one would know about it until it is too late. The price charged would be $15 to turn off and the same to put back on. During that time, no water would be used and charged but sewer and stormwater would also not be charged.


To maintain the infrastructure, the utility relies on a steady stream of customers paying, including when they are away. This program the town inherited from the private company makes no sense. It was suggested that the homeowner could shut the water off from the outside. Good suggestion.





Indiantown Latest News From The June 11, 2023 Edition




Indiantown has problems at the water plant.

It was not something that was unknown. The village has been anticipating spending a small fortune on the plant since they bought it. They have received generous grants and loans in preparation.


The village will spend millions refurbishing the nearly 70-year-old wells and plant. At full capacity, it produces 1.296 million gallons per day. That will be the capacity even after the upgrades to keep the plant going. The current amount budgeted is $11 million. The SRF loan is $12.625 million which includes other work of which $8.46 million will be forgiven. The debt service is pegged at $160k per year.


There is a myriad of development projects either approved or on the drawing boards. Some have already reserved water use consumption permits. That means at this point the water that the village can produce is almost all gone. And because only 6 of the 8 wells are currently operating, the plant has a per day capacity of closer to 1 million gallons.


Development is stopped until the village can increase production. They somehow need to have at least another 2 million gallons per day. The village needs a second plant to be built. Construction costs are pegged at $45 to $60 million.


From the initial silence of the council, it didn’t seem that they were aware of this at the time they purchased the water plant. I think they had no idea that they would have to come up with this money to allow for further development. Now what do they do?


At Manager Kryzda’s request, they approved $150,000 for preliminary plans. The new plant will be located as close as possible to the existing plant since the infrastructure is all there. In the immediate aftermath they will also have to contend with the water quality in the wells, which is part of the existing plant improvements.


When they approved the initial purchase, did the village council have any idea that these problems would occur 2 1/2 years later. Every time we heard Council Member Hernandez boast how smart the past manager and council were to plunge ahead with buying the plant, was there any pause for reflection? Was more due diligence necessary? Or did they have the right consultants explaining the problems that would occur?


Despite all this, I still believe the village needed to buy the plant. It was the only course of action open to them so that these projects could be approved. The private owners of the plant would not spend the apparent close to $100 million needed to do the necessary work.


How this eventually turns out is now in the hands of the village with input from the right professionals to guide them. Apparently, this was far from the case previously. Kryzda has the experience of being able to navigate the village through this. Hopefully, the council listens to the advice.


You can find the engineer’s presentation here






Indiantown Latest News From The May 28, 2023 Edition


We will report on the May 25th meeting in the next edition.






Indiantown Latest News From The May 14, 2023 Edition




During public comments, a group of Indiantown marine business owners asked the council to join in their lawsuit against the Coast Guard, Floride East Coast Railroad, Army Corps and Brightline over the amount of time that the bridge will be down for the Brightline trains. The council decided to have a special meeting on May 4th to consider the question.


There was then a presentation on gated communities by Mark Freeman of Kolter Homes. Currently gated communities, while not prohibited, are highly discouraged in Indiantown’s comprehensive plan and LDRs. Connectivity is decidedly prized as illustrated in Chapter 6 of the LDRs: “Streets in proposed subdivisions shall be connected to rights of ways in adjacent areas to allow proper inter-neighborhood traffic flow by means of a collector street. “


A big proponent of allowing gated communities is Council Member DiPaolo. He believes that by easing their acceptance, Indiantown will have more opportunity to attract residents. Other council members want to take a slower approach. It appears from the presentation the largest benefit to the village would be that the streets would be privately maintained, and the developer could build a park but without the ability of the public at large to access it.

The most forceful speaker against the idea was Barbara Clowdus. She said it goes against the very principles of connection and inclusivity that the village residents hold dear. Many sections of the LDRs and comp plan would have to be changed to accommodate the inclusion of gated communities. Besides if a PUD was used (currently the LDRs only allow them on 50 acres or more according to Clowdus), all the same benefits of roads and parks could be included.


I don’t see how you can place gated communities in the middle of a city. Cities, by their very nature, need to be connected. That way all residents can intermingle. I personally believe it is a terrible idea within the current confines of Indiantown.


However, Indiantown will be expanding. As land is annexed into the village, that could be where gated communities go. If it is primarily rural, then no connectivity is lost. So, leave “urban” Indiantown as a city. But in land being annexed for development in rural Martin County or even within existing Indiantown boundaries where there are no current neighborhoods, let gated communities be allowed.


The council has decided to give the village residents time to send comments about updating the LDRs regarding this and other matters. Staff will make it known to the residents to send their suggestions to the village. The council will discuss the LDRs again at their second meeting in May.




The council met in special session regarding a lawsuit that has been filed by a group of marine businesses against the schedule that will be instituted once the current repairs are completed to the Stuart draw bridge. The Stuart drawbridge will then be open for 15 minutes per hour. They are claiming that it will impede navigation.

The council was asked to become a party to the suit on behalf of the plaintiffs against FEC, Brightline, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Dan Romence, president of Indiantown Marine Center, spoke to the council. I reached out to him, but he did not return my calls.


Village Attorney Wade Vose believed the case had legal merit. However, he also said that it was the staff’s recommendation not to become a plaintiff. As an alternative, he suggested that they pass a strong resolution supporting the plaintiffs’ claims.


When Romence spoke, he stated that the defendants were breaking a federal law by impeding navigation of the Okeechobee Waterway (St Lucie River). When the bridge is down the clearance is only 6 feet according to Mr. Romance precluding almost any boat from going underneath.


This is nothing new. We have known about the railroad’s plan to run 32 trains a day through Martin County for the past decade. Martin County settled a lawsuit against the railroad in 2018 after being defeated in court several times. While the facts are nothing new, these businesses are hoping that the courts will see the issue in a different light.


The council members all want to support the marine industries…as they should. They have often suggested that a billion dollars of business is generated, but I haven’t been able to verify it. It is still an important industry with great economic impact on Indiantown and Martin County.


A motion was made by Stone and seconded by Hernandez to adopt a resolution strongly endorsing the plaintiffs’ actions. It passed 5-0. You can find the resolution here




The council tackled the problem of whether to sell the site for the now-defunct municipal complex. It is located on Warfield Blvd right immediately over the bridge going into Indiantown. The village bought the property in 2020 for $1,450,000.


The appraisal update came in at $1,285,000 but because the deed restrictions which include no grocery store, gas station, or convenience store, the appraised value was revised to $1.1 million. Attorney Vose explained to the council that they could engage the services of a commercial broker or do it themselves through either a solicitation of offers such as a formal RFP or sealed bids.


Vice-Mayor Stone said that he didn’t want to sell the property because it would be a good place to have a new rescue station. Dipaolo believes it is worth $3.25 million at a minimum and would be good for a mixed-use development. Hernandez doesn’t want to sell it at all. She would like to use it for a community center.

Mayor Gibbs-Thomas wants to have a minimum price set. She said the money is needed for the water plant. Dipaolo made a motion for a minimum of $3.25 million using a real estate broker. It died for lack of a 2nd.


Hernandez then made a motion to sell and advertise with sealed bids, with a clause stating that the village could reject all offers. The motion was originally for a minimum at $1.45 million (the original sales price) but Stone, who would second the motion, said the minimum should be $1.65 million.


County Commissioner Jenkins spoke and said that the county needed an easement to place a MARTY stop with shelter. It was added to the amended motion. Then Vose said if it is the intention to have a bidding war, then sealed bids won’t encourage that since there is no matching of offers. At that point, Hernandez withdrew her motion.


During council discussion, Public Works & Utilities Director Patrick Nolan gave his opinion as to the value of the property. Why he stepped out of his role as staff and inserted himself into policy is beyond inappropriate. If I were the manager, I would have a talk with him and maybe even a letter of reprimand for his file.


Though the village may need the money for grant matches and a water plant, it still is not his place (nor for that matter his expertise) to express an opinion. If the village is ever going to professionalize, this type of staff conduct should not be tolerated.


In a highly unusual move and according to “Roberts” at the discretion of the chair, Dipaolo once again made his motion that had previously died for lack of a second to have a real estate broker hired and a minimum amount of $3.25 million as the price. This time Hernandez seconded, and it passed the council 5-0.


They then had a discussion that the broker be selected through the RFP process taking into consideration commission amount and marketing plan. That passed 5-0.


Could Dipaolo be a better appraiser than the professional? It would seem unlikely, but this is Indiantown where anything can happen. By the end of the summer, we should know if the village made more than twice their original investment.


Da Swamp’s application for the Memorial Day Weekend party has still not been deemed complete. According to staff, the sheriff’s detail has yet to be paid for.


The event sponsor said she had received the bill, but she had until May 17th to pay the $4,000 to the sheriff. The mayor and the sponsor seemed to be speaking past each other during what became a heated conversation. Special use permits are supposed to be submitted with everything no later than 60 days before the event. This gives time for staff review and the council’s approval.

Hernandez keeps bringing up that she puts on many events and doesn’t have to pay the sheriff ahead of time. She accused the mayor of being a micromanager and asked whether the organizer should bow down to her. The mayor was completely taken aback by Hernandez. Dipaolo said the outburst was embarrassing.


It certainly was. I was embarrassed watching it on video. The bottom line is the application should never have been accepted by village staff. It has nothing to do with customer friendly service. This entire episode has been a problem for the manager and her staff, the council, the sponsor, and the village. This could have all been avoided by just following the rules.






Indiantown Latest News From The Apr 23, 2023 Edition




Once again it is time for street parties and festivals in Indiantown.


This Memorial Day weekend, which encompasses Friday-Monday, “Da Swamp Homecoming Committee” wants to hold a festival in Booker Park. The area will be closed to traffic, and the park will be completely taken over by the event. There will be vendors, food, games, a DJ and more. The theme is a big family reunion for those people who live or have lived in the neighborhood.


So why was there so much dissension associated with this seemingly good idea?

If you look at the LDRs, the issuance of a special events permit is a lengthy process. The permit application submitted to the village states the organizers will have portable rest stations. There will be a bounce house, generators and 4 tents. Then why did staff want to move it from Booker Park to Timer Powers Park?


They are concerned about the closure of streets during the holiday weekend and taking over of the entire park including the recreational fields and areas during a holiday weekend. The organizers indicated that they will be using a private owner’s land for parking, but there is no written agreement confirming that plan. Also, there is only a screenshot of an insurance certificate and not one naming the village as additionally insured. It is very difficult to obtain adequate insurance coverage for bounce houses.


Lastly, until proof of insurance is provided, the sheriff cannot ask for deputies to volunteer to work the event according to staff. And how many deputies will be necessary for a crowd of 1500 people each day for the 2 days of the official festival?


Last year, no permit was issued because the requirements of the LDR were not met. Will the same occur this year? The council did vote to grant the permit last year once all conditions were met, but according to staff, the requirements were unfulfilled, so no permit was issued.  The unpermitted event was held anyway.


The council once again voted 4-0 to issue the permit if the conditions of insurance and parking are met. What occurs if that never happens? There will be no deputies. It is already very close to the event to find off duty deputies who want to work that weekend. If it is like last year, the show will go on without adequate security.


Does the manager pull the plug by calling the sheriff if the event occurs without a permit? What happens if there are cars on an owner’s property who did not give permission? Are they towed? This is all the kind of stuff that doesn’t help a situation that is already seen through a racial lens by many, including the organizers.


One couldn’t help noticing at the meeting that the speakers, and frankly some of the council members, were ready to make race a reason. That is too bad but because of the simmering undertones, it is unmistakable. If all is provided as required by the permit application, then fine. Right now, no one has asked the village to pick up any costs, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened. As an aside…how is payment for the deputies handled and what happens if the service is provided, and payment is not received?


I understand another festival is scheduled for the end of June at the same venue. The permit can be found here





Indiantown Latest News From The Apr 9, 2023 Edition


The next meeting will be April 13th.




Indiantown Latest News From The Mar 26, 2023 Edition




Before the meeting, Mayor Susan Gibbs-Thomas gave the “State of the Village” address.

This has been a tradition every year since incorporation. Gibbs-Thomas gave the first one 4 years ago at Indiantown Middle School’s cafeteria. It was a grand event. So much so that $10,000 was set aside to pay for this year’s.


The mayor gave this year’s speech 15 minutes before a regular council meeting. Guess what? It cost the village nothing. It was about 5 minutes long, and there was no formal written speech.


In about 5 minutes it was over. No wasting of taxpayer dollars. It wasn’t about making the mayor feel self-important. Nothing about how great staff is, village accomplishments, or for that matter any razzle dazzle.


The village saved $10,000. And perhaps this is the last one of these a mayor will have to give. I believe no one will miss them.


Grind Hard Ammo, a Stuart manufacturer of ammunition, is expanding to a new facility in Indiantown.  The 26,000 sq feet facility will make the primers for the ammunition made in Stuart. Currently, the priming caps are imported from Turkey.


There is a separate 800 sq foot magazine that will hold the finished product. The magazine is built to Department of Defense standards. In the unlikely occurrence of an explosion, it would be self-contained within the magazine vault.


There will be three shifts with a total of 95 to 100 employees. The starting pay is $17 per hour increasing with experience up to $35 per hour. The council members who toured the Stuart plant were very impressed. A total of $40 million will be invested to bring the facility online.


A motion was made by Dipaolo to approve and seconded by Hernandez in a 5-0 vote. You can find the presentation here


River Oaks, a 176 single family community, will be developed on 55 acres off SW Famel Blvd. and Fernwood Forrest Drive. The developer could put up to 640 units on the site but chose a more rural development in keeping with Indiantown’s character.

A neighboring community met with the developer and put its concerns in writing. The developer’s application met every single requirement of the code. They did agree with the neighbors’ recommendations except for one.


42% of the site will be open space. All drainage will remain on site. There will be three parks for residents.


In his presentations, the attorney for the developer outlined why the council had no choice but to vote yes. He cited the different parts of the code where the development complies. There are no exceptions that they needed.


I like this new way of attorneys spelling out why the board has no alternative but to approve. It isn’t as though the landowner is asking for anything more than what he is entitled to under the existing LDRs and comp plan. In the past, the style has been more about asking for a favor from councils. We saw this citing of statute and codes at the last Stuart meeting also.


Dipaolo made a motion to approve with three conditions from the developer and neighbors’ discussions. It was seconded by Stone and passed 5-0. You can see the presentation here


Connecting to water and sewer became a bargain because of a grant that Indiantown received. The price will be $4290 per ERC. That is probably the cheapest amount around.


Council members in Indiantown believe that all they need to do is shout “motion” and magically it is good enough for everyone to know what they mean. Are they motioning for an approval or a denial or something else? No way to tell.


A properly made motion should say what the maker is putting into it. For instance, “I move Ordinance #0000 for approval” or “I move that we approve this item with staff’s recommendation.” Then it should be seconded. The chair then repeats the motion with the name of the motion maker and the second so that they can agree with what is heard. That way the clerk and the public have a clear idea as to what the intent is.




Congrats to Manager Kryzda and the council for having such a well-run and controlled meeting. This is the way all government meetings should be conducted.

During comments, Carmine Dipaolo mentioned that he would like to see the LDRs updated. He specifically mentioned the prohibition on gated communities which he said needed to be amended.


Gated communities are tricky. Once developments have separations between themselves and the outside, it does not foster a sense of community with the surrounding neighborhoods. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for them in more rural areas of Indiantown.


Cohesiveness within the urban village would demand public access roads for everyone. As Indiantown develops on farmland and ranchland, there is a place for gates. Indiantown needs to think about whether it wants to be an urban town or a series of subdivisions or both and where within its boundaries as soon as possible.


Subdivisions are not neighborhoods. They are places people live without schools, stores, or offices within their boundaries. By their very nature, they have one or two demographic characteristics. Different socio-economic groups do not mix. To paraphrase a song from “West Side Story,” people stick to their own kind.


That is why it is important for the residents to understand what they want Indiantown to be. They should go into their future with eyes wide open.


Kryzda will bring back an agenda item on this.


There was a brief discussion about selling the 4.9-acre site purchased in 2020 by the town for their village hall complex. The site is located on Warfield Blvd. It seems the new council majority is no longer interested in building a complex as was originally contemplated. The money tied up in the land could be used for more pressing needs according to some on the council.


Kryzda asked for permission to update the appraisals that were done when the village bought the property. Dipaolo didn’t think there was a need to spend money. He wanted to just place a high price on the parcel and see what happens. Gibbs-Thomas thought (I believe rightly) before anything, the village should have the knowledge of what the properties are now worth.


Perez who had requested the item made the motion to obtain the updates which would cost about $1600 each. Dipaolo seconded. The vote was 3-2 with Stone and Hernandez voting no.


On second reading, the council voted to have the price to hook up to the village’s water utility be $4290.00 for the next 18 months. I believe that would make Indiantown the least expensive hookup in the county.







Indiantown Latest News From The Mar 12, 2023 Edition




During council comments, Council Member Perez wanted to cancel the March 4th special meeting regarding selection of a new manager. Both Dipaolo and Perez believe that the village needs to get through the negotiations with FPL before tackling the permanent manager position.


Hernandez thought the meeting should be postponed to a date certain and Stone believed that the meeting should go forward. Dipaolo made the motion to cancel the meeting and it was seconded by Perez. It passed 3-2 with Stone and Hernandez dissenting.


Is it time to take away “interim” from in front of Kryzda’s title? There seems little doubt that three of the council would vote for that right now and two will never do so. Should the mayor speak to Kryzda and see if she is interested in being named permanent and then provide a contract for two years?


It will take two years to put the village on the right track. Though she has authority to act as the manager, it would seem to me there is a certainty that a permanent title brings so that whatever action she takes with staff, developers, village residents, and everyone else would be seen as more authoritative.


Terra Lago Phase 1B was approved unanimously. It will have 410 single-family homes, 174 townhouses, two pocket parks including pickleball, volleyball, and soccer fields open to the public. There will be nature trails and bicycle paths all for public use. The 130-acre site will have a 12-acre community center, pool, and recreational facilities. This will be for residents only.

This is the beginning of what will be the transformation of the village from a sleepy little burg to a more populous destination. Development like this, which will bring roughly 2000 residents, will make a huge difference to the economy of the village. It will also serve to increase ad valorum revenue resulting in less dependence on FPL.


It is great that Indiantown is moving in this direction, but it needs to be careful that sprawl is not the result as they proceed with other projects. There is much open land but the last thing that should occur is a waste of a precious resource. Indiantown should become an urban center not a name for a vast sea of strip malls, single-family homes, and endless streets. The more open land one can keep, the better for the environment.


You can find the presentation here


Finally, the council has recognized that the people, who spoke through voting, want to have the council in charge of personnel policy. The last council gave more and more of that authority to the manager which maybe wasn’t technically in violation of the people’s wishes but broke the spirit of the charter. The vote was 5-0 to change the code to reflect the charter.


Scott Watson, Indiantown Marina owner, was finally successful in having the codes changed to in his words “give him back rights he had under Martin County”. It took several attempts, and he had hired an attorney to assist him in doing so. The bill came to $35,850. He is looking for reimbursement.

Dipaolo asked Attorney Vose whether Watson would prevail in a lawsuit If the council did not approve reimbursing the money. Vose, being an attorney, gave an answer that was neither yes nor no. He believes that because of the circumstances of a change in the law when this was happening, Watson under the law would not prevail. However, once in a court room you never know how a judge would rule. It was a certainty that the amount of time that staff would need to devote to this would end up costing the village more than the sum being requested.


The council voted to give him the money.


Apparently, there is a new voting rule in place in Indiantown. If a motion is made or seconded, it is assumed that the council person has affirmatively voted for the motion. Where did that rule come from?


I looked under Robert’s Rules of Order and could find it nowhere. I also looked at Martin County’s own procedures and did not find it. That goes for Stuart also.

It is not unheard of that someone will make a motion or second one and then vote against the motion after hearing the discussion. Discussion is not supposed to occur until there is a motion on the floor. I don’t know where this “rule” came from, but it isn’t anywhere in the rules book.


There were two instances at this meeting where a 3-2 vote was recoded, Dipaolo and Perez were the motion maker and the second at this meeting. When the roll was called the clerk automatically recorded their vote affirmatively but did not call their names. I do not think the outcome would be different, but in my opinion the vote could be challenged.


How about just allow all council people to cast their votes without automatically assuming a yes because a council member seconded a motion to bring it to the floor or made a motion. Elected officials are supposed to keep an open mind during deliberations, and there is supposed to be a motion to begin to deliberate.







Indiantown Latest News From The Feb 26, 2023 Edition




The controversy over the village manager continues.


Finding a new one has become the only thing that matters for Council Members Stone & Hernandez. Not how the village functions or finding the right employees for critical positions. It is all about replacing Kryzda as interim manager. Move over Captain Ahab…the search for the Indiantown “white whale” is in their sights.

For those two, the former manager took on mythic proportions. He was both a savior and a mentor…the alpha and omega. While I don’t think that Brown was a disaster as a manger, he wasn’t the greatest either. Once the majority on the council changed, Harold Brown was not going to remain for long.


Both Hernandez and Stone need to relax and realize that, right now, the village has a consummate professional in Taryn Kryzda. No one is more connected in Martin County and beyond as she is. At this meeting, Kevin Powers said everyone needed to take a deep breath and get through the next several months without this constant tension regarding the selection of the permanent manager, and he hit it right on the head.


To some, it may seem that Kryzda was rammed through, and to an extent she was. But who better to select than the former longest-tenured Martin County administrator? In the negotiations with the county over impact fees, the mobility fee, and other matters, most of the county people sitting across from her she knows and that can be valuable to Indiantown. Further echoing Powers…who better to renegotiate the agreement with FPL than the person that negotiated the original one for Martin County?


There are many things that need to be fixed in Indiantown’s government. Kryzda has the know-how to do it. She also has the confidence of Gibbs-Thomas, Dipaolo, and Perez which constitutes the council majority. Taryn is not giving anyone an ultimatum to find someone by a certain time. She can be in it for the long haul if necessary.


Most Martin County leaders trust her. She is a known quantity to many more. Let her spend the time necessary to bring good government to Indiantown. Taryn Kryzda can accomplish that. She can be more than a caretaker for a few months if the council would just ask and then accept her guidance.





Indiantown Latest News From The Feb 12, 2023 Edition


The last meeting was February 9th. It will be covered in our next edition.






Indiantown Latest News From The Jan. 29, 2023 Edition




I am wondering if Taryn Kryzda is thinking what she has gotten herself into with her appointment as the interim manager. The sniping began with member comments and never let up.

Council Member Hernandez stated that former clerk Susan Owens was no longer at the village. While not mentioning him by name, Hernandez was incensed that Council Member Dipaolo had gone after Owens at the last meeting for allowing the laptop of former Village Manager Brown’s to be wiped clean.


Hernandez, in tears, went on to say that when Owens began working for the Village, nothing had been set up. She had to do everything from scratch. There were no departments. In her opinion, everybody was doing a great job. She wants it clearly understood that council members should interact with the manager alone and not employees.


When it was Vice-Mayor Stone’s turn to comment, he claimed that Kryzda had not contacted him since she was hired. He then mentioned that Commissioner Jenkins had said that Kryzda was the “best” which came across as an accusation as to Jenkins’ representation. Kryzda explained that she hadn’t been given her village phone until late in the week. But that she was at the village offices and easy enough to fine. Stone even brought Attorney Vose into it by asking whether it was customary for a new manger to contact commissioners.

Guyton Stone

He insinuated that Kryzda had fired Owens which she refuted. Kryzda stated that Owens had resigned on Tuesday. She went on to say that it was not unusual for employees to leave when a new council or a new manager take over. Stone and Hernandez wanted some assurance that other employees would not be gone. Kryzda said it was the manager’s prerogative to hire and fire.  Vose backed up Kryzda by stating that the charter spells out her duties and that of the council.


Stone wants to have an agenda item to discuss how to hire a permanent manager for the next meeting. They were already scheduled to discuss convening a special workshop at the last meeting in February. They will now have two items on the agenda a meeting apart.


Dipaolo had no problem speaking to Kryzda by just going to her office. As a matter of personal policy, Kryzda does have an open door for anyone to drop by she stated. She also wants regularly scheduled meetings with her council members.


When it was Kryzda’s turn for comments, she said that she had met with department heads and some residents, gone through personnel files, and had spent time familiarizing herself with the roles and responsibilities of employees within the Village. She thought that Owens was wearing too many hats which included HR as well as administration. Things were slipping through the cracks. Kryzda did not think that policies and procedures had been well defined for the village hall.


When it came time to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Stone wanted to include that Dipaolo had said that he wished that he could fire Owens. Stone wanted the entire recording of the matter transcribed and included. Vose reminded Stone that if it were transcribed, it would be on the internet. A motion was made by Stone and seconded by Hernadez to have Dipaolo’s one statement included in the minutes.


I don’t quite understand Hernandez and Stone’s reluctance to work with Kryzda. If anything, they should be glad to have someone who knows and understands local resources.  For example, she was able to have the Martin County Clerk of the Court step in temporarily because of Owen’s resignation. The only people who can hurt the two council members are the voters. And this petulant attitude of theirs is not doing them any good.


There may have been residents who thought Brown shouldn’t have left. Once the council changed after the last election, it became inevitable. Owens was his deputy. Any chance she had of remaining in my opinion was over once the laptop was erased at her instruction.


Perhaps there are other things that will come to light regarding how the village ran under Brown, but now is the time to heal. Kryzda can bring a semblance of order and professionalism that has been lacking. And it does need it. She can institute best practices.  Everyone on the council should sit back and allow her to do so without thinking or attempting to show that Kryzda is the enemy.


The voters wanted these changes otherwise Clarke and Dowling would have retained their seats. If Stone and Hernandez do not want to suffer the same fate, they should embrace what the voters said loud and clear. They must change direction or be out of a job.




Indiantown Latest News From The Jan. 15, 2023 Edition




Picking a new manager, even an interim one, is probably the most consequential act that a local government council performs. Doing so in the Village of Indiantown is even more important.


With the abrupt resignation of Howard Brown (though his leaving was anticipated because of the results of the last election), it became more critical to find someone to guide the government. It was apparent from the outset that Susan Owens could not be that interim person. Her failure with securing Brown’s laptop (more on that later) and the chaotic non-process of how to go about picking an interim manager disqualified her in some council members’ minds.


The chaotic non-process of picking an interim was evident in the fact that each council member was left to their own devices on scheduling interviews with candidates, formulating questions to ask them, what criteria to apply, how to check references and resumes, and in general the orderly and necessary steps for completing a recruitment process. They could not possible have selected anyone last night unless that person was a known entity.

At the last meeting, old Martin County hands Paul Nicoletti and Dan Hudson were either not available or chose not to come in unless all council members agreed. If nothing else, they could have assisted in defining the orderly process for choosing an interim or a permanent manager.


There were 14 resumes including Taryn Kryzda, the longest serving retired Martin County Administrator. Her application was filed late after the December 29th deadline because she had to wait until January 1st due to pension rules. Including her as an applicant was the first test of the evening.


Both Stone and Hernandez spoke of transparency and fairness. They believed that Kryzda being in the mix was wrong. Dipaolo thought the interim would be important because of the tax agreement with FPL and coming to terms with the county over the mobility fee.

A motion was made by Dipaolo and seconded by Perez to include Kryzda as a possible interim manager. It passed 3-2 with Stone and Hernandez voting no.


Dipaolo then thanked all the other applicants for applying. He said they should apply for the permanent position in the future. He then went on to nominate Kryzda as the interim manager and it was seconded by Perez.


County Commissioner Jenkins then spoke and stated that the past four years had been a wasted opportunity to work with Martin County. He was waiting to be their liaison with the county. Jenkins went on to say that Kryzda knows everything about government.


Stone once again stated that there was a lack of transparency. Unfortunately, a heckler from the audience made a remark that was inappropriate. Stone claimed that he was intimidated by him and asked the deputies to remove him.


Mayor Gibbs-Thomas smartly and correctly called a ten-minute recess. The audience member’s outburst hardly rose to the extent necessary to be removed. It would be better if audience members kept their comments to the appropriate place in meetings.

When the meeting resumed Hernandez reiterated Stone’s transparency arguments. She ended her reasons by saying that she didn’t have the words to express herself regarding the inclusion of Kryzda because she was so upset. Then Angelina Perez asked Stone how many applicants he had interviewed. He said it didn’t matter. Transparency was his watchword.


Gibbs-Thomas then echoed the views of Dipaolo and Perez. Dipaolo stated there was an election and he and Perez had won, and Gibbs-Thomas was returned to office because the voters wanted a different direction. He again promised to deliver.


The vote to make Kryzda manager was 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone voting in dissent.


There was a brief questioning period with Kryzda. Hernandez brought up that she hoped Kryzda would treat all equally during staff evaluations. You could hear the room groan because once again she was playing the race card.


I have known Kryzda for more than a decade and she is color blind. Her husband grew up in Mexico City. This constant harping on race and ethnicity does not serve Hernandez well. The last election was not a repudiation of incumbents because of race and ethnicity but rather because of competency and direction. She again fails to see that Perez, another Hispanic, was elected as one of those game changers.


Kryzda will start immediately at $12,500 per month…the same as Brown with other terms to be fleshed out with the village attorney. The vote for that was thankfully 5-0.


Then came what should be dubbed “computergate.”

Upon Howard Brown’s resignation, the clerk collected his keys, badge, cell phone, and laptop. Almost immediately the laptop was turned over to Blue Stream by Susan Owens, the clerk. Blue Stream, which acts as the village’s IT consultant, was told to “wipe” the computer clean which they did. It was not backed up nor did anyone look at the data on the device.


DiPaola had representatives from Blue Stream at the meeting and asked questions about who told them to do it. He also interrogated the clerk. As the keeper of public records and as a certified clerk, Owens should have known better. Public records laws could have been broken.


Though the contents were restored to some extent, Blue Stream can’t state that it was 100% of the data. Was anything automatically backed up to the village? What is the policy for doing so?


Council Member Stone lost his laptop while on a Delta Flight. He refused to answer DiPaolo’s questions as to the date this occurred and when it was reported to the village. Did he lose it on purpose because of documents it contained? Why are computers given to council members if they are not backed up?


Ms. Owens does not appear to have maintained records according to the law. In general, it appears that the village during Brown’s tenure was a free-flowing affair without benefit of any checks or internal controls. I hope that Kryzda will immediately begin instituting more formal policies.


She also will need to make sure that elected officials and staff understand their roles. What each should be doing is not always adhered to presently.





Indiantown Latest News From The Dec. 18, 2022 Edition



Politics has become a rougher business in the past decade.


It started at the national level and has gone right downhill to encompass local government. Councilmember Dipaolo a few meetings back mentioned a letter that was sent by an anonymous source to the village when he was running last summer. He was incensed that it had been sent.

The letter clearly is a hit job. It is full of invective and aspersions that had nothing whatsoever to do with his ability to be on the council. I usually ask for public records which I include in my reporting to you. I am not going to do that here because it serves no purpose except to malign the guy.


The letter states he was a deputy for 30 years which is true, and he calls himself the “Sheriff of Indiantown.” A little political puffery though he was assigned there for a good portion of his career. It wasn’t as if he said he was Sheriff Snyder’s right-hand man. The rest of the letter was about a supposed contentious divorce. None of which should have any bearing on whether he is fit to be elected.


Dipaolo racked up a 20-point win over his opponent Anthony Dowling. Apparently, a majority of voters felt that Carmine Dipaolo was the right person for the job. And if the letter writer had anything to back up his claim, he would have written a letter to TC Palm, or this publication or even posted to Facebook with his name attached instead of doing so  anonymously.


Dipaolo may turn out to be a good, elected official. He has the capability. He must also have supporters across racial and ethnic lines to have won by such a large margin.


He sometimes comes across as being confrontational. This was demonstrated during public comment at the December 8th meeting when a speaker used strong words to convey disappointment at Brown leaving, and Dipaolo asked if that was a threat. No council member should say anything during public comment. That is the public’s chance to speak.


Dipaolo is no longer in law enforcement. Being an elected official demands a different skill set. Carmine can develop into a real leader in Indiantown for all segments. I hope that he does just that.


Technically Howard Brown will depart the Village of Indiantown as of January 31st.

Howard Brown

Last night at a packed council meeting, Mr. Brown offered his resignation which includes staying on to help with the transition until January 31st, receiving his severance as outlined in his agreement, mutual releases, and medical insurance. The council voted unanimously to accept.


Those are the facts. But Brown’s demise after four years was a long time coming. The oust Brown movement received impetus with the overwhelming election of new council members Carmine Dipaolo and Angelina Perez over Anthony Dowling and Jackie Clarke earlier this year. The Brown majority council was swept from office and the writing was on the wall.


Was Howard Brown the manager from hell as portrayed by some? Or was he the consummate professional, others believed he was. I think the truth lies somewhere in between. Brown’s tenure showed a village with deep racial and ethnic divides some would say. Other believe there is no animosity between groups only the fermenting of dissension caused by Brown himself.


At the same time, the old Indiantown power structure felt left out of the governing of the village. Most of the power structure owns businesses and land there but are not residents and therefore not voters. They were the ones who paid for the studies and used their political muscle in Tallahassee to have the village created. In my view, many of them projected onto Brown the then-council’s desire to call their own shots free of the past.


There was a speaker that “hypothetically” spoke about Howard Brown’s ethics and business dealings. I don’t know whether true or not, but if there is wrongdoing it should be reported to law enforcement.


Brown may have become too involved and was identified with the last council’s politics of the Dowling and Clarke joined by Stone, and Hernandez faction. Susan Gibbs-Thomas, always the outsider, was not part of this.


Brown’s ouster has become fraught with racial overtones. One speaker at the meeting said that his demise was because some can’t stand to see a Black man in a position of power. Voicing such a sentiment is also part of the Brown legacy.


Council member Hernandez has become quite adept at wearing the minority badge when outvoted. She completely ignores the fact that Angelina Perez who is often on the other side of an issue and beat Clarke, is Hispanic. Is Hernandez more Hispanic than Perez?


This past election should not be looked at as a vote on race but rather a referendum on competency and vision. The council members who were defeated happened to be Black. They had a much more expansive view of Indiantown government and were adamant supporters of Brown. That viewpoint was not shared with the voting majority as seen by the overwhelming election of both Dipaolo and Perez.


Brown benefits from running a larger government. Clarke, Dowling, and Hernandez want just that. Stone has been smart enough to be in that camp but not be as vocal about it or race.


What comes next will be crucial. It is not apparent that the new council wants smaller government. Just look at another motion by Dipaolo to spend $26,000 which is unbudgeted on 20-minute fireworks display at an Independence Day celebration. It was passed 4-1 by the council with Stone voting no not because of the money but because the event date is July 1st instead of the 4th. He said he was even willing to spend more to have it then.


Whoever comes next to fill Brown’s shoes not only needs to be a competent administrator but someone who can bridge the now-strained relations between the ethnic and racial communities. The first government employees were all Stuart retreads. I knew them all and no group of individuals was more competent in government. But they were thought of as outsiders by the council and the community except for the old power structure who embraced them.


If the council again attempts to bring a manger perceived that way, the village could be permanently divided. No manager will be successful until the council decides what direction they want to go with the full buy-in of the residents. It cannot be selective based on whose proposal it is but needs to conform to a governing philosophy.


Another speaker last night said that the council should beware in what they sow by accepting Brown’s resignation. Brown was not a martyr nor a savior. He was a manager that had a good run and is leaving. Indiantown should not make the same mistakes as they have in the past when choosing his replacement.


You can see the resignation letter, separation agreement, and original employment agreement here



The purpose of the meeting was to select an interim manager and begin the process of finding a permanent one.


At their weekly meeting, department heads discussed which of them should be the interim manager from internal candidates. At the last council meeting, Susan Owens was named interim until this special council meeting could be held to determine who the interim manager would be.

Mayor Gibbs-Thomas asked staff to consider who among the existing department heads they would like to see. They named Parks Director Debbie Resos.  Her resume can be found here


Vice-Mayor Stone stated that by the mayor going directly to staff, she was attempting to go behind the rest of the council’s back and that she should apologize. Gibbs-Thomas stated that she made a request of staff just like any other member could. This was backed up by the village attorney.


Stone then wanted Paul Nicoletti to be contacted to see if he was interested in the open position. He had been the first attorney for the village and is the current magistrate. (Paul was Stuart City Manager for several years.)


Hernandez concurred with that. She stated the village should not pick Resos since she had no experience, and they could not afford to trust someone that had not been a manager before. By that reasoning then Owens should not be interim either. Perez also said they need someone with experience.


It was noted that ICMA has an interim manager list.


Dipaolo asked the clerk what had happened to Howard Brown’s laptop. She said she had brought it to Blue Stream and that it was accidently scrubbed. Dipaolo then said why had she taken it to Blue Stream and allowed them to scrub it. Owens answered it was a mistake. She also said she spoke to Brown and all his work was on the village system so nothing should be lost. Dipaolo left it at that. The conversation must have a deeper meaning. It was not relevant to the subject under discussion.


Councilmember Dipaolo also said that they need to move quickly. He believed that the village was getting ready to be sued for failure to issue permits in a timely manner. Dipaolo said he had complete trust in Resos. A motion was made by him for Resos to be interim manager that died for a lack of a second.


Stone made a motion to bring Nicoletti in for an interview. It was asked if anyone had spoken to him. Before seconding the motion, Hernandez said she had spoken with him and that he was willing. Perez asked why can’t others also apply? Hernandez’s response was it can’t wait and that Nicoletti was willing to help.

After more discussion, Perez asked Owens if she wanted to stay as interim and she said yes. During the discussion about Nicoletti it was also stated that it was a different village now than in the past. The motion failed 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone voting in favor.


Perez then made a motion that they solicit interim candidates with resumes to be received by December 29th and an agenda item added to the January 12th meeting. Owens would remain interim until then. The motion passed 3-2 with Dipaolo and Gibbs-Thomas voting no.


To fill the permanent position, Hernandez wanted to use CCMA as they had last time. Dipaolo responded that he believed you get what you pay for. Hernandez wanted to know where the money was coming from if an outside firm was used and asked if they take it from the $26,000, they had voted to spend for July 4th fireworks.


Thomas prefers a headhunter to keep it more businesslike. She also asked that they have an update from the finance director on where possible funds can be found for a headhunter at the January 12th meeting.


Stone made a motion to use CCMA that was seconded by Hernandez. That failed 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone voting yes. It was then decided by consensus that an item be brought back on the January 12th agenda about how to recruit a permanent manager.


If you are looking to be the interim manager, contact the clerk was the message they wanted to get out.


Indiantown Latest News From The Dec. 4, 2022 Edition


The next meeting will be December 8, 2022





Indiantown Latest News From The Nov. 20, 2022 Edition




The Commission finished appointing their PZAB members. They are as follows:


Carmine Dipaolo – Scott Watson

Janet Hernandez – Renita Presler

Angelina Perez – Daniel Sehayik

Guyton Stone – Milton Williams

Mayor Susan Gibbs Thomas – Karen Onsager


And for the at large positions:


Janet Hernandez nominated Vernestine Palmer

Angelina Perez nominated Christa Miley


Both of which were unanimously approved.


Good luck board members.


The council extended Nue Urban Concepts contract with no additional payments while the negotiations go on with the county regarding a reduction in county impact fees. The village is proposing to charge a mobility fee which allows for more than just roads.

The village should be able to negotiate a deal like Stuart’s. That would be a 50% reduction in fees. Yet unlike Stuart where there are very few new roads to be built, Indiantown needs many. It will be interesting to see what is developed.


The council approved more that $12 million in loans from SRF for the water plant to be used to upgrade the drinking water. 65% will be forgiven once everything is complete. The council pledged the money collected by the utility for repayment.


Later in the evening, they approved an $18 million grant to upgrade wastewater systems. They had earlier secured SRF loans to further upgrade the treatment plant into a modern system. So far so good with this.


The only contentious issue was once again the matter of reading letters and email in the meetings. Whether or not public comment should be made only in person was the crux of the matter. In almost every government, the answer is no emails and letters are not read. During Covid, procedures were relaxed. Should this be continued after the pandemic?

Hernandez made a motion to allow the reading of written letters and emails into the record. Stone seconded the motion with the caveat that it had to be signed, include an email address and/or phone number, and whether the person was a village resident.


After discussion, Hernandez withdrew the motion when she saw there wasn’t majority support. Then Dipaolo made a motion that if a letter was sent with an address and name attached, then it should be posted on the village website and not read at the meeting. Perez seconded it and it passed 5-0.


Every document received by anyone in Indiantown government is a public record. Every text, drawing, e-mail, scribble, or Facebook post is a public record. The reason for public comment at a meeting is to ensure that all are heard by the council. Does it mean more when you come in person and speak? It would to me.


But as a public official, I would also consider anything a voter communicated to me regardless of how I was given the information. This entire distinction between on the record or not means anything. Reading a letter into the record means nothing. The point of public comment is to make sure the public is heard. And it doesn’t matter how that is done.







Indiantown Latest News From The Nov. 13, 2022 Edition


The November 10th meeting I think has been cancelled due to the storm.






Indiantown Latest News From The Oct 16, 2022 Edition




There is a persistent problem the council has except for the mayor. The council does not speak into their mics. Why have a recorded meeting if you cannot hear what is being said. There cannot be transparency if you cannot hear what is being said. The clerk should make sure the council is speaking directly into their mics for the benefit of the public.


Hernandez was appointed to be the alternate to the Regional League of Treasure Coast Cities.


Currently you are not permitted to have a fence around a vacant lot. If you have a home on a lot, you may have a 4-foot fence in the front and then a six-foot fence from the house to the back of the property. Mr. Dipaolo proposed that you be allowed to have a fence on vacant parcels, but it be chain link so that you can see inside the lot.

During discussion, Mayor Gibbs-Thomas brought up the fact that you were allowed to have a fence under the county rules. She said that the council had promised residents that they would only give residents better code not take away things they had had before incorporation.


Stone wanted to have a ballot initiative. Gibbs-Thomas shot back that is why the council was elected. Charter initiatives should be on the ballot not LDRs. Dipaolo made a motion to have a 6 ft fence of opaque material around the entire lot. It was seconded by Hernandez. It passed 5-0


The LPA at the council’s direction looked at terms and qualifications for sitting on that board. The council had made changes that business owners would be eligible, and the terms would run for the appointees the same as the council member that appointed them.


The LPA had three recommendations. One that during the year a member could only recuse themselves twice instead of the current four times. That 5 members be residents and two could be nonresident business owners and that the businesses have a physical presence within the village.


Dipaolo said that he didn’t want to see any language about limiting recusals for board members. During public comment Scott Watson thought that even if you recuse yourself because it was your property or business you should still be able to participate in discussion to make sure people understood. Like Dipaolo Gibbs-Thomas also wants to do away with the recusal part. Both want no restrictions on non-resident participation.


It was stated by many that the board needed those non-residents because they possessed some sort of expertise that a resident would not. The very nature of citizen boards is because you want residents to make decisions. It is not an expert board but a citizen board.

Dipaolo made a motion to move with the changes that the council wanted from the last meeting with the addition of removing from the code about the number of recusals allowed. It passed 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone dissenting.


In the future when the council can stack this board with their non-resident experts, I hope they take their advice. The council didn’t go with one recommendation of the current board. The council did not think of them as expert enough to give them advice.


A quick discussion was held regarding the mobility fee. Both Gibbs-Thomas and Dipaolo did not want to take a controversial approach with the county. North Palm Beach did, and it ended in court. County Commissioner Jenkins, who was in the audience, spoke up saying negotiation is the way to go.


That was the direction the council gave staff. Gibbs-Thomas mentioned Stuart as an example of a negotiated fee with the county. Brown and Vose stated the city was in negotiation with the county. I verified with Stuart Manager Dyess that there has been a MOU with Martin County since 2019 and there is nothing pending.


The only thing to remember is that Stuart is a municipality that is almost all built out. There doesn’t seem to be anyplace for new roads within city limits. Indiantown’s deal would probably be a bit different.




Indiantown Latest News From The Oct 9, 2022 Edition




Without discussion or questions, the budget was passed unanimously.


The final millage rate was 1.6304. You can see the final budget presentation here


Mayor Gibbs-Thomas wanted to end the practice of reading emails into the “record” during public comment. A vote was taken, and it passed 3-2. Both Hernandez and Stone were against the change in the policy. They were passionate in their defense of the practice.

However, the majority believe that if a citizen has something to say, they should come to the council meeting. The reading of an email by the clerk has no real impact on the council. It just allows the person drafting the email to feel as if they did something without expending too much effort. Further, how can the source of the email be confirmed and who sent it?


No one mentioned this, but every email sent is in the public record. It does not have to be “read” into the record. Hernandez decided to read the email during her comments. All that did was visibly annoy her three colleagues. Stone asked for an item to come back to discuss this new policy.


I wish all commissioners, especially Stone, would speak into the mics so that those listening to the meeting have the full advantage of hearing what is being said. I would recommend that the presenters come and do their presentations in person also. If it is important enough to place on the agenda, the company that has or is trying to have a contract with the village should make that effort. A remote voice speaking in the background during a power point presentation is not nearly as effective.


A Zoom presentation was given regarding the mobility fee by NUE Concepts, the village’s consultant. An impact fees for roads does not include intermodal transportation such as sidewalks, bike paths, or mass transit. The county has a fee that it will impose on new village projects. It does not need to spend the money collected within the village but within a designated area.

The concept of such a mobility fee is a good one. That is not in dispute. Jonathan Paul of Nue gives four alternatives:


  • Include projects outside the village and adopt a policy unilaterally doing away with Martin County’s Road impact fees.
  • Negotiate a share of the fee with the county through negotiation. At the same time, play hardball and do not collect the county’s fees when issuing permits.
  • The village implements a fee, and the county keeps the fee.
  • The village adopts no fee.


If the village goes with the first option, it is almost certain they will end up in court. Palm Beach Gardens, one of the consultant’s clients, did and so far, have lost. The village can obviously always follow the first half of item 2 and not immediately go to war. The last two options are very doable but option 3 makes development expensive and option four will increase costs, not to the development that is causing the expense, but to the village.


I believe it would be more important to bring the county in early and negotiate their fee and responsibilities. It will turn out to be much more productive than what happened with the fire/rescue debacle. You can see the presentation here


Perez asked that last meeting’s motion regarding the qualifications for the PZA board be reconsidered. She had voted to have only residents as members. She now wished to bring back a motion to have those with businesses in the city also be eligible. Gibbs-Thomas and Dipaolo had voted to have business owners as part of the board at that meeting.


Hernandez said that she believed that only residents should be on the village’s boards. She recited a long list of municipalities, including their populations, that follow that prescription. Gibbs-Thomas stated that she could find an equal number of towns that would support her position. Stuart allows property owners to be on their advisory boards.


I agree with Hernandez. I think that you should live within the municipal boundaries to be a council member as well as a board member. While business owners may have a stake in the village, it is different from a resident. A business owner may vote one way because it is good for the business, but that doesn’t mean it is good for someone who lives in the village.


On reconsideration, the motion passed 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone dissenting.


Two years ago, Hernandez made a statement that council members should rotate on the boards they sit. She and her majority of Clarke, Dowling, and Stone then proceeded to remove Gibbs-Thomas from her League of Treasure Coast Cities board seat. She was not only a board member but 2nd VP at the time plus the Treasure Coast representative on the board of the Florida League of Cities.

Now it was Gibbs-Thomas turn to say the same thing to Hernandez and Stone. Hernandez was removed from her position as Indiantown’s representative to the local league and Perez was her replacement. The council removed Stone from his place on the BDB and put Dipaolo in his place.


Stone had self-nominated to go to the National League of Cities conference in Kansas City, costing $3200. Like Perez going to Elected Municipal Official (EMO) discussed at the last meeting, the village had already paid for some of it. Unlike the EMO training, which is a valuable learning experience, the national conference is a junket…especially for a city the size of Indiantown where the large cities of New York, Miami, Chicago predominate.


I have quite a bit of experience with the league. Attending one of the league classes in the state is a valuable experience for the elected official and for his city. I was very involved with the state league as a board member, on the advocacy committee, and on other committees. I went to Washington to advocate for city issues and Stuart’s wellbeing. What I never did was go to the national conference.


This council keeps conflating education and advocacy with junkets. Most educational courses can be done within the state. One council member should specialize in advocacy and be part of the local league’s team. They will be trained and then they will go to Tallahassee to advocate for issues outlined by the league. In some cases, the league will pick up the member’s expenses.


In my experience, for a city the size of Indiantown, the only conference worth attending is the state conference. And that doesn’t mean the entire council attends…only one and perhaps two members for one or two nights at most.


It was a 3/2 vote to send Stone.


There is $7000 in the budget for council travel and education. They have now spent about 2/3 of the money for the year on two council members. What are they going to do for the next 11 months and the other council members?





Indiantown Latest News From The Sept 18, 2022 Edition




The election is over, and the three commissioners were sworn into office for their new terms. Rich, Collins, and Clarke assumed their positions on the dais. Vice-Mayor McDonald became mayor and a number of presentations followed.


Collins pushed for a discussion item being entertained in October about a city-wide ZIP. McDonald wanted to have it in a workshop forum, but Collins insisted that it be in a regular meeting. The mayor was attempting to expedite Collins’ request because that item will inevitably result in a broader discussion that will probably entail a workshop.


I don’t believe what Collins wants can be done. To have a Zoning-in-Progress, the commission must be actively working on changing a particular section of code and has a limited time to accomplish it. That must be all agreed upon and stand up to any court challenges. Collins’ reasoning that “We need a break” is not a reason.

Every controversial development approval I have been involved with has been because of the landowner or developer has asked for more than they are entitled to under the code. In those circumstances if the commissioner doesn’t believe it is good policy to grant the exception, then they vote no. There needs to be no ZIP in place.


Currently, I have heard of no change in code that Collins wants to accomplish that can be studied under a ZIP. Before just coming out with ideas at meetings in response to something he may have heard, he should work with staff to see if they can help him articulate his vision in a way that will work within the government parameters.


Jacqui May, grants coordinator, gave a wonderful presentation. In the past five years, the city has been awarded over $5 million in grants. You can see her presentation here


The budget, millage and fire assessment passed 5-0. You can view the budget here


City Attorney Mike Mortell gave a history on the Kanner PUD. It was concise and brief and outlined everything to date. The appeal of the administrative law judge’s decision was heard by the Governor’s Cabinet at the end of August. Their decision will be announced at the next cabinet meeting in December. You can see his presentation here

There was a rather cut and dry conditional use item. A Pain Management Practitioner was moving from her current location to a different one three blocks away. She is a board-certified specialist in pain management and is part of the Cleveland Clinic network.


At one point about a decade ago, pain management meant pill mills. There were addicts in parking lots. It was an unsavory business. The state and the medical profession cleaned this up, and it is now a recognized specialty. The county and city did their part by writing regulations that curtailed the abuses such as hours of operations, parking, and location. In the 10 years she has been in business in her present location, there has not been any complaints or code violations according to the city attorney.


The business qualifies under the code. Both Collins and Rich asked questions that were not germane to the approval process. The doctor was naïve enough to engage in answering medical questions. The mayor should have closed that down as inappropriate. It is not a debate about medicine but rather whether the use complies to Stuart’s code.


The commission’s role here was to make sure that the boxes were checked and, looking at staff’s presentation, it clearly does. The vote was 4-1 with Collins dissenting. Staff’s presentation was here here






Indiantown Latest News From The Sept 4, 2022 Edition




Perhaps the biggest election surprises came in Florida’s newest municipality.


For some time, Anthony Dowling and, to a lesser extent, Jackie Clarke had acted as charter members of the Howard Brown fan club. Along with Janet Hernandez, it seemed that the council was becoming more and more separated from their constituents regarding the operations of the village. This election was the constituents’ revenge.


At the time of incorporation, Indiantown seemed to me to be a village made up of Black, Hispanic, and white folks who got along well. As a small town out in the middle of the country, the place had to be more self-reliant than the rest of Martin County. People needed their neighbors. Since incorporation, things had changed.


Nothing is a better example of the racial nature of the village’s politics than Janet Hernandez’s remark at a meeting of the League of Treasure Coast Cities. Because she was not given a position she desired on the board, she claimed it was because of racism. She must have been unable to see that the president was another Hispanic. Jolene Carballo is now the president of the Florida League.


Even now some residents are intimating that they just couldn’t lose their seat because the people didn’t like what they did but rather that it had to be because of their race. I don’t believe that was true.


The council’s biggest sin may have been the way they embraced big government. They didn’t seem to believe that any expense was too much for the council. As an example, the City of Okeechobee is a similar rural community which after 100 years has far fewer full-time (22) employees, excluding police. Indiantown will have 34 if the budget passes after five years of existence.


While I kept hearing that the people wanted this growth, apparently enough were tired of the millions that have been borrowed. Indiantown has few voters and not many turned out with only about 760 votes cast votes.

Carmine Dipaolo, a retired deputy, and business owner ran against Anthony Dowling. Dipaolo had 455 votes to Dowling’s 308. That is a margin of nearly 20%. Dowling, who thought he could be governor someday, was soundly defeated. Dowling refused to send a statement outlining why he should be re-elected to this newsletter even after repeated emails to him.


Jackie Clarke lost her race to Angelina Perez by a little more than 5% of the vote. Jackie, compared to Hernandez and Dowling, was a more moderate voice. I think her loss was one that happened because of incumbency.


Susan Gibbs Thomas, who had been ostracized by the rest on the council since the last election, easily won her race 2 to 1. Though I don’t know whether she was so much a small government person or one who repeatedly bucked Brown, the patron saint of the group. I hope it was the former more than the latter.


If I were Howard, I would have my resume circulating. He may not have long to call Indiantown his own.




The good news is that the tax rate of 1.6304% remains the same. The bad news is that this year the village will collect less ad valorem than last by 2.6%.


The overall total budget including the enterprise fund is $9.9 million. There will be 34 full time employees (FTE) an increase of 3.5 FTEs. There are payroll increases of 5% for most employees. The Council will enjoy trips and junkets put on by a variety of organizations paid for by the village. Senior employees and their dependents will have health insurance paid 100% by the village while the rest of the employees will be at 90% with dependents at 75%.


Another little tweaker is that the manager is authorized to approve administrative transfers between departments within the same fund without going back to the council for approval. This is different than in the past.


The manager and council must be hoping that things get built fast to bring in the additional revenue needed to fuel the government needs. The money isn’t coming from the existing residents and businesses. Like so much in Florida, the only way to have this big a budget is to have new residents and businesses to tax.


The presentation with the numbers can be found here




It was both funny and bittersweet that this meeting was held with two lame duck members in the positions of mayor and vice-mayor.


Vice-Mayor Anthony Dowling was scrolling on his phone constantly including during the prayer. Mayor Jackie Clarke carried on with dignity. She gave her “State of The Village” address that emphasized what this council had accomplished. It may have been written initially before the outcome of the election.

As a noticed meeting, it had to occur. In the future, perhaps a meeting after an election and before the swearing in of council members, in the dead of summer may not be necessary. You could always call an emergency meeting if need be. The only two items on the agenda were the reclassification of the village clerk to administrative services director and discussion of applications for boards and committees.


Both had to be deferred until the new council was seated. For some odd reason, Stone asked several times about the purpose of this meeting since these items were not going to move forward. With the change on the board, they should be deferred.


The swearing in of the new council will be held at the September 7th meeting which starts at 6 pm.





Indiantown Latest News From The Aug 21, 2022 Edition




There is no doubting that Indiantown is on the verge of tremendous growth.


How that growth will change Indiantown will be both good and bad. With the several thousand new people who will live in the homes yet to be built, 95% of them will be coming from other parts of Martin County and Palm Beach County. They will significantly change the character of the village.


As we heard from the village’s consultant, the Retail Coach, they have not had much luck in attracting new retail opportunities. There aren’t enough people with enough income to support most chains. When you are touting a “high end C store” like Wawa perhaps coming, you know there is a long way to go before you have fine dining.


Charles Parker, the account executive from Retail Coach, mentioned a traffic study. He said that there has not been very much traffic growth since 2018. The company has extended their contract without charge until the end of the year. The initial contract was for $33,000 plus $3,000 in reimbursable expenses.

Indiantown will grow and with it will come more retail stores when new people who have more money move into the village. Most of the prices for those new homes will be out of the reach of current residents. At some point, the composition of the council will also change to reflect how the new residents see the future.


You can find the presentation here


Manager Brown gave an update on the strategic plan accomplishments. He rated the village’s progress. Self-ratings are often done through the lenses of rose-colored glasses. You can see his presentation and self-grades here

In next year’s budget, there is no line item to pay for a new village hall design. Some great renderings were done this year, but unless the council appropriates money, nothing else will be done. And for many residents and at least one or possibly two council members, that is fine. It may be time to hit the pause button until some of the tax money begins rolling in from those new homes.


The lease for the current village hall location comes up for renewal next year. The next lease needs to have at least another three years with an option for two more. Under the best circumstances, having a new village hall finished would be a stretch even by 2026. It is time to get realistic.


There are times when I think that Howard Brown asks for too much authority from the council. In the case of the Booker Park roadway and drainage project, he was right on the mark. And usually, the council is all too eager to give away their authority…with Dowling and Hernandez in the front of the line to do so. That was not the case with this agenda item.


Brown was looking for authority to create a program to install up to 31 additional asphalt driveways at the vacant lots that were previously accessible before the start of the Booker Park Drainage Project. He wanted authority to spend up to $69,000 to do so using ARPA money. He wasn’t looking for input on how to do it, how to contact residents, timelines, or other helpful hints.


The only thing the council needed to do was say yes and appropriate the money. It seemed straight forward and simple. How it is done should be in the manager’s purview.


For some reason, the council wanted to micromanage this project. Dowling kept making and changing motions to accommodate the others. After Brown and the attorney interjected, Dowling changed his motion to mirror the staff recommendation which was to authorize Brown to spend up to $69,000 to accomplish the task.







Indiantown Latest News From The Aug 7, 2022 Edition




The newsletter asked each candidate to provide a statement on why they wanted to be elected or re-elected. If a candidate did not provide the statement in time to be included, then if their statement comes later, we will publish it as a letter.


Seat 3 Carmine Dipaolo


I’ve given 29 years of service keeping the citizens of Martin County and particularly the citizens of Indiantown safe from crime. I have watched Indiantown flourish and regress several times during my career. Our future will be bright with the right leadership.


In 2017 when Indiantown Incorporated, I remember sitting in Crackers Café” with the usual morning crowd. Bob said, “our taxes will go down, we will have a surplus of money”. I told him no your taxes will go up without the right leadership. In fact, they did.


On the current heading, the Village is on a course that will leave you the taxpayer paying the bill. It will leave “the Village” with only one thing to do. They will raise your taxes and create other income through code enforcement etc. Let’s not forget the village water and sewer, although not a tax but a cost you can’t avoid, you will pay more. Grants sometimes turn to loans, that will eventually be paid by us, the citizen.


But don’t panic, there is hope. The time has come for a change. A return to fiscal responsibility and smart managed growth.  Growing this community is good if done for the right reasons, bringing prosperity and a greater quality of life to you, the citizen.


I came to Indiantown almost 30 years ago to do a job. I thought my job was done but it’s not.  That is why I stepped up and am going to fight for you just like I did on our streets, keeping our community safe from squander by Village Hall. Your vote for Carmine Dipaolo will bring Fiscal Responsibility and transparency from a proven leader, a community servant and a responsive councilman who will always return your call.


It takes a Village the whole Village, the Village I know, to take back control of our future.  I ask you, my fellow Indiantonians to support me by coming out on August 23.2022 and casting your vote for Carmine Dipaolo Indiantown Village Council Seat 3. Together we can arrest the current situation and restore the peoples will.


I look forward at the opportunity to answer your questions and hearing about your vision or concerns in the future of our village.


Seat 3 Anthony D. Dowling (incumbent)


Anthony D. Dowling did not respond.


Seat 4 Jackie Gary Clarke (incumbent)


Jackie Clarke is a long life resident of Indiantown Florida. She attended Warfield elementary school, Indiantown middle school, Martin County high school, and Indian River State College. Jackie currently works for the Florida Department of Health in Martin County and has been married to the love of her life Sylvester Clarke Sr. for 40 year.


In addition to her passion for serving her community, Jackie is strongly devoted to her Christian faith and credit her relationship with God and her family for her strength. My family and I have enjoyed being a part of a caring community whose voice that needs to be heard. Servicing and advocating for the community has been an extremely phenomenal and important part of my entire life. I represent all the residents of Indiantown and not just special interest groups. Village of Indiantown residence deserve to have their voices heard and be represented by leaders who are season in their community, as well as sensitive to the issues. I have enjoyed being an active member of the Village of Indiantown Council and currently the Mayor while working together with staff on some great initiatives over the years.  I believe I’m the best candidate for seat 4 on the Village Council.  I am running for re-election  because Indiantown is my home and I bring a wide range of personal and professional experiences that will contribute greatly to the growth of our town. I embrace the task and counted a privilege to give back to the community. I will be diligent in making sure our Village continue to be healthy, have stability and continuing to  build on our Public Works  and Waste Water infrastructure for a bright future.


Seat 4 Angelina Perez


Hello, my name is Angelina Perez, a longtime resident of Indiantown. I am married to the love of my life and I have two children. You can catch on the soccer fields at Big Mound Park, or volunteering my time at the schools, or volunteering my time in the community. I love spending time with my family, my twin sister, and my nieces and nephews. I enjoy meeting new people since I am a talker and my passion is helping others. My saying is if I can help you in any way I will help you.





Seat 5 Susan Gibbs-Thomas (incumbent)


Hello, I’m Susan Gibbs Thomas incumbent and candidate for reelection to the Indiantown Village Council Seat 5.  What I stated in my successful first run for office still holds true, I am not running against anyone I’m running for someone, the people of Indiantown.


I’ve been around Indiantown my whole life.  My Great Grandfather came to Indiantown in 1936 and I’ve lived here for 50 years. The last 19 years I’ve worked at Warfield Elementary School, the 4th generation of my family to do so.  My 40 years of Indiantown work experience in construction, agriculture, healthcare, telecommunications, tourism/hospitality and education has prepared me for sitting on the Council.


I’ve had the opportunity to serve as Seat 5 Village Council Member since March 2018 and Mayor from March 2018 to September 2019.


As an incumbent my record speaks for me.  I take representing and serving this community seriously and therefore I’ve not once missed a meeting.  I’ve proudly served this community with proven common sense leadership.  My support for public safety, landowners rights and making sure the public’s concerns and voice is being heard has been my focus.  If reelected I will continue to serve this community with the same high ethics, principles, focus and commitment.


I ask everyone to know your candidates.  Know the incumbents records, how we’ve voted, what we’ve expressed from our Council Seat and what we stand for.  With the candidates stepping up to offer their services to this community for those seats get to know them, their backgrounds, ideas and thoughts on the issues and how they would handle them.


I encourage everyone to vote.  Make your voice heard through your ballot.  Your vote does count.


I hope you consider making your vote count, once again, by voting for me, Susan Gibbs Thomas for Village Council Seat 5.  Thank you for your consideration.


Group 5 Janet Rosado


Janet Rosado did not respond.


Though the candidates are listed by the seat they are running to represent, they are elected by every voter in the village.




It looks as though Indiantown is living through a classic government situation. The desired expense level is more than the income level.


For the second year in a row, the ad valorem tax is down. That is because FPL’s Personal Property Tax is less than the year before. This is putting a squeeze on revenue just when the village’s staff is growing. It is a dilemma more associated with recessions than an increased property market.


According to the village’s budget presentation, Mr. Brown is looking to add an additional 5.5 FTEs to address what he has described as a profound need. They currently have 30.5 employees including the commission. If hired, the 5.5 new staff members will add $315,866 to the payroll.


The Capital Improvement Plan will use ARPA and grant money only this year. There is no increase in the millage rate (election time). They do anticipate more construction projects being approved which, at some point in the future, will mean more revenue to the village in taxes and fees.


Do they need more employees? With the government they have built, they certainly will. A government that takes more and more functions inhouse, then there is a need to staff those functions internally. And when the largest taxpayer begins to lessen their presence by either not having as much personal property or a smaller property footprint or both, then less revenue is collected.


It is true that the Finance Department is bare bones with just the finance director. The auditor did say that there needs to be a segregation of duties to guard against theft. Given the current staffing in the Finance Department, that would be hard to do.


There has been a 4.5% decrease of ad valorem revenue in 2022 and 2023. Most grants require a match in funding. That makes receiving grants a double edge sword. A popular saying in Indiantown government is that they are building the airplane while flying it. How true that is.


When moving in the direction that Indiantown has, there is a need to maintain a larger government infrastructure just to keep the doors open. This is where the village finds itself today. If development does occur, then their taxes should grow sufficiently enough to meet their needs. They need to hope that FPL doesn’t fold up the tent and depart.


You can find the budget presentation here





Indiantown Latest News From The July 24, 2022 Edition




It was much ado about nothing or a serious breach of the charter…or both.


Susan Gibbs-Thomas asked that a discussion item be placed on the agenda regarding Manager Brown’s having not informed the council within seven days of his hiring employees and giving those employees increased benefits that are more than those approved in policy. This practice came to Gibbs-Thomas’ attention at the end of May or beginning of June.

Indiantown is one of the only places where the manager is not allowed to have new positions or set benefits and pay without council’s approval. That is how the charter was written and approved. This very unusual provision was re-affirmed by the voters in a referendum. The citizens have voted that only the council can set this policy.


Brown claims that notifying the council within the seven-day period twice slipped his mind in January with two different employees. The ordinance passed by the council last year gives Brown the authority to not go to the council for a new hire that accedes stated policy. Brown needed to inform the council in writing within seven days is one of the ordinances provisions. This is what the village attorney came up with to do an end run around that charter provision.


The manager has apologized and has proposed that rather than individually writing to each council member, he would place notification of any hiring variances in his bi-monthly report to them. That report is also available online. The ordinance would have to be amended.


Most council members made all types of excuses for Brown. Dowling stated that he had voted against the ordinance, and he would give Brown the authority to handle these hiring decisions without council (the charter says they can’t). He also said the village is short staffed and Brown doesn’t need busy work.


Hernandez piped in that she never makes deadlines in her job, so she understands. That statement in of itself is remarkable. In Hernandez’s view the village needs more employees.  She also said that operating the water company was another business that Brown had to run. She then went on to say that they were told how easy the water company was to manage but that was not the case. I think almost every public speaker told the council that it would be very hard to manage.


Gibbs-Thomas wanted to take back the authority granted to the manager and follow the charter. The others did not.

Howard Brown

I don’t believe anyone thinks that what Brown did was that bad. It really is not. And he shouldn’t be fired or even really be reprimanded for not informing the council in the prescribed manner. The real question is should the charter be followed?


There is no choice but to do so. The cavalier attitude of upholding what the charter says and that has been reaffirmed by the voters cannot be ignored. Council members are putting themselves above the people. They are saying that if they don’t like something, then they can do what they want.


This election is about choices. Do the voters of Indiantown believe in ever-expanding government and now also a disregard for charter provisions or do they want the council to reign in that ever-larger government and follow the charter? Re-electing Dowling and to a lesser extent Clarke results in the former. Re-electing Gibbs-Thomas and Dowling’s challenger, Carmine Dipaolo the latter.


The village has an excellent communication system. There is a wealth of information that can be found including the manager’s report. Stuart should take a lesson. The city’s website is a hodge-podge of things and maneuvering through to find something takes time.



Indiantown Latest News From The July 10, 2022 Edition




The newsletter asked each candidate to provide a statement on why they wanted to be elected or re-elected. If a candidate did not provide the statement in time to be included, then if their statement comes later, we will publish it as a letter.


Seat 3 Carmine Dipaolo

I’ve given 29 years of service keeping the citizens of Martin County and particularly the citizens of Indiantown safe from crime. I have watched Indiantown flourish and regress several times during my career. Our future will be bright with the right leadership.


In 2017 when Indiantown Incorporated, I remember sitting in Crackers Café” with the usual morning crowd. Bob said, “our taxes will go down, we will have a surplus of money”. I told him no your taxes will go up without the right leadership. In fact, they did.


On the current heading, the Village is on a course that will leave you the taxpayer paying the bill. It will leave “the Village” with only one thing to do. They will raise your taxes and create other income through code enforcement etc. Let’s not forget the village water and sewer, although not a tax but a cost you can’t avoid, you will pay more. Grants sometimes turn to loans, that will eventually be paid by us, the citizen.


But don’t panic, there is hope. The time has come for a change. A return to fiscal responsibility and smart managed growth.  Growing this community is good if done for the right reasons, bringing prosperity and a greater quality of life to you, the citizen.


I came to Indiantown almost 30 years ago to do a job. I thought my job was done but it’s not.  That is why I stepped up and am going to fight for you just like I did on our streets, keeping our community safe from squander by Village Hall. Your vote for Carmine Dipaolo will bring Fiscal Responsibility and transparency from a proven leader, a community servant and a responsive councilman who will always return your call.


It takes a Village the whole Village, the Village I know, to take back control of our future.  I ask you, my fellow Indiantonians to support me by coming out on August 23.2022 and casting your vote for Carmine Dipaolo Indiantown Village Council Seat 3. Together we can arrest the current situation and restore the peoples will.


I look forward at the opportunity to answer your questions and hearing about your vision or concerns in the future of our village.


Seat 3 Anthony D. Dowling (incumbent)


Anthony D. Dowling did not respond.


Seat 4 Jackie Gary Clarke (incumbent)

Jackie Clarke is a long life resident of Indiantown Florida. She attended Warfield elementary school, Indiantown middle school, Martin County high school, and Indian River State College. Jackie currently works for the Florida Department of Health in Martin County and has been married to the love of her life Sylvester Clarke Sr. for 40 year.


In addition to her passion for serving her community, Jackie is strongly devoted to her Christian faith and credit her relationship with God and her family for her strength. My family and I have enjoyed being a part of a caring community whose voice that needs to be heard. Servicing and advocating for the community has been an extremely phenomenal and important part of my entire life. I represent all the residents of Indiantown and not just special interest groups. Village of Indiantown residence deserve to have their voices heard and be represented by leaders who are season in their community, as well as sensitive to the issues. I have enjoyed being an active member of the Village of Indiantown Council and currently the Mayor while working together with staff on some great initiatives over the years.  I believe I’m the best candidate for seat 4 on the Village Council.  I am running for re-election  because Indiantown is my home and I bring a wide range of personal and professional experiences that will contribute greatly to the growth of our town. I embrace the task and counted a privilege to give back to the community. I will be diligent in making sure our Village continue to be healthy, have stability and continuing to  build on our Public Works  and Waste Water infrastructure for a bright future.


Seat 4 Angelina Perez

Hello, my name is Angelina Perez, a longtime resident of Indiantown. I am married to the love of my life and I have two children. You can catch on the soccer fields at Big Mound Park, or volunteering my time at the schools, or volunteering my time in the community. I love spending time with my family, my twin sister, and my nieces and nephews. I enjoy meeting new people since I am a talker and my passion is helping others. My saying is if I can help you in any way I will help you.


Seat 5 Susan Gibbs-Thomas (incumbent)

Hello, I’m Susan Gibbs Thomas incumbent and candidate for reelection to the Indiantown Village Council Seat 5.  What I stated in my successful first run for office still holds true, I am not running against anyone I’m running for someone, the people of Indiantown.


I’ve been around Indiantown my whole life.  My Great Grandfather came to Indiantown in 1936 and I’ve lived here for 50 years. The last 19 years I’ve worked at Warfield Elementary School, the 4th generation of my family to do so.  My 40 years of Indiantown work experience in construction, agriculture, healthcare, telecommunications, tourism/hospitality and education has prepared me for sitting on the Council.


I’ve had the opportunity to serve as Seat 5 Village Council Member since March 2018 and Mayor from March 2018 to September 2019.


As an incumbent my record speaks for me.  I take representing and serving this community seriously and therefore I’ve not once missed a meeting.  I’ve proudly served this community with proven common sense leadership.  My support for public safety, landowners rights and making sure the public’s concerns and voice is being heard has been my focus.  If reelected I will continue to serve this community with the same high ethics, principles, focus and commitment.


I ask everyone to know your candidates.  Know the incumbents records, how we’ve voted, what we’ve expressed from our Council Seat and what we stand for.  With the candidates stepping up to offer their services to this community for those seats get to know them, their backgrounds, ideas and thoughts on the issues and how they would handle them.


I encourage everyone to vote.  Make your voice heard through your ballot.  Your vote does count.


I hope you consider making your vote count, once again, by voting for me, Susan Gibbs Thomas for Village Council Seat 5.  Thank you for your consideration.


Group 5 Janet Rosado


Janet Rosado did not respond.


Though the candidates are listed by the seat they are running to represent, they are elected by every voter in the village.




Jonathan Paul from Nue Urban Concepts presented the proposed Mobility Plan and Fee in a public workshop format. According to Paul, if the council adopts the fee, then the county will not be able to charge road impact fees.


Currently, the village does not collect its own road impact fee or a mobility fee. In many respects, a mobility fee is superior to an impact fee. It can be used to build such things as sidewalks, bike lanes, and transit. A municipal road impact fee can only be used for new roads within the village. The mobility fee is a better option.


However, one mustn’t be confused between what the village can do and what the county is allowed to do. Both can charge a fee. One does not cancel out the other. For much of the presentation, Paul was suggesting that if the village enacts a mobility fee, then the county’s goes away. That is not true.


The fee is only charged for new development or substantial enlargement of an existing project. If more cars are coming, then the impact fee is supposed to alleviate the increase in traffic. Or at least that is the theory.

At present, there is no interlocal agreement that requires the village to collect the county’s impact fees. That doesn’t mean the developer doesn’t owe them to the county. It means that the county will have to collect the fees themselves. Whether it is a mobility fee or an impact fee, it is usually collected at the time that a permit is issued. If the village doesn’t let the county know about the new permit, then the county will have to keep track themselves. This will inevitably lead to things falling through the cracks especially for new single-family homes not tied to a development.


Mr. Paul and his firm have not had the best track record of substituting municipal fees for county ones. Recently in Palm Beach Gardens there was a ruling that says just that. In that particular case, there was an interlocal agreement, but the ruling was that the mobility fee is not a substitution for the county impact fees. Find it here


In St. Lucie County, the dispute on the same issue with the City of Port St. Lucie resulted in a new agreement that basically was almost the same as the old agreement. The county was entitled to collect impact fees within the city.


Does Indiantown really want to go through the same thing that it did with last year’s fire debacle. At some point, the county is going to shift to a mobility fee. It makes perfect sense to help build intermodal infrastructure. Both the village and the county can collect impact and or mobility fees. It only applies on new construction.


Both sides should negotiate in good faith. The village can collect the county’s fees and even charge the county to do so. There may even be some movement to narrow the boundaries of the benefit district so more of the county fee can be used within and closer to the village. In the long, run the village cannot win taking a hard stand. A little reason goes a long way.


You can find the presentation here



Indiantown Latest News From The June 26, 2022 Edition




Who did it? Who was responsible for the $18 million being obtained from the governor’s budget to help bring the village’s water infrastructure up to snuff?

Jackie Clarke

In the last village newsletter, it seemed Indiantown government was taking credit along with the mayor. But that is not how Susan Gibbs-Thomas sees it. Or, for that matter, Indiantown resident Barbara Clowdus. Both said at this council meeting that Senator Gayle Harrell, the Garcia Property Group, and Kevin Powers brought that money home without much input from the village.


It was originally a $15 million ask that was bumped up to $18 million. Mayor Clarke then said that does it matter who did it and gets the credit. It was a win for Indiantown.


And that is true! It is a win for Indiantown. Both Powers and the developer probably are not looking for a pat on the back. This furthers their plans for building the new IRSC charter high school and new homes. You cannot build homes without water.

Government should be patting people like Powers on the back. It is government’s job to give individuals more praise than government receives. That is leadership.


I must confess I am thoroughly confused about who is doing what with the Swamp Festival. Several times during the lackluster presentations, I was falling asleep. It is not clear how much the village is giving to the promoters or what the promoters are expected to do.


Here is what I do know…questions about insurance coverage looked to torpedo the entire event. Nina Dooley from ACES, a Stuart-based organization, came to the rescue. She will be the applicant and her organization have a $2 million insurance policy.


Staff and council seem to be sleepwalking through what the procedures are. Staff was afraid to lay out what was needed. So, the organizers were left in the lurch. It is up to staff to guide the council on these very technical requirements. Everyone just seemed to be afraid to say anything.


Indiantown has been riddled with division since the village’s inception.


Lately, it has more and more centered on the council’s adherence to a “big is better” philosophy. Nothing pointed that out more than the words spoken by Susan Gibbs-Thomas during council comments. She noted that late last year Manager Brown gave two new hires better benefits than what was allowed in the village’s policies approved by the council.

Brown had been given the authority by the council to exceed the policy with the caveat that he was to inform the council of the deviation from policy in writing within 7 days. According to Gibbs-Thomas, he didn’t do that. In most other municipalities, the manager would not have to provide written notice and would control that process entirely.


Indiantown’s charter is different. It places personnel decisions directly in the council’s purview. The residents spoke loud and strong when they reaffirmed that decision in a charter review vote. Nevertheless, the council then voted to cede that power to the manager if written notice was given within 7 days. If Gibbs-Thomas is correct in her statements, then Brown is in violation of council’s direction.


This most recent disagreement is only a symptom and not the disease that Indiantown government has. The disease is whether the council is speaking for the residents or not. Ignoring the charter would suggest they are not speaking for the residents. The status quo should not go on. The next election should be a referendum on Indiantown’s future.


There are 3 seats up in this election…Dowling, Clarke, and Gibbs-Thomas. If all three are returned to office, then the voters have decided that the status quo is acceptable. However, we need to be very clear about what the status quo means for the village.


It means continued infighting about the direction of the government. Currently, most of the council believes in the big government philosophy. You see it in every vote they take. They believe in expansion and subsidies. The only one that pushes back is Gibbs-Thomas.


As the government of Indiantown grows, so too will the money that will be necessary to support the growth. An example of this would be the grandiosity of the new village hall complex which will, of course, lead to more bodies being hired.


The voters must speak and firmly put in place the council that best represents their beliefs. The public loudly spoke about who has the final word on staff. Yet 4 members of the council disregarded that instruction when they allowed the manager to have the discretion that the people expressly wanted the council alone to have.


It is inconsistent to tell an elected body by the votes that have been cast one thing and then allow them the option of doing what they want without repercussions. The voters must either decide whether to have more council members like Gibbs-Thomas or more like Dowling and Clarke. I believe that to have both government philosophies constantly battling is hurting the village.




Indiantown Latest News From The June 12, 2022 Edition




A public comment delivered in the form of an email was read. In it, the writer stated that the village has moved away from the government lite approach that was promised by the incorporators. There is no doubt about that.


The elected council is in the big government camp. It has been the same five council members since incorporation. Together, they hired someone as their village manager that is carrying out the big government vision of the council. Everything points to a continuation, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see another doubling of the village’s employees to 70 or more in the next three years.


The ones who were elected to the council were not those who were instrumental in incorporating the village. The incorporators ceased to matter when the voters chose the current council. Susan Gibbs-Thomas could have been a government lite member, but she is constantly a lone voice in that direction.


That belief in small government has been left for dead. The only question is whether, at some point, the village goes whole hog and has its own police and fire departments. For most other village departments, the belief is bigger is better. Big government also means big flash and subsidization of costs by their fairy godmother, FPL. Which brings us to the new village complex.


Conceptional plans were rolled out at the meeting. The administration building, along with the community building, will be over 39,000 square feet. A water park is also being considered located between the two buildings, but no price was given for it. Also contemplated is a fire/rescue station, police station, and aquatics center in the future.

There could be a third floor for the administration building for future growth adding an additional 10,000 square feet. The cost of the two buildings currently planned would be $15.3 to $18.7 million and if the third floor is added, $3.8 million more. While building costs now range from $300 to $475 per square foot, the architect consultant believes it will be brought in at $375 per square foot. It takes 33 months from council approval to completion using the consultant’s timeline.


This is not government lite. I would suspect that the council will approve the plan and add a considerable amount of debt to the village. There will be some talk about grants paying for some of it.


Is this project necessary? Depending on who you ask, village government is growing at a speedy pace. Is this what was intended when people voted to incorporate? Is it time to have a vote to see whether the citizens want to go into further debt? There was some rationale for the water and sewer plant. The numbers that were given to repair the facility were proven incorrect. To bring the waterworks up to speed will cost many millions. Now many more millions are being thought about for a new city hall and gym.


This should go to the voters to decide. They can overwhelmingly support this or reject it. It is too big to entrust to the council. Let’s see if there is a mandate to appropriate this money and continue with big government or look at government medium as an alternative. Lite is past coming back.


You can see the presentation here





Indiantown Latest News From The May 22, 2022 Edition




The meeting was a mere 2 plus hours which is a vast improvement over the earlier years.


While there were not any extraordinary things approved by the council, they did move ahead with the agenda. They waived permit fees for those driveways that were impacted by the stormwater infrastructure work in Booker Park. The homeowners will have 90 days after project completion to apply for a permit. I checked with the clerk and the motion only applies to Booker Park and not any subsequent work.


The motion was made by Gibbs-Thomas and seconded by Stone. It passed 5-0.

The council moved ahead and approved a 20-year storm water needs analysis. This is required by the state and will cost $18,500. They also approved a grant to harden the civic center. This goes back to 2020 when this project was first contemplated. There was discussion that the council would once again meet at that location if, for example, the current meeting room was needed for additional offices for staff.


Also discussed was the manager wanting to increase staff to 31 FTE from the current 27. It will add $112,000 per year to the budget in 2023. The motion passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no.


On second reading of the ordinance to make Juneteenth a holiday, council members recommended doing so as a tradeoff with an existing paid holiday. Stone and Hernandez want to substitute Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day. Gibbs-Thomas thinks that Federal holidays should be kept. She would like to take away ½ day for Christmas Eve and ½ day New Year’s Eve and replace them with Juneteenth.


Clarke wanted to leave it up to Brown. Dowling said the village is a trend setter and should give the Juneteenth holiday without any tradeoff. Mr. Dowling wants to be a trend setter using taxpayer dollars, and the cost would be several thousand dollars.


A motion was made by Hernandez and seconded by Stone to take away Columbus Day. It passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no. In this instance, I agree with council majority. I think half a day at work is like no day at work. This is a much better solution.




The council went through the latest update to their strategic plan.


It is a testament to this body’s fortitude that they continue to follow and update their strategic plan. More often, the plan is created with great fanfare and then it is put on a shelf to gather dust. This council and senior staff take the plan seriously and revise it to reflect new goals and challenges.


Sometimes this council has been lacking in civility to each other. I was impressed that one of the discussion points was how can they have civil debate. I hope that the rancor does fade. It gets in the way of the council and village moving forward.

Anthony Dowling

Perhaps Vice-Mayor Dowling, who ran the meeting due to Clarke’s absence, should consider not calling other council members by their last names. It places them in a subordinate role. This may be because of Dowling’s time in the army. Dowling was an officer and that is how he would refer to the enlisted personnel under him.


When it comes to referring to his fellow board members, it can seem demeaning. If using last names, then use their titles before their names. It will go a long way toward improving civility.


The strategic plan also examined how to hire and retain employees. I am also glad the council will institute using an application for vetting board appointments. It also seems that the recommendation is moving in the direction of allowing each council member to have an appointment. There was the discussion on permit fee waivers. Though discussed, it is far from settled as was demonstrated later in the meeting.


Good work…and now will come to hard part of implementation. You can find the plan here


The village’s annual festival, “The Da Swamp Homecoming,” has requested a waiver of fees plus has asked the village to pay for things like the dumpster, road barricades, and even a bounce house. The waiving of fees for events was one of the things that came up in the strategic plan update. Staff has estimated that just the waiving of event fees as well as providing a dumpster and road barricades will be almost $5000.


Is this something that the village can afford to do…not only for this event but for similar ones? Dowling believes that it is. This will come back once all charges are known. A definite policy must be set otherwise at some point some organization will call foul when their fees and other charges are not waived.




Indiantown Latest News From The May 1, 2022 Edition




During Council comments, Janet Hernandez stated that she was hearing that the purchase of the water company had been a bad idea.


I don’t know who is telling her that, but that purchase was one of the better things they have done. One can argue that there could have been a different way to accomplish it, but the concept of municipal ownership is the right way to go. Indiantown has an effective way to control its growth by being able to make sure sewer and water is available to all. One could argue about the means but not the outcome.


There were a couple of employment policies that were changed. Two that struck me as unusual were how many times is it acceptable for an employee to fail a test or certification for a job currently held and how many times should the village pay for it? Dowling thought that once was enough and then the applicant should bear the cost. I completely agree with Dowling’s reasoning.


A water plant operator that is uncertified should not be hired. If someone wants to improve their qualifications, it should be up to them to pay for it not the village. Once they have it and retesting are necessary every five years to maintain the certification, then the village should cover the expense. In this case, I believe the village will pay three times for those who do not pass.



The second matter was to add Juneteenth as a paid holiday for all employees. They currently get New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve for a total of 13 days now. Adding Juneteenth will make it 14 holidays.


In addition, water plant personnel that must work holidays and then receive time and half overtime pay. The pay in the village already exceeds what most private sector Indiantown residents earn. After six months, employees receive 2 weeks of vacation, and after ten years, they earn 4 weeks.


Employees can accumulate up to 250 hours of accrued time off so that when they leave or retire, they get a nice lump sum not based on their pay when it was accrued but their pay when they leave which is almost always more. They also receive 80 hours of sick time a year with the ability to store up to 250 hours of that. Together with accrued vacation time, employees can have more than three months of pay at the time of separation.


The poor Indiantown taxpayer who more than likely is not even getting very much in benefits and must pay taxes for a village worker’s benefits that are far greater than his/her own. Another shining example of government at work. The only one who thought this was absurd was Gibbs-Thomas. She, along with Clarke, are two council members who work for other governments, and their benefits are not as generous.


Where was Stone, the sole business owner? He was silent except for his vote of approval. I wonder if he offers the same benefits to his employees. At least Clarke suggested swapping out one holiday for another. She pursued that idea…for a second or two.


Hernandez made the motion to accept all the changes and it was seconded by Dowling who had earlier said he didn’t think repeated testing was producing the highest quality employee. He decided, like Clarke, not to fight for a rather good idea. The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no.



Indiantown Latest News From The April 17, 2022 Edition


The meeting held on the evening of April 14th will be reported on in the next newsletter.


Indiantown Latest News From The April 3, 2022 Edition




A rather routine correction to the quorum requirements for the Planning & Zoning Appeals Board from three to four members caught my attention.


After endless discussion of how many members needed to vote one way or another to have something passed, the issue of a board vacancy came up. Hernandez proposed and gave a bio of Nayeli Perez, a mother of two with many other fine attributes that were completely immaterial as to whether she could fulfill her responsibilities as a board member. One attribute that Hernandez specifically cited as a reason to have her was that she was Hispanic.

Many things in this village come down to race and ethnicity. The council woman is a big believer in using both in making selections. At the League of Treasure Coast Cities, Hernandez made no friends when she claimed she was being kept from an officer position because she was Hispanic. The current president of the local league, who will be next year’s Florida League president, is Hispanic and a woman.


Government employment, elected office, and being a member of a voluntary board should not be determined by race or by being of a particular ethnic group. When things like this are said, where are the other council members letting Hernandez know that her criteria are wrong? What about Vose and Brown interrupting this nonsense to reinforce that the Village of Indiantown does not have racial or ethnic quotas. This is just bad governance and perhaps illegal to pick one applicant over another with the determining factor being ethnicity.


The presentation is here here



Indiantown Latest News From The March 20, 2022 Edition


The next meeting will be March 24, 2022.


Indiantown Latest News From The March 6, 2022 Edition




This was the Joe Capra meeting.


Joe founded Captec Engineering and does extensive work for governments up and down the Treasure Coast. He started off the evening with an explanation of traffic calming to the council. He was clear in his warning that if the council is going to do calming, they must be prepared for the fallout.



Traffic calming is expensive. Once a municipality is committed to a plan, it can cost thousands to have it implemented…and thousands more to remove and repair those restrictions if minds are changed. He reminded the council that they can only implement traffic calming on the roads that the village owns. Capra went on to say that the county and state could be lobbied to do so on roads that they own within the jurisdiction.


You can see his interesting presentation here


Capra next spoke about studies for the water plant and the village’s master plans. The village needs approved plans for water and wastewater to be eligible for grants and loans. The only way to pay for the upgrades and new lines would be with both.


An interesting fact is that there are currently 2196 equivalent residential connections (ERC). Each ERC represents a single-family home. Five years from now, there will be 3656 ERCs. It is estimated that the utility will have 21,000 ERCs when everything in their district is built out.


The council approved Capra’s contracts to go ahead with the studies. You can find the presentation here


There was a discussion about instituting different hiring tools for the village (e.g., a sign-on bonus) to help to attract workers. Presently Mr. Brown states that there is a shortage of qualified applicants. The examples given were from the City of Stuart and Martin County. A second agenda item was to have the three part-time staff members become full time employees. Both will be fleshed out at the strategic plan meeting on April 2nd.


For the second time, Hernandez wanted to develop a policy about what council members and other board members must do when they recuse themselves. Hernandez thought they should step off the dais and leave the room and not participate in the discussion. State statute has no prohibition about remaining and being part of the discussion.

I think Hernandez is partially right. When a person has a conflict under the law, it can be counter-productive for him/her to argue in favor for his/her own benefit or the family member’s benefit. I don’t think the member needs to leave the room, but they should not be able to influence the decision.


Vose, the village attorney, said the only conflicts that a board member can have under statute are financial ones. That is financial gain or loss to themselves, or a family member as outlined in the law. This too will be on the April 2nd Strategic Planning Meeting.



Indiantown Latest News From The February 20, 2021 Edition




The village moved one step closer to building their new village hall.


REG, the winner of the bid for designing the hall, has now negotiated a contract with Indiantown to begin the first phase of the design process. The amount for phase one is a little over $32,000. The contract and original scope of services is here


Indiantown is moving forward in its quest to be a full-fledged entity. Indiantown will be in fine shape if its largest taxpayer, FPL, continues to be there. In the village’s rush to grow up, is it going to fast? I am cautious, so I would say yes. But the council and manager are of the belief that quick movement for things like a town hall are in the community’s best interest.


The village is diversifying its tax base, but it probably is several years away from having phase one of Terra Lago come online and bringing in tax money. I hope their luck holds out.





Indiantown Latest News From The February 6, 2021 Edition




The first order of business was to allow Manager Brown the authority to sign a short-term lease with Hildebrand Amusement for a carnival on the village’s property which was purchased by the Village from the Rines Trust. They would set up on that vacant parcel when other venues fall through that the carnival had previously booked. It would be $5000 for each stay.  The stays are generally for two weeks.


The leases need to be signed quickly and waiting for a council meeting to vote could result in no lease being signed. All leases need the approval of the council. This is a way of expediting the process when time is of the essence.


Dowling and Hernandez had qualms. Dowling thought the village was treated unfairly last year by Hildebrand. Hernandez felt the amount was pennies for a carnival operator to pay. However, the vote was 5-0 giving Brown the authority to sign a short-term lease with the carnival.


Brown’s yearly evaluations were done. No surprise that the manager was given a good evaluation. He will get a 3% COLA raise and take the village’s health care plan when the enrollment period opens.

Courtesy Harvard University

Brown will be allowed to take a three-week Harvard Leadership course costing $13,000. Brown thinks it could be virtual but does not know yet. He will apply for an ICMA scholarship. He will also see whether his Veterans’ Benefits will pay anything. He will forgo the annual convention and training for ICMA which costs approximately $6000. The village will pick up the rest. The vote was 5-0.





Indiantown Latest News From The January 23, 2022 Edition




The council and staff must speak into their microphones. Most of what Guyton Stone said during the meeting was not heard online or on the recording. Mayor Clarke also fades in and out. Mr. Brown has learned, for the most part, to speak into his mike. Now the rest of the council needs to do so.


The council approved spending up to $175,000 on software so that staff can work in the field. They are piggy backing on the City of Groveland’s contract. They also approved spending of nearly $85,000 from the wastewater/water fund for a piece of equipment to clean out the sewer lines and lift stations. Staff stated this equipment would prevent backups.

The council then discussed the manager’s evaluation forms and what criteria to use. Gibbs-Thomas was in favor of using the existing one that the council has used in the past. Although long, she found it provided what was necessary to give the manager a complete evaluation.


Dowling suggested changing the format to judge the manager on concrete accomplishment of five projects. He felt that there was no reason to go into so much detail. Hernandez’s reasoning was more a stream of consciousness than an argument for one or the other. She kept saying that she is not a micromanager, and that Brown does a good job and works hard.


Stone brought up the City of Stuart’s form which has more than five questions but less than Indiantown’s current one. The council adopted that 4-1 with Dowling dissenting.


Gibbs-Thomas who had earlier given a lengthy report about what was going on at the Indiantown chamber wanted to know why Hernandez, the Indiantown representative at the Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities (the local league), did not report on the October or November meetings. She had earlier mentioned the Christmas luncheon in December.


The council had asked the executive director of the league to give a report to the council last August. The local league’s board said that any report regarding how the league operates should be given by the village’s representative, Hernandez, which was in the minutes of the September meeting of the local league. Gibbs-Thomas wanted to know why that report was not given.


There is bad blood between Gibbs-Thomas and Hernandez stretching back to when the council substituted Hernandez for Gibbs-Thomas last year at the local league. Gibbs-Thomas was in line to be in leadership and, within a couple of years, assume the presidency of the local league. Once Gibbs-Thomas was replaced, Indiantown lost its position in leadership. Gibbs-Thomas was also the district representative to the Florida League of Cities Board. She did maintain that for the year since the appointment came from the local league. Gibbs-Thomas is no longer the representative.

When challenged why the report was not made as was called for by the league, Hernandez accused Gibbs-Thomas of racism and ageism. Hernandez did the same thing at the league during a meeting but that was easily rebuffed by the current League of Treasure Coast Cities president, Joliene Caraballo from Port St. Lucie, who is the next president of the Florida League of Cities.


Hernandez stormed out of the council meeting. She stated that Gibbs-Thomas should take the position back. Gibbs-Thomas stated she was no longer interested with the league and that the alternate, Guyton Stone, could do it.


This should have never risen to this level. This was simply not a big deal. In my opinion, many mistakes were made. Indiantown should have made a request of the local league not a demand. Indiantown should have asked that someone come and explain how the local league picks officers, etc. It would not be a bad idea for the league to visit every city and give that little spiel about itself.


Hernandez needs to stop playing the race card. Are some people prejudiced against her because she is of Guatemalan origin? Of course, they are. But I do not believe Gibbs-Thomas is. Caraballo isn’t. She is also a Hispanic woman (Cuban American) only a few years older than Hernandez.


Hernandez should have said that she would gladly prepare a report for the next meeting. That would have ended Gibbs-Thomas’ complaint and reason for discussion. The council needs to pull itself together.





Indiantown Latest News From The January 9, 2022 Edition

The next council meeting will be on January 13, 2022.




Indiantown will continue down a rocky path in this next year. It still has a way to go before forming its true identity. No amount of focus groups, discussions or charrettes will help. It will take time.


The council is rudderless. They have not gelled as a cohesive unit. It is obvious to anyone who watches their meetings that Susan Gibbs-Thomas is not liked by the others. For the first time in my experience, a council member’s proposed appointee for a board was rejected by the other council members. Whether the others like or agree with an appointee, the council member should be allowed to name his/her choice.


Under other circumstances, Dowling has the personality to be the one that other council members would look to as a leader. Unfortunately, he is too much of a grandstander for that leadership position. His fawning behavior toward staff makes him seem incapable of being an honest broker.


Clarke and especially Stone can understand the issues, but I believe that neither puts in the time to do more than the minimum.


With the approval of Terra Lago, the village will grow, and new residents will be coming. This will be the game changer. Once the newcomers are settled in, some will become interested in the village’s government. A few will run for office. That will be when faces on the council change.


But not in 2022.


Indiantown Latest News From The December 19, 2021 Edition




It was an interesting meeting.


From the beginning, the water utility was going to be a challenge. Kevin Powers and others asked the council to be careful about the way they were going to purchase the old plant and system. Indiantown has been fortunate that state and federal programs have been around to help in that purchase and some of the rehabilitation work.

Much of what had been borrowed through SRF had been forgiven in the past. With this latest round of projects totaling between $18 and $19 million, the funds may be available, but their consultant was told that the funding will not have the possibility of forgiveness. To service the debt money must come from the operating funds. With that in mind, they can only borrow for three of the five projects that need to be done. All the projects are listed in the capital plan below.


You can see the capital plan here


The next matter was approval of the old DRI property now known as Terra Lago. It is 806 acres and, when built out, will be 2488 residential units with apartments, town homes, and single-family houses along with 100,000 feet of commercial space.

This is some big stuff that will change the face of Indiantown if it gets built. There is a little over 10% dedicated to open space for the public. While in the warmup before tonight, I heard that there would be affordable homes for Indiantown residents, I did not see anything mentioned in the three agenda items regarding this project.


No one who reads this newsletter regularly can possibly say I am anti-development. This may be the perfect development to put Indiantown on the right course, but I feel something is amiss.


When fully built, Terra Lago will easily double Indiantown’s population. Except for a brief presentation by the planning department, there was no discussion. No public comment was heard. They have committed themselves to a village altering development and the council spent no time in discussion. It makes you think.


You can find staff presentation here





At the last meeting, the selection of an architect for the new village hall was delayed until this meeting because Hernandez was absent. That was a good idea and it turned out to be a game changer. The two firms were both fine. PGAL is a national one and REG is headquartered in Palm Beach County. You can learn more about the firms by going here


Dowling wanted to go ahead with the recommendation of staff and choose PGAL as the firm. He made a motion and it died for lack of a second. Dowling said he made the motion three times (in the two meetings) …the same outcome happened.

Gibbs-Thomas piped up and asked if this is the best time to build the complex given that the utility needs so much work. Hernandez spoke with a contractor and the Palm Beach diocese (I am assuming through her employer which is the diocese) and stated that she was told that REG was local and easy to work with. Stone said he prefers a local company.


Dowling stated that they need to support staff. While you should defer to staff in many instances, you do not always. That is why the Council has the final say. A motion was made by Hernandez and seconded by Stone to go with REG. It passed by 4-1 with Dowling dissenting.


The second reading of the ordinance giving the manager the right to hire people and deviate from the council-set policy was read. Gibbs-Thomas stated that the power to set policy for employment was in the charter, and during last year’s election, a charter revision to give the manager the right to set the hiring standards was soundly defeated by the voters. This is now the second time in the past 5 years the voters have specifically said they want the council to exercise this responsibility.


Stone said he wants to permit the manager the flexibility in this matter. Dowling stated it was unorthodox, and he has been in favor of allowing the manager to have this flexibility since the beginning. Dowling asked the attorney whether the charter language was standard in other municipalities. He replied that it is all over the place but tended to give it to the manager.


Hernandez doesn’t want to micromanage. If every deviation must come to the council, then it would take too long and talented people would not be hired.


The village attorney has a work-around, which is this ordinance, allowing the council to give the manager the authority and then take it back if it is abused. However, once a job seeker has accepted conditions of employment, then the village is stuck with whatever was promised that employee. Hernandez said there is nothing illegal about it.


The motion to go ahead and have this ordinance was passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.


I agree with Hernandez that there is nothing illegal about this although it goes against the spirit of the charter and what the people have intended. Is it harder? Yes, it is! That does not matter. The council should not try to thwart the will of the people whether they agree or not.


Nor should it go for another vote at the next election as Dowling wants. He is trying to rig an outcome because he believes in something. Live with it guys! That is what your constituents want. And Dowling should get over his need to show unconditional love to village staff.

Indiantown Latest News From The December 5, 2021 Edition



The council heard from two firms that were the ranking committee’s two top choices to be the architect to design the new village hall complex.

Both REG and PGAL are firms that have worked with the public sector for years. REG is in Palm Beach (staff ranking score of 382) and PGAL is a national firm that has an office in Boca (staff ranking score of 361).


Dowling said that there was a big difference in the scores. It was explained that the only reason for the lower score was because REG did not have a grant administrator on staff. Stone stated that, in his opinion, both were qualified. Gibbs-Thomas said that she would like a little time to think about it and digest the presentations. Also, she thought since Hernandez, who was absent, should be present.


Dowling made a motion to go ahead. Stone thought it was a big decision and wanted Hernandez there. There was no second on the motion. A motion was made by Stone and seconded by Gibbs-Thomas to defer to December 9th. It passed 3-1 with Dowling dissenting.


If you put aside whether the millions that this will cost to build are justified or not, the way the council is moving forward is correct. I personally just hate to see the spending.


You can see the presentations here




Stone added an agenda item for discussion about going back to holding meetings twice a month. The workshop format has not brought the desired results of public participation. There is always a special meeting attached so that the council can vote on matters that came up. It was decided by 4-0 to go back to two meetings a month.

Guyton Stone

The manager wants the authority to be able to offer more vacation time and other benefits when hiring than what is currently the established policy. According to the charter, to change policy requires a vote of the commission. Dowling doesn’t believe the council should be involved. Time and again he has said that he would let the manager have more power than the charter currently allows.


At the last election, that specific authority, currently residing with the council and not the manger, was defeated as a charter change. The voters of Indiantown clearly want hiring policy to stay with the council. Dowling made the motion for the manager to have the authority to broaden benefits when negotiating to hire an employee. It failed for lack of a second.


Stone made a motion that the manager be given the authority but that the council can take it back. It was seconded by Dowling. It passed 3-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting. I agree with Gibbs-Thomas.


Indiantown Latest News From The November 21, 2021 Edition


The village’s meeting of November 18th will be covered in the next edition.


Indiantown Latest News From The November 7, 2021 Edition




This was the first time that the council gave a conditional use permit to a food truck.


The truck will be established in the area that is currently zoned for such a use. At some time in the future, the village intends to have a designated food truck area where all food trucks must be. There are currently several food trucks scattered in the village that are grandfathered as to location and operation.


The applicant agreed to certain conditions…. among them that their hours of operation will be no more than 8 hours a day with 10 pm closing on weekdays and 11 pm on weekends. There are several others that can be found in the presentation here


The owners also agreed to move to the designated area when it is operational.


Mayor Clarke recused herself because the owners were relatives.


Casa Bella was heralded as a major accomplishment when it was the village’s first approval of affordable residential housing. Everyone slapped themselves on the back and gave high fives. That was then.


There was a dedication of land required under the LDRs that were in place at the time but is not contained in the current code. The dedication came to 4 feet wide and 200 feet long. It also appears that the surveyor made a mistake, and the building was built within that dedication. The developer came before the council to request that the dedicated property be deeded back to him.


The hero of yesterday became the villain of today. Gibbs-Thomas was not in favor believing that a deal is a deal. Hernandez wanted a penalty imposed. However, a penalty cannot be assessed if there is no penalty in the code.

That idea was hard for both Attorney Vose and Manager Brown to get through to council members. The 800 sq feet is not being used by the village nor is there any contemplation of it being used. Vose reminded the council members that this was a yes or no situation. There were also questions about setting precedent which Vose also said they need not worry about.


The motion passed to deed the property back 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.


It was time to pick an auditor which requires going out to an RFP and then an audit committee ranks the qualified proposals. Then, the council would vote to accept or not. The committee would usually consist of citizens along with the financial director and the manager as non-voting members. Tallahassee, sticking their big pudgy fingers into local government, has deemed that at least one member of the council must sit on the committee.


The Indiantown council has determined that three council members will comprise the audit committee, Dowling, Stone, and Gibbs-Thomas. So those three will pick the auditing firm that then will go back to those three plus Clarke and Hernandez for the final vote.


Never let the people become too involved in their government especially if they have any expertise.



Indiantown Latest News From The October 24, 2021 Edition




The council approved many expenditures at this meeting.


Susan Gibbs-Thomas is no longer the neophyte elected official she was a couple of years ago. She takes what staff presents not as “holy writ” but as a suggestion. Good for you, Susan.

The first thing they approved was $24,000 for a stormwater rate study. The next was to create the full-time Director of Parks and Rec position. The previous person was classified as a superintendent at $54,000. The new position will pay $75,000. Guyton Stone added that the person will create a recreation program.


Currently, Manager Brown is looking for a Public Works and Utilities Director. He wants to separate the two positions and advertise both at $84,000. However, he will only fill one of the positions with that person doing both jobs. Brown stated that it will open advertising options. Gibbs-Thomas didn’t quite get it, and neither do I. The vote to do so was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.


What will probably happen is that Brown will find the right person to fill both jobs but will pay $100,000 to do so. Since he now has $168,000 available, it will give the appearance that he is saving money.


A while back, the council approved a 3% raise for employees. Brown was looking to increase the pay plan by that amount. Gibbs-Thomas has no problem with the 3% raise for current employees but does not want to increase the base pay for future hires. Clarke, Stone, and Hernandez agree.

As part of this motion, they are creating five new positions plus the two new director positions discussed above. Hernandez made a new motion that was seconded by Dowling to approve the new positions only. It passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.


The finance director also has left the village. Clarion will serve in the interim which is the same company that did it before at $93,600 per year. The previous director made $114,000.

The RFQ for the village hall complex had 7 respondents. The top 2 were at this meeting. The winner, PGAL, of Boca seemed qualified. The second-place winner, REG, of West Palm Beach also spoke. Instead of making a motion to accept the committee’s choice, the council decided to interview the top 3 choices at the November 18th meeting. I wonder why none of the firms picked were Martin County ones.


The workshop idea is not going according to plan. The one to be held on October 28th will have a special meeting first. The workshop is not scheduled to begin until 7:45. Stone wants to re-examine the current meeting procedures.


Indiantown Latest News From The October 10, 2021 Edition



When most councils elect a new mayor, they usually make that the first item of business at the meeting. Not Indiantown. The first Item of business was changing the legislative priority.


At their last meeting, the council had no problem in asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars for their legislative representatives to garner in Tallahassee. It seems that Manager Brown and the village’s lobbyists wanted the council to bring its request in line with reality. So, Brown and staff scrambled ahead of the meeting to come up with a paving and drainage project on S.W. Lincoln.


It is attached here


As you can see by the attached agenda item, it would be $730,000 in total and it would be a cost share between the village and the state. That project would be the safer bet in being able to have funds come from Tallahassee instead of the larger ones that were approved at the last meeting.

Jackie Clarke

Then it was time for the council to elect a new mayor. There are no surprises here. Stone made a motion for Clarke to become mayor. It was seconded by Dowling. It passed 5-0. Mayor Clarke gave a nice acceptance speech.


When it came time for vice-mayor, Hernandez made a motion for Dowling. It was seconded by Stone. That was the normal “everyone gets a turn part.” What was unusual was that Gibbs-Thomas said she refused to support that nomination because Dowling doesn’t have the support from citizens in the village. Stone said he that he had seen a big change in Dowling and that is why he seconded. The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.

Anthony Dowling

Committee assignments were made. Gibbs-Thomas had no desire to be appointed to anything new perhaps because she was unceremoniously removed from her position with the Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities last year.


I will not even discuss different committee assignments. In general, and not just in Indiantown, it doesn’t seem that clerks and managers want to take the time to have an accurate list of which boards have alternates. Council members were being sent as representatives of boards as members and alternates where the council has no appointments. Certain council members look as if they are on more boards than they are. Maybe the League of Cities should put together a list of boards and whether they have alternates or not for each municipality.




There was a second budget meeting at which the budget was approved unanimously. There was no millage increase.


As the Council, matures something that would have taken hours in the past could be done relatively quickly. There were no surprises. Whether you believe they are wisely spending their funds is a political matter but not any longer a procedural one.


In a second meeting, they hired Grey Robinson to be their lobbyist at $35,000. Do they need a lobbyist? Again, a political matter not a procedural one.


They also approved the agreement with Martin County for $1.5 million as part of the 5-year Fire/Rescue plan. What was once thought to be a complicated intractable fight has become routine. The village will receive this once a requisition is sent to the county.


The workshop included the village’s creating a special permit system. Staff had questions. The council had questions, and both were coming to terms on their respective roles. Earlier, there could have been a less positive outcome. Staff will return with a better understanding of what the council wants.


At another meeting, there was a heated discussion over spotlighting businesses in the village’s bulletin. Upon reflection it was determined that the chamber would be a better vehicle for that. That is a more mature attitude.


There was a discussion of ARPA funds and the parks. It was not a set of flamboyant discussion items. The council was deliberative, and staff was helpful.


The reason that special meetings were needed was because of the council’s new workshop policy to allow for citizen input. So far there has been little citizen input. By the end of the year, they should see whether it would be better to go back to two meetings a month. You could always do a special workshop if needed.




Indiantown Latest News From The September 5, 2021 Edition



Mayor Hernandez gave her State of The Village address sandwiched between a proclamation about Senior Citizen Day and a discussion by Pastor Jared Stewart of Christ Fellowship. She did it sitting down in her chair at the council table.


I remember Indiantown’s inaugural “State of The Village” address by Susan Gibbs Thomas when she was mayor. It was held in the school auditorium. Perhaps because it was the first, it was special.


I cannot remember last year’s address, nor will I remember this one. It was not Mayor Hernandez’s fault. There just was not anything that we did not already know. The only other local government that gives an address is the county. They are not memorable either, but they have nicer surroundings.


Perhaps it is just time that the village stops doing it. The entire address can be found here


Manager Brown mentioned that he had received 10 to 15 proposals for architectural services for the new village hall. He also mentioned that a construction manager would have to be hired at some point.

Jeff Leslie, who was a principal that sold the waterworks to the village, had a consulting contract for a while. Brown now wants to reinstate it to help with negotiating development agreements. He anticipates it will be for a minimum of six months but no more than a year.


During discussion regarding what funding bills to ask their local state legislators to introduce, it was determined that finishing the ongoing sewer project was the most important. Brown stated that he was looking at an $11 million grant for that purpose, but the council felt they wanted to proceed with it anyway.


The second project was to bring water to the 107-acre fairgrounds. That is the more expedient one to go after because of the economic benefit. While I have very little hope that the Fair Association will get its act together, I think the county is close to using the bulk of that property for economic development projects.


There is already a charter high school that will take 25 acres and use it for their campus. It will be operated by IRSC similar to Clarke Advanced Learning, but I have been told it will be more for CTE (Career & Technical Education) students. There is a benefactor that has already committed to several million dollars in funding.


The council also changed their “preferred local vendor” category for contracts from the vendor being in Martin County to Indiantown only.


The council took the last step in approving the 5-year fire/rescue agreement with the county. I hope the council members learned their lesson in overreach. They cannot buck the will of their constituents.


The resolution can be found here




This was the first workshop meeting with the new schedule.

Workshop courtesy of Lumberjocks

The council will have these meetings, at which no votes take place, on the 4th Thursday of the month. It was initiated so that council members can interact with their constituents. I saw one constituent present.


Will this handicap their ability to vote in a timely manner on projects? In the long run, I believe it will. Having only one voting meeting a month may not prove enough to move the village’s business forward. Only time will tell.


Daniel Magro from Aclus Engineering, the village’s utility consultant, outlined those projects that are in the works and those for the future. Most will be done by a SFR grant which requires matches. Indiantown does well obtaining grants, and the utility needs upgrading.


You can find the presentation here


Manager Brown stated that the village would be receiving nearly $3.6 million in ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) funds over the next two years. There are certain guidelines as to how the money is to be spent.  There will be two temporary employees added to keep track of this funding. Much of the money is slated to be spent on the parks and water utility.


You can find the breakdown here


Susan Gibbs Thomas added an agenda item to discuss code enforcement. Several residents received code enforcement letters about putting on new roofs and not obtaining permits. With all the back and forth, it was not clear whether it was three, ten or more residents.


According to code enforcement, they ride around and if a roof seems new, they issue a code letter. That is an interesting approach to finding violators. I guess it is up to the homeowner to prove their innocence. According to Gibbs-Thomas none of the homeowners that contacted her had put on a new roof in years.

This happened back in April, but even so, that is no way to issue violations. I understand that sometimes miscommunication can happen. I just do not see how that is acceptable.


Something deeper is happening though. It appears that Gibbs-Thomas’ concerns are not taken seriously by the other council members. She is definitely not one of the guys. The animosity, at times, is palpable. I do not know what can be done to make it a more congenial body.



Indiantown Latest News From The August 22, 2021 Edition


The meeting held on August 19th will be covered in the next edition.



Indiantown Latest News From The August 8, 2021 Edition




During his remarks, Manager Brown mentioned that many things can be found on the village’s website on their transparency page. I looked at that page, and I like it.

Howard Brown

Some people will not give any credit to Brown and his staff for anything. I have written things that are not complimentary about him. Yet when something good has been implemented under his leadership, I want this newsletter to say that too.


I particularly like Brown’s bi-monthly report. It contains many things that would never be known to us by just following the meetings. The page is a great resource and should be imitated by other governments. In fact, I like the way the entire website is set up.


The maximum millage rate was voted on. It will remain the same as last year at 1.634. It passed 4-0. Dowling was absent from the meeting.


One of the things that I find to be excessive is the continuing adjustment of the strategic plan. Alex Karas came back for another presentation and measurement of where the village is in relationship to the plan. Why is the council so obsessed with this document?


Instead of using it as a guide they treat it as Holy Writ. While Mr. Karas may not mind the many visits to the village, the council has become more reliant on the document being followed than actual governance. Most strategic plans are placed on the shelf never to be seen again. The village takes an opposite approach and continuously reviews and tweaks their plan. There should be a happy medium.


Karas’ presentation can be found here




The interlocal agreement with the county for fire/rescue services was reviewed. Everything it contains (it can be found here ) is what was agreed. The county will provide fire service for 5 years, and in exchange, the village will have an improvement to their water lines for fire prevention in the amount of $1.5 million.


The county commission has a long-standing practice that it will have a formal vote on something only after the other party votes and executes the agreement. I do not understand why it is that they are so adamant in this regard. Even if the county adopts something first and the other party changes the agreement, the county is not obligated to those changes. The council adopted the agreement 4-0 with Dowling absent.


A discussion occurred regarding donations to non-profits. When did small local governments begin to think they should give tax dollars away to non-profits? Perhaps in Indiantown it is because of the trust fund bequeath to them by FPL. Government has no business donating money to anyone.


That shouldn’t preclude a government entity from paying a nonprofit to perform a service. For example, Martin County contracts with the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast to serve as the county’s animal shelter. However, just donating tax dollars is not the right thing to do.

Gibbs-Thomas said the very same thing at this meeting. After much discussion, the council instructed the manager to place a moratorium on any more asks from nonprofits. I hope the moratorium is a long one and not open to discussion again any time soon.



Indiantown Latest News From The July 25, 2021 Edition




In record time, the Village of Indiantown Council finished a meeting in less than 17 minutes. Given that some of their meetings have run many hours, this is an accomplishment.


The agenda was short. Originally there were going to be two contentious items…the council’s $10,000 fund for council member events and then the donation policy. Those would have taken up at least an hour, but they were tabled because not very many staff members were present.


The council did agree to send a letter to the school district regarding the reopening of the bus depot. They are afraid that in an emergency, it would take too long to evacuate schools. It makes sense.


If the depot is just for the busses that are used to transport Indiantown students, then why should the busses be driven back empty to Stuart. Any maintenance that needs to be done on a bus then the bus can go back for that to occur. However, I am assuming that the drivers live in Indiantown and western Martin County. Otherwise, there could be a problem for the district with overtime concerns matching drivers with routes.


The letter can be found here



Indiantown Latest News From The July 11, 2021 Edition




Since this was the first budget meeting for F.Y. ‘21/’22, much of the budget is still being formulated. It shows that the millage rate will stay the same, but the taxable value will increase. This allows the village budget to increase without the need for a millage increase. Most of that increase is absorbed by FPL.


The largest segment of the village’s $7,864,275 income comes from property taxes. As it grows, Indiantown will need to develop different and more diverse sources of revenue to fund a larger government. If revenue is derived just from property taxes, the rates will need to rise even if more homes are built.


The battle over having a “small” government instead of a “big” government has been decided. There are now 24.5 FTE (full time employees) not counting the council, whose members also receive a salary and benefits. If you look at their performance through a government lens, the village is doing a good job.

Howard Brown

Brown and his senior staff have been efficient at finding grant money and implementing the programs that the council has authorized. They may not be the programs that the “founders” wanted, but most of the “founders” of Indiantown are not residents and, therefore, not voters.


The budget seems solid and in line with the policies that were voted upon. The everyday expenditures to run the village are hardly excessive for the government they have determined they want. Perhaps the council is too fast to allow Brown to call in expert consultants when they are not always needed. Experts absolve senior management from owning any mistakes because of actions taken. Consultant advice is rarely worth the money it costs because of the hedging and hawing in the advice given.


There will be budget workshops for the public at different locations throughout the village. Most will not be recorded because they take place outside of the council chambers. In my opinion, that is a mistake. Village business belongs at Village Hall.


You can see the entire presentation  here




If finally developed, the old Indiantown DRI will bring 2500 new homes to Indiantown. That is a game changer.


Once all are completed, 2500 homes will result in a doubling of Indiantown’s population. Will it be in the next two years or ten years or stall and never be built as before? If it is built, the change that some council members were speaking about at the meeting will happen in the village.

If this development occurs, a retail consultant to entice Publix or CVS will not be necessary. The population and the economic demographic will change how retail is developed within the village. More chain stores would begin to look seriously at coming to Indiantown.


Currently, it is the village that believes it can entice retailers. It is all about population and economics. Currently, there is a Dollar General in Indiantown. That is appropriate for the economic status of the residents. If population doubles but the economic status of the residents does not, then you will end up with a Dollar Tree not a CVS.  


Even if the homes are in the $350,000 to $450,000 range, that will bring an entirely new population. It could be Stuart cops and Martin County fire/rescue employees besides people from Palm Beach County who would have an easy commute to work. These new residents will have a different perspective on where their local government should focus its attention. The new homeowners will be paying a substantial amount of the residential tax base.


If it happens a decade from now, today’s council members will not have to worry. However, if those homes are built and bought sooner, there will be changes coming to who sits as council members. New residents equate to new voters with differing sensibilities on what they want government to be. Be careful what you wish for.




The council approved an amended pay plan. I would imagine that they will be doing this quite often since they are required to sign off on new positions. There does not seem to be anything that is out of line.


You can find the plan here


Anthony Dowling wanted to discuss several things in the strategic plan. Why this discussion was needed was the question on everyone’s lips.  There were nine things that he was interested in:

  • Retail Analysis
  • Water Plant
  • Village Hall
  • Parks & Rec
  • Redesign of Warfield Blvd/710
  • Redesign of Martin Luther King Jr Drive
  • Annexation
  • Lobbyist/ Appropriation Bill/ Legislative
  • App for the Village

Guyton Stone

Stone asked a very pertinent question…how many of these are already being worked on? Brown answered that most were. Gibbs-Thomas wanted to know whether Dowling wanted to focus on all these items. There was not a clear-cut answer.


As they went through the items, it seemed that there was no real need for the discussion. If they want Jim Karas, the consultant, to return for one more workshop, the cost just doesn’t seem warranted at this point. Does the council want to have a meeting just to have a meeting? There is an expression in business that you need to let items ripen before tackling them.


Even though Brown recommended that the retail consultant give a report twice a year, the council decided on quarterly. I think they are going to be disappointed since the progress of bringing this merchant or that one will not change substantially in 90 days.


Brown was directed to bring back a strategic plan update in 30 days. The motion was made by Dowling and seconded by Clarke. It passed 5-0.




How do you make something seem nefarious? Just ask Dowling to present it.

Anthony Dowling

For some time now, he has been seeking to have each council member have a discretionary fund of $2,000 per year. This would be spent for special events that he or other council members may have through the year. Attorney Vose admits in an email to council that of the 9 other government entities that his firm represents, none of them have such a fund. In fact, he needed to reach out to the City of Orlando with a population of nearly 300,000 residents to find one. Orlando allocates $150,000 per council district (where members are elected by district voters).


Dowling brought up that he had to pay for a park rental permit for one of his events. If it is not a sanctioned village event, then he should pay for the permit. Where does the political end and a legitimate public purpose begin? Gibbs-Thomas said it doesn’t bother her to pay when she does something that the village hasn’t sanctioned.


Stone wanted to know what the difference was between Dowling’s need and putting on the “High School Parade?” Staff was involved in the parade. It was a sanctioned event where any council member could participate. Dowling could not answer these questions. Gibbs-Thomas said that a council member could bring it to a meeting and ask the fee to be waived if it really served the public interest.

Hernandez was in favor of the $10,000 but each council member would be entitled to one event per year. She said she was a procrastinator and didn’t want to wait for a once a month voting meeting to ask. Perhaps some council members believe their jobs include having festivals where they are the center of attention.


Staff should oversee this type of thing when government money is used? Council members do not get to have one political event a year using government money. It is self-serving and reeks of self-interest.


That is why I was surprised when Dowling moved to table the discussion and it was seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. That means it will come back after multiple times already for another round. It looked to me if Dowling had made a motion for such a fund it would not have received a second. It would have died.


Now it still lives to come back at another meeting. Once more, a debate will occur. It will still seem like a slush fund is being created for political use with the people’s tax dollars. It is bad government.


You can see Vose’s email and Orlando’s policy here



Indiantown Latest News From The June 27, 2021 Edition




There was a presentation from the village’s retail consultant, The Retail Coach. The razzle and the dazzle were there but so far, no new businesses are floating in. And that is the problem one can have with consultants. What can and should be expected?


They will contact chain stores and if you look at the presentation you will see a variety of those type businesses. Perhaps, they will have another fast food or other franchise. If it is a franchise, it will have to be one that the demographics of the village can sustain. I am not a fan of consultants but when their contract comes up for renewal if they haven’t produced something why would you pay more tax dollars to keep it going.


You can find their report here


The council also received their yearly audit from Mauldin & Jenkins for the year ending September 2020. It was a clean report. You can find it here

Remember a clean report does not mean anything more than the numbers are good and the money is in the bank. The decisions that were made to spend the money is subject to the voters’ interpretation.


The council finally had the chance to approve a real project that should be beneficial to the village. The Tractor Supply Store will be built on Warfield Blvd. near Indianwood on a now vacant piece of land. It is good news for the village and according to the agenda item will generate about $5000 in additional real estate taxes.

               Courtesy Tractor Supply

Apparently, Tractor Supply is expanding in Martin County with two new stores. This one and the one on the old Costco site in Palm City. There is one in Okeechobee. There will probably be some local jobs created.


The staff brought four agenda items pertaining to this. They encompassed a site plan approval, a wastewater and water agreement, a plat application and a conditional use approval. There seemed to be a problem because of the lighting requirement. The code calls for one type and the applicant wanted to not use it because of the costs. Even intimating that the lighting requirement could kill the deal.

I don’t know whether the applicant’s concern was justified or not. It seemed they blind sided staff because they had not brought it up sooner as a deal killer. Dowling was able to broker an exception that made some sense. Gibbs-Thomas had a problem because they were asking for not only that exception but also regarding exceptions to the code for swails and fencing.


In all three conditions the reason the exceptions come to the council is because it is something the code will not allow. With a little more experience the council would have not had so many worries about granting them. I think in this instance staff should have spoken to the council members prior to gage what they were uncomfortable with approving. This could of all been worked out ahead of time.


It did pass with Gibbs-Thomas voting no on the conditional use and site plan.


There was a rumor that there were Indian burial mounds on the property. There was no substantiation of any of it. This is not going to stop the project from going forward. The landowner is hiring an archeologist to give a report to the village confirming whether the rumor is true. If you are interested in reading this package, it would be better to go onto the Indiantown website and follow the links to the agenda items.


Dowling proposed a $2000 discretionary fund for each council member to in essence have a slush fund to put on events or maybe take a constituent out to a meal. Council members already receive a salary, retirement, and have travel and educational funds. This is a good gig if you can get it.

            Antony Dowling

The average homeowner pays about $200 in taxes to the village. Most residents are poor hardworking folks. They deserve more than this type of behavior. When does the gravy train stop? 


Hernandez wants it on for the June 23rd budget meeting. Please stop!



Indiantown Latest News From The June 13, 2021 Edition




For some reason, Ms. Clarke and Mr. Stone are still not attending the meetings in person. Is there a reason that they prefer sitting at home or in their offices instead of interacting with constituents and their colleagues? Having remote meetings, though allowed in statute if a quorum is physically present, is not conducive to conducting business. I can see no valid rationale for this to continue.


As discussed in the Martin County section, the County is finished with fire/rescue negotiations. The pressure on the Village to move forward and forget about creating a department from scratch is immense. If the Village already had its own, like Stuart does, it should be kept. To create one from scratch when the Village already has services from the county is not good use of taxpayer dollars.

Antony Dowling

In breaking with her usual pattern on who she asks first for council comments, the mayor called on Dowling to go first. Usually, she calls on Gibbs-Thomas to lead off. If Gibbs-Thomas had gone first she probably would have made the motion to accept Martin County’s offer regarding continuing to provide fire/rescue services. Something that in all fairness was appropriate for her to make since she had advocated for it for some time.


Instead, Dowling took 20 minutes to tell his listeners at home many things before broaching fire/rescue. When he got to the subject, he thanked the county commission, especially Jenkins for the offer. In the spirit of unity, he made a motion to accept the $1.5 million; to receive monthly reporting statistics; to have quarterly presentations from Martin County Fire/Rescue; and to amend the deed restrictions for the buildings at Booker and Big Mound Parks to allow for a civic center, community center, event center, meeting rooms, municipal annex, emergency operations center and hurricane shelter.


It was seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 5-0. Everyone thanked the county for being understanding. Gibbs-Thomas also added that the residents should be thanked for making their will known and for their common sense.


I would add the council should apologize to the taxpayers for spending thousands of dollars on studies and consultants for this outcome. It was obvious from the beginning that the residents and taxpayers didn’t want to create a fire/rescue department. They had to walk back all their plans. I do not believe all will be forgotten and forgiven at election time.


I am also not so sure that the county will acquiesce to the deed changes either. The BOCC was certain in that they wanted those buildings to be used for recreation. They probably could stretch it to include some of those uses but probably not all. Will the deal blow up? Not likely given that the commission is finished giving things away to the village.




Council Member Dowling made a motion to change the date of the August 12th meeting to August 19th because of the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. The conference officially begins Thursday August 12th and runs to Saturday, August 14th. Thursday night is usually reserved for dinner with members attending from the Treasure Coast. I checked with the director, and the dinner is scheduled for that evening. However, there are currently no sponsors picking up the tab so there may not be a dinner.


Instead of making the 2-hour drive to Orlando early Friday morning when the work of the conference begins, Dowling and the gang will have village-paid rooms two or possibly    nights. Though the end of the conference is on Saturday afternoon, there is a purely social gala on Saturday night that could be in the cards for this council to attend. The motion passed 3-2 with Gibbs-Thomas and Hernandez voting no.


The meeting schedule will change in August to provide for a workshop on the 4th Thursday of the month with a business meeting on the 2nd Thursday. This is to allow for discussion with the residents. Nothing will be voted on, and it isn’t really a workshop because the council will discuss the items that will be on the business meeting with the public.


I hope it works but sometimes 2 meetings a month are not enough. Having only one meeting where votes can be taken will result in awfully long meetings. As to the workshop, Stone wanted to put a time limit but that gained no traction. Gibbs-Thomas put it succinctly when she said that there will just be double handling and discussion ad infinitum.


The motion passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.




Indiantown Latest News From The May 23, 2021 Edition






                     Howard Brown

Manager Brown began relaying the offer from the county by introducing the contents of the letter from County Administrator Taryn Kryzda. The letter outlined that the county would offer a grant of $300,000 per year for five years to be used to enhance fire flow to the town. Nowhere in the letter did it mention the separate inter local agreement concerning keeping Martin County Fire/Rescue for the same period. The letter can be found  here


Brown also had Bill Archebelle, the current public works director, explain what should be done with the funds to comply with the county grant. His diagram and memo are attached here


Brown and Attorney Vose met with Martin County staff to discuss the offer. Vose stated that the county would be willing to give statistical reports to the village regarding calls. He said that county staff were not going to discuss any increase in the monetary offer or what it could be used for outside of fire prevention. They said there may be a willingness to pay it upfront as the work is accomplished.


Vose went on that at a village staff meeting that they wanted the buildings at Booker and Big Mound Parks to be used for more than recreation. They want to propose to the county that they be used for any public purpose.


Gibbs-Thomas wasted no time and made a motion to accept the offer of $1.5 million with a five-year fire agreement including statistical reporting and broader building usage. The money would be paid out immediately. She went on to explain that the BOCC did not want a negotiation and that it was a onetime offer. There was no second.

               Anthony Dowling

Dowling believed it was an initial start. He wants the entire price that Archebelle quoted for the fire flow work of $2.8 million. He also wanted the park building restrictions lifted and statistical reporting. Going forward the deed restrictions and the reporting requirements were in every motion.


Clarke wanted a three-year fire deal with a one-year additional village option at $375,000 per year.


Hernandez wants the counteroffer to be that the village collects the MSTU and sends it quarterly to the county. The county continues to do the village’s LAP certification for FDOT projects. $500,000 per year with a five-year agreement.


Clarke then came back with a motion for three years at $500,000 per year. That was discussed with some heated commentary. Dowling came back with $500,000 per year over five years. Archebelle explained that the work outlined in the memo and documents would cost approximately $2,800,000 but the design part could be an additional $400,000.


Clarke made a second motion for a five-year agreement with $500,000 per year. Stone seconded this one. After discussion it was withdrawn. Both Gibbs-Thomas and Vose believed that the county number was firm.


Clarke then made a third motion for three years at $500,000 per year that died for lack of a second. Then Dowling made a motion for a five-year agreement at $500,000 per year. Hernandez passed the gavel and then seconded. During discussion, Stone said that Gibbs-Thomas was not acting as a member of the council but rather as if she were a county commissioner. She responded angrily that she indeed was a member of the council but believes that the BOCC is not going to raise the financial grant amount. I tend to agree with Susan.


The vote was taken, and it passed 3-2 with Clarke and Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.




Jim Karras went through the last strategic planning workshop. Some of the goals that were outlined seemed to be in stark contrast to the council’s recent behavior. It doesn’t seem that at present the village is going to work with the Indiantown Chamber regardless of the platitudes expressed in this document. They will have another workshop at a future undetermined date.


Dowling made a motion to accept the report and have another session that was seconded by Clarke. It passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.


You can see the presentation  here


Currently the position of public works director is filled using a contract with Bowman Engineering. Bill Archebelle is the Bowman employee assigned to the contract. The contract calls for 8.5 hours per week. Brown is looking to create an internal position to manage the consulting contract and the water plant.


The position would pay between $77-$92,000 per year. The position would be paid equally from the general fund and the water utility fund. Motion made by Dowling and seconded by Stone. It passed 5-0.


The job description can be found here


Lastly, in my opinion the council needs for all five members to return to the chamber for meetings. It is a bit chaotic to run a meeting when two council members, usually Clarke and Stone, are not there. I am 100% for the broadcast of the meeting both live and through the website. I am less in favor of continuing public comment this way.


There is no substitution for council members seeing each other, staff, and most importantly their constituents in person. Don’t be afraid! The video conferencing of meetings for the council was a lifeline during the pandemic. The pandemic is over.


Indiantown Latest News From The May 9, 2021 Edition




During public comment, only one speaker spoke in favor of the council’s apparent decision to create a fire/rescue department. She didn’t really say she was in favor, only that she supported the council’s right to make the decision.


Every other speaker was not in favor of this decision. Why would they be when there is ample evidence to prove that it is not a good idea and that it doesn’t make sense. Regardless of what most Indiantown citizens may want, this council is plowing ahead as if their opinions and desires just do not matter.


One speaker who lives outside the village boundaries spoke and claimed that he would have a 45-minute response time if MCFR closes Station 24. That is not true. He mentioned Tropical Farm’s station. The county is looking to relocate the Indiantown station somewhere closer to serve the western part of the county. So, while it may take two or three minutes more than now, his dire prediction will not be true.


During his comments, Dowling showed that he will tolerate no dissent in the ranks. Apparently, a member of the public who attended one of his events questioned a vendor about where funds were going. Instead of taking the comment in stride when Dowling heard about it, he stated that the person (whose identity he claims not to know) is banned from his events in the future.


Mr. Dowling is confusing Indiantown with somewhere else and is behaving as though the member of the public lives in a dictatorship instead of a democracy. This is not the first time that Dowling has shown these dictatorial tendencies. He forgets he is an elected official in a small Florida town with limited authority.


Also, if the event in question is a public one, then anyone can attend even someone who thinks little of Dowling and questions his motives and abilities. If Dowling wants to run for higher office, then he better develop a thicker skin and not try to stifle people from criticizing his polices or, for that matter, his character.


He also stated he couldn’t go to the Gibbs-Thomas/Jenkins event to discuss the proposed fire/rescue department because it would be against the sunshine statutes. Dowling is wrong. In addition to Harold Jenkins, there were two other county commissioners at the event, Hetherington and Ciampi. None of the three broke sunshine because Commissioners Ciampi and Hetherington did not publicly speak.

I am not saying Dowling should have attended. I am saying he could have attended. All he needed to do was not speak to the crowd.


During her comments, Clarke said that it was up to the county to send a contract regarding fire/rescue. That is a unique perspective since Martin County is not able to do anything. They have an ordinance that forbids them from providing fire service and charging anything other than the MSTU. If Martin County were to kick back ambulance fees or other charges then, while it may not be in technical violation of that ordinance, it certainly could make a Hobe Sound resident mad as someone who was paying full freight.


Martin County needs to stop capitulating to the petty politburo that is now the Indiantown council except for Gibbs-Thomas. With each passing meeting the council seems to be ignoring their constituents and taking the position that they know best, and they seem to believe that governing should be left to those elected with no consent from the governed.




This is a site plan for several buildings in an industrial PUD. The location is off Old Fox Brown Road. Their goal is to make products from raw materials that are sustainable.


It appears that staff has done their due diligence. Everything conforms to code and where it does not, there are several staff recommendations which are well thought out. The first phase of development will create 16-20 jobs and phase 2 will have 60-80 jobs. According to the applicant many, of those jobs can be filled by Indiantown residents.


The downside is that there may be up to 30 trucks per day delivering and picking up product. You cannot have business without some downside. Dowling made the motion, and it was seconded by Clarke. It passed 4-0 with Stone absent.


The agenda item can be found  here




At a meeting, a few weeks ago, the subject of changing the name of Adams Avenue to E. Thelma Waters Avenue was discussed. It was decided that the street would be named for both entities. Even though some council members were convinced it could be done…it cannot.

Now they are calling for the change to E. Thelma Waters, but Adams will be an alias. So, for the next several months, mail sent to an Adams address will continue to be delivered. However, at some point the description on documents and mail will need to be changed.


How complicated can you make something? Get the government involved on either the local, state, and federal level and you have needless complication and rules. The motion to move forward was made by Gibbs-Thomas and seconded by Clarke and passed 4-0.




Directly from the agenda item:


“At the Strategic Planning Workshop of April 10, 2021, the Council discussed the

restructuring of their meeting and workshop schedule. The consensus was as


2nd Thursday (first meeting of the month) – Regular Business Meeting

4th Thursday (second meeting of the month) – Workshop to discuss

upcoming items and allow for more public input.

The Council conceded that additional special meetings may be needed, especially

during budget season, for which they would schedule those meetings accordingly.”


At the April 10th planning session, the council decided that they needed a monthly workshop to take the place of one of their meetings. At a workshop, you cannot vote on anything. You discuss things. Most elected boards that have workshops don’t have public participation. Indiantown does have it.


Instead of having the public speak and the council listening, this will afford the people an opportunity to ask questions of their council and more importantly for the council to speak endlessly while getting nothing accomplished. Gibbs-Thomas said that this will be just a way to discuss things in a workshop and then discuss them again during the regular meeting.


Dowling, who never met a speech he did not want to give, said that the plan was fine with him. Condescendingly, he said to Gibbs-Thomas that he would help her understand the policy. He went on to say that they are doing the work of the people and it didn’t matter how much time they needed. Whether they go to 10, 11 or 2 in the morning, they were doing the people’s work.  It was noted that even when this was being discussed, the chamber appeared to be empty at 9 pm.


This experiment will begin in July.




Indiantown Latest News From The April 25, 2021 Edition




The news this week was not what the council passed but what was said.


I guess we are now officially in the politics of persecution. Forget the mantra “fake news,” it is now all about purported grievances. If someone disagrees with a decision it is not because there is a disagreement over policy but rather personal or racial or being a nay-sayer. There is plenty of the latter…not only in Indiantown and Martin County.

During public comment, the captain for Station 24 spoke about removing the county as the provider. Someone else spoke that the village had not considered the cost of procuring and setting up an air channel for the new department. Perhaps he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but Dowling told both that he heard their concerns, but the attitude he conveyed was “now go away.”


The Indiantown Chamber director once again addressed the council suggesting they have a conversation about why there was discord between the two entities. Dowling said she was disrespecting the council by coming in there and telling them what to do. I guess he was referring to the economic specialist the village is hiring.


Clarke piped up and said something about the “real history.” Hernandez said perhaps further down the line there could be a better relationship. She said someone on the chamber staff is bashing the council and the chamber cannot demand things.


Chamber Director Tyndall said the chamber is not a building but people. She hoped they could work together and let what happened in the past stay in the past.


The council does not see it that way. There is apparently much deep-down hurt on the council’s part. The chamber disagrees with the course the village is taking on issues and is vocally exercising their right to disagree with their government’s actions and policies. The government is not supposed to then put them on an enemies list. It looks to me that the enemies list is growing.




During her remarks, Gibbs-Thomas thanked the protesters outside who were expressing their views and indicated that the council should be listening to all people even the ones they disagree with. Apparently, the protesters outside were there because they disagreed with the council on fire/rescue and the budget.

Stone answered that he is ready to get moving on the new fire/rescue department.


During her comments, Hernandez said people who attacked the village manager were attacking the council. Ms. Hernandez went on to note that Indiantown has a large minority population and maybe that is the reason Martin County ignored Indiantown. She has seen some “stuff” done under the county’s auspices and control. Decisions were made by the county because of the color of residents.


Hernandez went on to state that the village manager is directed by the council. She gets answers from the staff and that their jobs are not easy. That the community is being taken advantage of. Before she didn’t see color. Now being Black or Hispanic does matter. They have lived in the shadows for years now they have a voice.

She continued that the village has the best staff and contractors. The metaphors were flying all over the place. Hernandez said the fire consultant, Mr. Iacona, was a fire chief and is the best around. And now there is pushback from residents and those living outside the village.


Martin County is not easy to work with, Hernandez went on. Residents need to speak with the council. There is a lot of misinformation.


She then said that they never took away property rights. They developed a comp plan and land development regulations. The property rights are better or at the same level.


County Attorney Vose said that since writing a comp plan and codes were such a vast undertaking, things could fall between the cracks, but they were corrected. The reason that Indiantown wanted independence was because of the need for development. It was anticipated and any gaffs or holes were and would continue to be fixed as brought to light.


In this respect, Hernandez and Vose are correct. There is no way that existing property rights would go away. If a property owner is hurt by the village disregarding the rights that existed before Indiantown wrote its codes and comp plan, then the property owner can bring suit under the Bert Harris Act if those rights are not restored. So far, I have not heard of anyone doing this nor do I expect too.




Gibbs-Thomas led of the fire/rescue discussion by saying the savings of millions was just not there. She had two numbers in mind…the $788,000 that was credited to FPL for the TPP and that village residents actually paid $5.3 million to the Fire MSTU last year. She said the county was willing to see about a deal.

Dowling stated that the county was operating in bad faith beginning with the changing of the deed for the old Booker Park station. He further stated that Martin County is trying to stop what they are doing, and the council needs to move forward. He believes that the numbers the village is using for fire/rescue were put together by qualified people, and they have proven that the village will have the same level of service. Dowling believes that the county is looking to get rid of Brown and if that is the case, the council is doing something right. The county is not providing an alternative (the alternative is to remain with Martin County.)


Clarke took the position that the county is wrong and doesn’t have all the facts.


Dowling then said that you do not need to be a property owner to be elected to the council. That is correct. And I agree with Dowling that you do not need to own a house to be a good council member.


Hernandez said the county is trying to change her mind. Jenkins is only one of five and so what he says is not binding (that is true.) Iacona gave them very conservative expense numbers for their department. She has family here and only wants to do what is best. Iacona has been a fire chief. Placentia, California started their own fire department and it’s worked out well.


Wade Vose then spoke about Booker Park Station. When the parks, including Booker Park, were given to the village, there was an interlocal agreement that stated the village could not use any of the transferred property for anything but recreational purposes. They were also forbidden to sell any of the property. The deeds reflected the interlocal except the deed for Booker Park Station.


At the time, both the village and county were clear about the intent. The county went back and corrected the deed for Booker Park to reflect what had been discussed by both entities and agreed to in the interlocal. Vose said that it was only after the village began discussing their own department that the county amended the deed. He admitted they had every right to do so. 


He went on to say that didn’t mean that the county could not allow it to be used for a fire house. The old station in Booker Park had not been used as a fire/rescue station in some time. Vose said there is a difference between legality and politically. I agree that there is. As far as Martin County is concerned, they are going to stick to the letter of the agreement.



It is interesting that Brown chose Placentia as an example of jettisoning a county fire department for a municipality to create its own.


A few facts about Placentia…it has 6.6 square miles. It has a population of 50,623 people. The average household income per year is $114,000. 71% of the population is white with 17% Asian. 2% of the population is Black. Of the 71% of the white population, about half identify as Hispanic. Half the population has a college degree with 14% having a graduate degree. 8% of the population would be considered impoverished.


75% of the population is native born. There is little industry. It is, for all intents and purposes, a middle-class bedroom community located in Northern Orange County, California in a densely populated area.


I can immediately see the resemblance to Indiantown that Placentia has. Which in truth is extraordinarily little.


Why did no one speak to the City of Okeechobee which is about 20 miles away and has similar demographics to Indiantown. The city department is a hybrid model like what is being proposed for Indiantown of both volunteers and paid staff. They are disbanding the department and asking Okeechobee County to take over.


It is better to pick the numbers and situations that support perceived conclusions. In this case Indiantown’s failure to look at all the facts may make its decision doomed to failure. This is like a child doing something stupid to show the parent that the kid is all grown up.




Once again, Jim Karis was the facilitator of an Indiantown workshop. The vision stuff came first. He gave the day’s timeline with the topics that were to be discussed.


The first presenter up and in person was Lynn Tipton from FLC University in Orlando. She gave a brief but succinct presentation on the role of the council. She first touched on ethics. And wanted the council to know that they were stewards of the village’s resources.


Tipton spoke on the sunshine, open meetings, and public records law in Florida. She then went into the strong manager-weak council form of government. The council sets policy. The manager is responsible for the implementation of the policy and the day-to-day operations.


A couple of observations that I thought of while I was listening that had nothing to do with the meeting. The first is a compliment that the village’s website is incredibly good and easy to maneuver. There is a plethora of information for the public to read. Anthony Dowling tends to say, “bring the public along” as if they are not as wise as he is. Hernandez keeps stating that people don’t know how government works. Does she believe that the council are the only people with any knowledge?


Then came the discussion on fire/rescue.


I do not have a doubt that the village will be pursuing an independent department. Mr. Iacona, their consultant, presented and answered the council’s questions via Zoom. He laid out the next steps for them. The four things that he suggests being done are:

1) the hiring of an emergency services manager,

2) develop an implementation plan,

3) adopt a capital program,

4) have public outreach and community awareness.

Iacona believes the position of manager is transitory. That person will devise and implement the plan. He/she should be knowledgeable especially about hybrid volunteer/paid departments. The plan being created will decide on the station’s location, deployment protocols, dispatch, equipment, handling the RFP for medical response, inspections, training, and benefits. Iacona fits that job description.


The capital needs in 2022 will be $1.2 to $1.8 million according to the consultant. The village will need to inform the county of its decision no later than May 2022 and be ready to go in October 2022. The leaving will be the easy part.


Hernandez stated that this will be attacked by citizens, by MCFR, and county officials. The attacks are based on money and politics. And to some extent, they are.

Brown said that he had done a public records request for information pertaining to response times and the county did not respond. Stone also made a request over three weeks ago, and no one responded. A citizen spoke and said she wanted professionals responding not volunteers.


Stone stated that FPL is not going anywhere. Brown agreed saying they only care about taxes. Brown said that the county must provide mutual aid. Clarke dittoed that she had requested the information and had not received it either. Iacona said that Martin County must provide dispatch service because it is paid for by the general fund.


There are a couple of misstatements by Brown, council members, and Iacona. First there is no requirement that there be mutual aid agreements. The only time that one department will cover another without an ILA is when there is a declared emergency or disaster. An auto accident or not having enough ambulances is not such an occurrence.


I would doubt that MCFR personnel would agree to work with people that were not paid professionals. Even if such an agreement could be worked out between the two entities, the union would stop it cold. The equipment must also be comparable.


Answering 911 calls and dispatch are two different things. Indiantown will have 911 service handled by the sheriff’s operators. They will then send the calls for fire/ems to Indiantown, but Indiantown needs someone to dispatch the units. One person on duty as a dispatcher 7 days per week 24 hours a day is the equivalent of 5 people at minimum. The sheriff’s office is not going to be tracking Indiantown’s units and dispatching which go to what incident. That is real liability.


Right now, FPL has no plans to leave Indiantown. The implementation of a volunteer department could cause FPL to reconsider their Indiantown location. I would also venture to guess that if the same exact tax break is not continued, they would leave.


Let us assume that all Iacona’s numbers for cost of a department are correct. What I know that is not correct are the numbers that they claim the county MSTU is, and the FPL rebate are which would put a question in my mind as to the accuracy of all the other numbers being used.

Lastly, I saw a news report that stated Indiantown was paying the county for fire/rescue service. That is not accurate. The village does not pay anything. The taxpayer is charged through an MSTU rate that all unincorporated Martin County, Ocean Breeze, and Indiantown residents pay. The money is remitted to the county through the tax collector. Indiantown as a municipality does not send anything to the county for this service.


When the village has its own department, the amount that a taxpayer remits to the village will increase. Using the village’s own projections, the average homeowner will save about $20 per year.


The village cannot be doing it for $20. If no one is unhappy with the current service, then what is the reason? What is the motive behind this move? I do not know since it obviously isn’t for better service or more qualified responders. That old saying “a riddle in an enigma, wrapped in a mystery” applies to this. 


You can have the entire presentation HERE




Indiantown Latest News From The April 11, 2021 Edition




The executive director of the Indiantown Chamber spoke trying to clear the air between that organization and the council. Every time the chamber’s name is mentioned by Council Member Gibbs-Thomas, the current Indiantown representative, there is nothing but negativity from the other four members. The question is why?

This came up because of the approval to hire an economic specialist by the village at the last meeting. Gibbs-Thomas was the only one to vote against hiring for that position and mentioned the chamber as a substitute. And while I do not believe the village needs an economic specialist position, if Indiantown government feels it does, then that person should be a government employee or contractor.


This leads me to two observations about Martin County and not just Indiantown. All the chambers have ex officio elected officials on their boards. Why is there a mixing of government and chambers? While it is certainly important to have a dialogue between the two, there should not be an automatic seat on the chambers’ boards.


Last year, Guyton Stone was on the Indiantown Chamber board. He was their advocate at the council. This year he advocates just as fiercely for the BDB where he is the village’s representative. He has grown remarkably colder to the chamber. Gibbs-Thomas has taken up the mantle for the chamber this year.


I believe if government is going to use taxpayer dollars for a purpose, then the entity trying to court business, or any other function should ultimately work or be an exclusive agent for the people. We can debate whether any of these positions should even exist but to delegate is something taxpayers should not be comfortable doing.


Mr. Brown announced that he is hiring a grant writer and, at the direction of the council, will pursue setting up the Indiantown Fire/Rescue Department.




Ms. Waters, recently inducted into Florida Women’s Hall of Fame and a staunch advocate for Indiantown, passed away. She was one of the incorporators of Indiantown and was a fixture at village meetings until Covid struck.

In most people’s minds, it would be a no brainer to name a street in her name. It seems it is not that simple in Indiantown.


The development director who oversees this project spoke to the post office and they stated that the current addresses on Adams Avenue would need to change over to E Thelma Waters Avenue. They couldn’t have both names. It makes sense in that bureaucratic fashion of government.


Three residents spoke against the new name because of the inconvenience they would endure in having to change their official addresses with bills and government documents. Althea Johnson, the director, would work with the 20 or so affected parties to ensure a smooth transition.


Then came the back pedaling by the council and staff alike. It appeared that all along the name change was ceremonial and it was always contemplated to have both Adams and Waters on the street sign. Manager Brown opined that he had seen many “two named streets” in Florida and elsewhere. Council Member Dowling agreed that having streets bearing two names was not uncommon.


Dowling made a motion to co-designate Adams Avenue and E Thelma Waters Avenue as the name. It was seconded by Stone and passed 5-0. In the interim, staff will work with Post Office staff to complete the name change.


I have moved both my home and office many times. One of the things you do when you move is change your address on your bills, documents, and publications. It is even easier today than in the past since so much can be done online. And unlike when you physically move, in this instance you are remaining in place. You are going to have the same letter carrier and post office deliver your stuff for some time even after expiration of the “forwarding” time. This doesn’t seem to be that big a deal.


The people who spoke against the change did so in Spanish. That is not a problem. Every resident should be able to address the council with their concerns at a public meeting. Many of Indiantown’s residents speak Spanish and not English. There should be a mechanism for them to do so without relying on Mayor Hernandez to be the translator for the public, staff, and other council members.


While this was not a contentious item, if it had been, Hernandez would have been placed in an awkward position. I believe she would try to be fair even if the speakers were advocating for a position with which Hernandez didn’t agree. It still is not a good idea. If a proposed development were being voted upon her translation could become pivotal to the vote. Any disputes could blow back on her and the village.




During this meeting, the village authorized $676,577.00 in consultant fees.


The majority of that money, $483,252.00, is devoted to the “water works.” Probably some of those funds may ultimately be reimbursed by grants. When you buy a run-down utility, there is some catching up to do. This is part of the process. 


You can find the proposal  here


The other two proposals, which are part of the village’s quest to be “free” of Martin County services, have several components.


The Fire Fee proposal, which includes parks, details how the village will be able to grow their fledgling department and encompass new development. This very nature of this proposal definitively states going forward, Indiantown’s fire/rescue will be separate from the county. You cannot collect an impact fee unless the new construction will increase the need for service, a service you are now providing rather than the county.


You can read the proposal here


The mobility fee study is the village’s attempt to stop Martin County from collecting road impact fees within the village for new construction. Is it possible that it will eventually be successful at doing so? Yes, it may be possible but not likely for several reasons.

When charging impact fees, there must be a rational nexus between the projects paying them and how/where the money collected will be used. For example, if you took the impact fees for an Indiantown project and then the county used them for a road in Jensen, it would be hard to justify. However, if you used those fees to pave a county road within the village or even work on Kanner Highway, then a rational nexus would exist.


The village has the problem of believing their own posturing and taking it too far. For example, when I was a Stuart commissioner I did get into a written war of words with Anne Scott and Administrator Kryzda over the allocation of services to the county general fund that I believed should be allocated to the MSTUs. It became heated but never personal. Indiantown needs to be careful that disagreements over policy do not jeopardize needed relationships.


The village can charge impact fees. There is no dispute on that point. The dispute and probable litigation will be when they assume the stance that no county impact fees are due from new construction.


Further the village does not have to collect the county’s impact fees unless there is an agreement. That does not mean that county impact fees will not be due. It will be up to the developer or landowner to go to the county building and write a check.


 The City of Port St. Lucie is claiming the same strategy as Indiantown. There are two large differences. Port St. Lucie is about 65% of the area of St. Lucie County with Fort Pierce as another large municipality. Most roads within those cities are roads built by the cities. That is not so in Indiantown.


If I were the village, I would seek to strike the same deal as the City of Stuart has with the county which is to collect the county’s impact fees but at a lesser rate than would be due outside the boundaries. It would be a win for the developer, the county, and the village.


Will common sense prevail? I would not count on the council to be reasonable. Statements like those of Mayor Hernandez at the last meeting equating the payment of impact fees in Indiantown to the quality of Stuart Beach is ludicrous. Brown has the capacity and the knowledge to strike a deal and avoid what will not be a good outcome for the village. Does Brown have the willingness to be more the professional than the instigator is the question.


The mobility study can be found  here




Indiantown Latest News From The March 28, 2021 Edition




The council was asked to renew the contract with Quest Communications for another year. The contract called for a fee of $7,000 per month for 80 hours of work. That is a total of $84,000 per year. And then it got confusing.


Most of what they do are press releases and the village newsletter both in English and Spanish. Manager Brown explained that there was no one on staff that could translate things into Spanish as accurately. More importantly, he said that it was important to make sure that the correct translation was done to avoid misunderstandings. He is not wrong there.

At some point upon questioning of staff, Council Member Stone noted that the village had spent $67,000 in the current year. Stone then proposed that they retain the company at $90 per hour with a cap of $84,000 for the year. That seemed reasonable. The information the council sought was not given up easily by anyone.


Council Member Dowling, who I can never remember voting against spending the most money possible on any item, was very adamant that they should sign a contract that as a minimum number of $7,000 per month but not a maximum amount. Staff should have known better as well, especially since they had used $17,000 less in services this year than next year’s proposal.


Council Member Gibbs-Thomas was still against the contract extension. I think of all the council members, she is the one that will question the need of the expense. I wish that her colleagues would have a bit more of her questioning nature.


A motion was made by Stone to extend the contract at a rate of $90 per hour with a yearly cap of $84,000. It passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.




The Village is looking for someone to be an economic specialist and the pay will be approximately $60,000 per year. The specialist will report to the development & economic director. They will concentrate on bringing business to the community. The job description can be found here. here

Dowling, who has always seen a need to hire more people, moved to create the position. There was no second…at first. He said that at their visioning session, most of the council had agreed to this position. Brown said that position would manage business recruitment and bring an applicant through the process of obtaining the necessary permits, etc.


In February, the council authorized the manager to sign a contract of up to $50,000 for a retail consultant to advise on that matter. No such contract came before the council for approval, nor did I see one posted on the village website though it appears one has been signed.  I was told by staff that the position will not overlap with the retail consultant.


What the council did approve was $10,000 to the Business Development Board as a retainer for some nebulous benefit.


Gibbs-Thomas, the council’s representative to the ex-officio position on the Indiantown chamber, questioned whether this is something that the chamber does. And, once again, the other council members piped up and said how the chamber was not helping the village. She also asked the truly relevant question about whether or not there is a need for a full-time person?

Mayor Hernandez said that this position was needed and passed the gavel to second Dowling’s motion. Hernandez added that the director needs someone to back her up when she goes on vacation or if she decides to leave. She also had consulted with an elected official from Doral in Miami-Dade, and they have such a person.  Doral’s population is nearly ten times Indiantown’s size at over 60,000 people.


Hernandez added that she did not want to be dependent on FPL. At least that sounds like a good idea to me.


The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting.




Indiantown Latest News From The March 14, 2021 Edition




Indiantown’s meetings have come a long way.


They used to be form free. That is no longer the case. Perhaps Village Manager Brown has instilled some discipline into the council. Or now in their third year of operation the members have gotten the hang of it. Some of it could be Mayor Hernandez who has kept things on track. It probably is a result of all three. I am glad that the meetings have become very professional.

At some point soon, I would like to see all five members return in person. If there is anything that contributes to the meetings not being as good as they could be, it is that both Guyton Stone and Jackie Clarke are on Zoom. It sometimes seems as they are not as engaged as they should be.


Anyways kudos to all for improving so much.


The village received a $2 million appropriation for a road and drainage project in the Booker Park area. This is something that began in the last legislative session. Again, another good thing. To see the information, go here




There is no simple solution regarding the decision about how to provide Fire/EMS services to the village.

Here would be the questions I would ask myself if I were an Indiantown council member to determine whether to move forward or not. First, could I provide a better level of service than what is currently being provided. Second, would I be able to reduce the amount that my residents and businesses pay for the service. Third, would the added burden both financially and administratively be worth it. And last, what would be the worst-case scenario and how would the village deal with it.


Mike Iacona, the consultant for the village, led the discussion. He stated that the MSTU for the village is $5.93 million and that is what was used in his assumptions. However, for this year, it is $5.3 million, and Mr. Iacona acknowledged it. That is because it changes constantly with the amount and the cost of the equipment that FPL keeps at its facility.


FPL pays roughly 85% of the MSTU in the village. According to the consultant, they receive a $500,000 rebate from Martin County as part of an agreement. However, in an email from the county administrator to FPL, the amount quoted (and that I verified) was $789,000. If Indiantown begins providing the service, then the village will rebate that amount to FPL.  The county administrator told me that she stated the true amount of the rebate as $789,000 in a letter to Mr. Brown.


In two key assumptions, the actual MSTU being collected and the rebate to FPL, the village is using more favorable numbers that encourage offering its own service. Would you consider that cooking the books to arrive at the desired outcome?  

Gibbs-Thomas has spoken to Commissioner Jenkins and according to her, the county would accept a mediator to help in those negotiations. Dowling was skeptical that the county would want to negotiate. I do not see how they could negotiate for a cheaper price with Indiantown since the unincorporated areas pay that MSTU. Why would a resident of the county want to subsidize an Indiantown resident to pay less?


The consultant outlined 4 options for the village. The first was to do nothing and remain with the county service.


The second was to create their own department. If you use the current MSTU amount being collected of $5.3 million, then they project the cost to be $5.1 million per year which does not include inspection services or dispatch. This is true for all other options except remaining in the county. They would have to build a new station which could cost as much as $4 to $5 million according to the consultant. The other start-up projections are described in the different options but not necessarily explained in detail.


Option 3 is to outsource all Fire/Rescue to a private firm. After start-up costs, it would be $5.6 million per year which is either $300,000 more or $300,000 less depending on which number in current collections are used. In all projections, the rebate to FPL is pegged at only $500,000 not the $789,000 that the county is paying. Two companies presented and their presentations can be found here


Option 4 is a hybrid with EMS being handled by an outside firm and the fire component being composed of both volunteer and paid employees. There were discussions on various ways to compensate “volunteers.” There are over 300 departments in Florida, according to Iacona, that use volunteers, so it is a feasible option. After initial costs, it would be $4.8 million per year.


A motion was made by Stone and seconded by Dowling to proceed with Option 4. It projects a start-up date of October 2022. It passed 5-0.


Gibbs-Thomas made a motion to seek mediation with the county. It failed for lack of a second. Stone then made a motion for village staff to contact the county staff to negotiate in parallel with the previous motion with a “time is of the essence phrase” inserted. It was seconded by Clarke and passed 4-1 with Dowling dissenting. A letter was sent to the BOCC chair by the mayor. You can see it here


The county is currently weighing how to respond to the letter.


But there were still no answers regarding the true start-up costs. The ones in the presentation were far from complete. They didn’t consider the cost of a fire station being built.


There were also the numbers regarding what is now being collected and what is the rebate to FPL. If the numbers I received from the county are the true ones (and they are the ones currently collecting and dispensing the dollars), then the assumptions in each of the options are incorrect. So there needs to be agreement on at least basic facts.


Currently, the sheriff takes all 911 calls and then sends them to the county fire/rescue. If the emergency location is in the City of Stuart, the calls go to their emergency center. The county does not dispatch the city’s calls. I would assume that the same would be true for Indiantown. The call into the 911 system must go somewhere in the Village. Operating 24-7 means 5 more people being hired for one person per shift with vacations and days off.  That cost was not figured in anywhere either.  The cost of having someone to do inspections must also be included.


We didn’t even discuss how much it would cost to contract with the county to respond when Indiantown was busy on other calls.


I began by asking questions that individual council members should answer. The first question was whether the village would be providing a better level of service than existing. I do not see how that is possible given what was presented. No one has claimed that they are receiving inferior service that needs to be better. So, then this cannot be the reason to proceed.


The second question was whether the village can deliver the same service to their residents and businesses for less money. Again, that depends on what numbers are being used. Until that is resolved, it is hard to compare apples to apples.


Next would be the aggravation factor. There is a cost in staff time to run anything especially a fire/rescue department. The village will own any problems if they are providing the service. How much is that worth? It has a price.   


Lastly, is the worst-case scenario. In this instance, the entire thing could collapse if FPL decides to leave or reduce their footprint in Indiantown. How do you fund a department if your main customer decides it no longer serves a business purpose to be there? You cannot run the department or for that matter the village without this company.

If FPL decides that the new Indiantown Fire/Rescue adequately meets its needs, then the immediate fear of leaving goes away. The council has decided to go with the hybrid model but is it based on accurate numbers or not? If they are off by a few percent in their projections, then it will be more expensive than service currently being provided.


The consultant said that the council was in the cat bird seat. That is untrue because it is FPL that can make or break Indiantown. The county can easily survive without the company but not the village. And we haven’t even discussed who answers the calls when Indiantown is busy.


The consultants report can be found here




Indiantown Latest News From The February 28, 2021 Edition


As Indiantown explores the possibility of no longer being part of Martin County Fire/Rescue, the Martin County Taxpayers Association (MCTA) recently completed a paper on the subject.

MCTA was determined to look at what it would mean for both Indiantown and Martin County if the village was no longer part of the district. They used published numbers from Martin County government in coming to their conclusions. It does not appear to be a good outcome for the county, Indiantown’s largest taxpayer, or most of all for the residential taxpayers in the village.


At best, the homeowners of Indiantown will save pennies on their tax bill. FPL, which pays nearly 87% of the current MSTU within the village boundaries, may be unable to remain without adequate Fire/Rescue coverage. Without FPL, the Village does not have adequate resources to have a government.


On February 27th Indiantown will have a workshop where its consultant, the manager, and the council will brainstorm whether to proceed or not. Whatever the council proposes, MCTA will make another and final analysis of this issue. What everyone should know before such a momentous decision is made is that once Martin County Fire Rescue leaves the village, it is unlikely to return even if this decoupling is not successful in the future.


The paper can be found here





It appears Indiantown is looking to completely divorce itself from Martin County.


The village manager is proposing to hire NUE Urban Concepts to develop a Fire Fee, Park Fee and Mobility Fee. These fees would be applied to any new construction within the village. They are village impact fees. The conversation, however, would leave one to believe that these fees would take the place of county impact fees.


Impact fees are an impediment to development. The county has not in all cases used the fees collected on a project to alleviate the direct impact the project will have to the surrounding area. This is a universal struggle. Impact fees need to have a rational nexus to the project being charged the fee.

Mobility fees are a twist on road impact fees because they consider all intermodal transportation features such as bikes, walking, and even golf carts. What all these village fees do not, is take the place of county impact fees. Once these various studies are completed, the village may have the ammunition to challenge the county in using its fees to service Indiantown development.


That is a difficult situation and will undoubtedly mean litigation between the two if pursued. Is it worth the fight and can the village afford it? What do they hope to gain and what do they have to lose?


Indiantown can institute its own impact fees once these studies are completed and ordinances are passed. The county’s impact fees will still be applicable. If there is no interlocal agreement for the village to collect the fees when processing permits, then it will be up to the county to do so. Since the builder or developer will be doing everything out in Indiantown, they will have no contact with the county. If the village doesn’t even notify them that there are county fees, then the developer may be in for a surprise when the county liens the project.


If the developer does not want to pay those fees because they do not believe a rational nexus exists, the issue will be between the county and the individual. Stuart recently signed an agreement with the county to continue to collect their impact fees but at a reduced rate. That is possible, but it must be worked out between the village and county.


If the village is to collect impact fees, the necessary studies will cost $52,500 and $215,250, respectively. You can find the presentation, NUE letters, and an excellent booklet from Florida DEO explaining mobility fees here






What has really gone well for the village is the loans and grants for the water utility. The entire amount of the purchase price has been reimbursed by Florida DEP-State Revolving Fund. That is more than $8,550,000!


There are still millions more that must be obtained to make the needed improvements. The village’s team headed up by Daniel Margo of Aclus Engineering is pursuing other grants and loan opportunities. If Indiantown can bring this off and ultimately, I think it will, future development and current residents will be in a much better position.


To see the entire presentation, go here

Indiantown Latest News From The February 14, 2021 Edition




The council had just come from witnessing Thelma Waters being inducted into the Florida Women’s Hall of Fame. The celebration was still going on at Timer Powers’ Park. Not only was the council there but several county commissioners. As one of the incorporators of Indiantown, the village has much to be grateful to Ms. Waters. The village’s proclamation can be found here


Jim Anaston-Karas gave a brief presentation around the council’s last workshop. He mentioned the progress that has been made and looks forward to their April workshop. He briefly spoke about the impending creation of the village’s fire/rescue department.


That will be reviewed on February 27th during a special workshop. Not only does Indiantown have a keen interest on what is decided but so does Martin County. If Indiantown decides to move forward, then there will be no going back. The county plans on moving out of Indiantown and setting up shop in a more strategic location for the county’s own growth patterns.

No one in Indiantown should be under the impression that Martin County will be there to respond when Indiantown is unable due to being on a call. If an ILA is signed it will result in substantial charges for every call made within the boundaries of the village. Not to mention the delay in response time.


Mr. Anaston-Karas’ presentation can be found here




It was that time of the year when the council evaluates the manager.

Manager Brown began by stating his accomplishments in the last two years since the beginning of his tenure. A strategic plan has been done. The water plant has been purchased. Land for a village complex has been bought. The village is ahead of schedule on the micro-resurfacing of roads. Two new departments have been set up with directors.


The council’s evaluation scores of Mr. Brown were impressive. Mayor Hernandez gave him 242 points out of 250 or 4.84 of 5. Vice Mayor Clarke was only one point lower than Hernandez’s scoring with 241 points or 4.82. Councilmember Stone came in next with 209 points followed by Anthony Dowling’s all 4s at 200. The hard marker in the group was Susan Gibbs-Thomas at 2.8 and 140 points out of 500.


Even though Stone gave a close 4th, he praised Brown’s work ethic and was glad he was in his position. Gibbs-Thomas said she took time and evaluated using her perspective. Clarke gave kudos.

Hernandez gave the longest defense of Mr. Brown. She said that he was not the only source of her knowledge. Many people were telling them not to do these things. But the real experts are sitting in this room. She has spoken to other elected officials who have been doing this for years and they are amazed at the speed of completed projects. Even if residents are telling her not to do things, they are getting done.


Stone made a motion to give Brown a raise of 3%. It was seconded by Dowling. His salary will go up to $145,350. Gibbs-Thomas explained that he gets other benefits such as a car allowance, cell phone, health benefits (which he does not take advantage of) and other expenses.


The Stuart city manager has similar benefits and makes $164,000 with more than 250 employees and the county administrator earns $185,000 with over a thousand employees.


The raise was approved 5-0. The evaluations can be found here


The hard part of making everything mesh and paying for it all hasn’t even begun yet.




The council approved hiring a market consultant to do an analysis.


From the agenda item:


“The analysis is necessary in order for us to gauge interest in retail market conditions, determine a retail trade area and include a leakage study. The most economical way to meet these goals would be to retain the services of a retail consultant.


The consultant would be required to prepare a retail market analysis/study, as part

of the engagement, for Village Council review and subsequent approval. There

are a number of communities nationally that utilize the services of a retail consultant. This study will assist us in promoting the Village in and outside of the Village boundaries through providing important retail data to prospective developers interested in doing retail development within the Village.”


In my opinion, the market has already told the village what services it can support. If the council wishes to use up to $50,000 of taxpayer money to have a report with mostly boilerplate language, so be it. However, why isn’t there a defined scope of work or a plan to go out for a competitive bid for such services.


What the council is doing is allowing the manager to now go out and spend up to $50,000 without the council weighing in any further. The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no.


Once again, there was disagreement over an appointment. This time to an MPO committee by the council. Gibbs-Thomas and Dowling had candidates. Dowling’s candidate lived within the village boundaries and Gibbs-Thomas’ one did not though he owned a business within the village.


There is no application process nor any clear delineation of the qualifications for candidacy. David Haffner, Gibbs-Thomas’ candidate, was on Zoom and said the boundary didn’t matter, he was a resident of Indiantown. I beg to differ it does matter where you live. Mr. Haffner is represented in his interest by the government of unincorporated Martin County.


The council needs to institute an application process and rules for who qualifies for appointments.


For more information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Chriss David at or 561-358-1119. She will explain how you or your business will be featured in the newsletter and on our websites.



Indiantown Latest News From The January 24, 2021 Edition




During council comments, Susan Gibbs Thomas asked when it would be possible to discuss the Fire Rescue Department again. That meeting will be held on Saturday February 27, between 9-1. The consultant will have a presentation and vendors will be available.

It was proposed that the Village become a $25,000 “CEO” sponsor of the Business Development Board. For that money, the CEO, Stone, as the village representative, will be on the CEO Council, the Village will receive 20 tickets to the annual awards celebration, ad in the journal, plus unlimited VIP Access to something or other. The BDB will put a job fair together for Indiantown. The flyer outlining all benefits is attached here


Believe it or not Anthony Dowling made a motion to be a sponsor at the Executive level. That level only costs $10,000. Brown did not know whether the BDB would do the job fair included in that price or would charge $5,000 in addition. Clarke seconded the motion to spend $10,000 plus if needed $5,000 more for the job fair. It passed 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no.

As an aside, most residents tax bill is about $100 to the village.




Gray Robinson, a lobbying firm, made a presentation last year and was hired by the Council. Their initial proposal was $48,000 per year. Brown negotiated the contract for $30,000. The Council voted 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting no.


If this consultant is like others the village has hired, the $30,000 will rapidly increase to a higher amount in a matter of months. I understand that Kevin Powers, who was instrumental in persuading the governor and legislature to allow the village to be incorporated, volunteered to put together a lobbying strategy. The village decided on another track.


The contract for services can be found here


Brown also asked what the legislative priorities are for the council. After discussion, all agreed that the uptown road drainage project was the most important need for financing. That will be the one that they ask the state to fund at $2 million. The motion was made and passed 5-0.


Good luck to all local governments in getting anywhere near what they ask in this session. COVID has decimated the budget. This will be the year of very few, if any, individual appropriations. To see the entire legislative initiative package, go here




The Village staff wanted to terminate GFA from performing as the village’s building inspection and permitting department. Director of Community & Economic Development Althea Jefferson stated that they were unable to do what is expected. She said that residents are complaining but offered no emails or any proof. She went on to say that GFA had not returned her calls. GFA stated that they were never contacted.


Calvin Giordano & Associates, who had written the LDRs for the village, will take GFA’s place. Jefferson stated that the contract will be $4800 less per year and other services will be provided. The village is piggy backing off a contract from the City of Parkland. By doing this, Indiantown negates the need to do competitive bidding through the RFP process.


In both terminating GFA and hiring Giordano the vote was 5-0.


The contract can be found here




Both Gibbs-Thomas and Dowling recommended individuals to serve as the 2nd business member on the board. According to both council members, their candidates were residents and business owners. Mayor Hernandez had someone else in mind, Amilcar Lopez. Hernandez stated that Lopez lived in the village and was in landscaping. It was never made clear whether he owned a business, which I thought was a prerequisite for being a business member of the board.

Clarke stated that they needed some Latino representation. Others agreed. Something that has been just below the surface has now been openly expressed by the council. Identity politics and who is from what race or ethnic group will be an open factor going forward. The council voted 5-0, and Mr. Lopez is now one of two business representatives on the PZA.


There was no application process with this appointment or any other. The council was asked to vote on people without any background material. As one of the members exclaimed, “we are done with this.”


A new pay plan was voted unanimously by the council for staff. When asked where the ranges of pay for each position were derived, Brown said from the people in this room and the HR Doctor, as the village’s consultant. There was nothing in the agenda item or backup on who this consultant is and what he or she was paid.

I googled the HR Doctor. He is a person named Philip Rosenberg. According to his website he has served as the HR Director for Broward County. To see the website, you can go here


If senior management’s pay is increasing when Brown’s contract comes up for renewal a pay increase for him will be likely. Must keep things in equilibrium. The new pay ranges can be found here here


Finally, the village is looking for input regarding the new village complex. There are meetings throughout Indiantown. For more information on how to participate go here


For more information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Chriss David at or 561-358-1119. She will explain how you or your business will be featured in the newsletter and on our websites.



Indiantown Latest News From The January 10, 2021 Edition

The next meeting of the council will be January 14, 2021

For more information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Chriss David at or 561-358-1119. She will explain how you or your business will be featured in the newsletter and on our websites.


Indiantown Latest News From The December 13, 2020 Edition


This was a very prosaic like meeting. There were no life changing items on the agenda. The meeting moved projects along. Could it be that Indiantown’s government is becoming established and mundane? I do hope so!


If it is, then it is a sign of maturity. After several years, the citizens of the village should be happy about it. That doesn’t mean I agree with every decision that is made. We can disagree on the merits of an item instead of whether the item should have been placed on the agenda at all.


We are no longer vying for the soul of whether Indiantown will have “government lite” or not. The council has determined to go all in and hopefully have the tax base to support that vision. To understand that Indiantown is now a “municipality of the entirety,” look no farther than the agenda of this meeting.


As I have written in the past, Susan Gibbs-Thomas has become someone with a low profile at the meetings. She did ask questions when appropriate. She only made one motion all night. Both Guyton Stone and Jackie Clarke attended the meeting virtually which made it harder when motions and seconds were needed.


Gibbs-Thomas was the only one to vote against extending the emergency order. I agree with her, but I can’t disagree with the other four councilmembers for extending it either. It probably is time to have some normalcy even with Covid. Yet because of the craziness of FEMA still having a state of emergency, may make sense.


The councilmembers also mentioned Thelma Waters being inducted into the Florida Women’s Hall of Fame. She has been a booster of Indiantown her entire life. It was nice that she was recognized.




They approved continuing to spend $9500 per month for their outsourced finance department. The Village also will spend an additional $4800 for the utilities department’s financial services. That $4800 will come out of the utility fund. They will now be paying their outside finance department $14,300 per month or $171,600 per year. Is it time to consider an in-house conventional department?


When the manager and clerk proposed many changes to the personnel policy, one of the suggestions was to change the Columbus Day holiday and name it Indigenous Peoples Day. There has been a movement in the last decades to portray Columbus as a purveyor of genocide which is truer than not.

Manager Brown determined that the holiday should be renamed. Gibbs-Thomas asked why he changed the name of a federal holiday when the U.S. government hasn’t done so. She thought it was overreach on his part. Dowling went through all the reasons of why it should be changed. He made a motion to accept the policy changes with the new name. It failed 2-3 with Dowling and Hernandez in the affirmative. Then Gibbs-Thomas made a motion, seconded by Stone, to rename the holiday “Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day” which passed 4-1 with Dowling dissenting.


The council discussed a sound ordinance, and it was determined that the one in place was sufficient. They discussed code enforcement and the need to tighten up on what is and is not acceptable. While staff would like to have more standards in place, the council was not enthusiastic. The message was, “Go slow.”


They discussed the new town hall complex and its construction. It seems that they are contemplating other things besides government offices. Suggestions included a swimming pool and/or banquet facility. All agreed there needs to be community input and that should get under way shortly.


Brown said he had been contacted by a developer who would build the facility and lease it back to the village. Such a move would negate finding financing. All want to hear more. Hernandez said that she wants to know the terms from the sale/leaseback soon because she didn’t want to rent forever. 


 I found that to be the most interesting and enlightening statement of the night. 


You can find the presentations on the topics discussed here here


Indiantown Latest News From The November 22, 2020 Edition


Does the rest of the council have it in for Susan Gibbs-Thomas? I do not have an answer, but three times during this meeting she was rebuffed by her fellow council members. The first was when Manager Brown informed the council that the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust was looking for nominees to be on their board. Both Vice Mayor Clarke and Gibbs-Thomas expressed interest, Clarke was chosen to be the nominee.

The next time occurred when an appointment was needed for the Martin County EMS Advisory Committee. Once again, the council chose Clarke over Gibbs-Thomas. It was a committee in which both had expressed interest.

The third time she was rebuffed that evening was when she nominated Scott Watson to be one of the business members of the recently created Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board. Watson, who is controversial in his own right, did not receive a second. Just before that, Councilmember Stone nominated Daniel Sehayik as a business representative, and he was approved unanimously.  With the Gibbs-Thomas appointment, Anthony Dowling said that he needed more time before deciding on filling the business role, though he had just done so with Sehayik.

At an earlier meeting, Gibbs-Thomas was removed from her position as the village’s board member to the League of Treasure Coast City. She had been the 2nd VP which put her in line to become 1st VP and then president. In that case, Mayor Hernandez was appointed by the council to the seat, but she is not the vice president on her way to being president of that league.

It appears that Gibbs-Thomas is not well-liked by her colleagues. I don’t think that she ever was, and I think you could trace it to her time as mayor. Then something happened when Stone and Hernandez ran for re-election this summer. Though Gibbs-Thomas was not on the ballot, she did not endorse either of them. But as a sitting member, you do not usually endorse candidates for your own board.

I hope the Indiantown Council can put politics aside when it comes to governing.


  Without much fanfare, the LDRs were adopted on 2nd reading.

This is a big accomplishment for the Village of Indiantown. After a cursory look, there is nothing radical or inconsistent with these regulations. As I pointed out in the last newsletter, there is a provision for the height limit to be increased in industrial zoning by administrative action. While I do not agree with either allowing the possible exception or doing it administratively, that is a policy decision.

As was said by council members and the public, this is a “living document.” That means it can be changed and will be changed. And that is fine.

During comment, the owner of 800 acres near Indianwood expressed enthusiasm for beginning development of the project. If that project is built out, it will absolutely change Indiantown. There will be several thousand new residents who would have a dramatic impact on the economic life of the village. It would contribute more prosperous and diverse residents to village life.

Good work by staff and council.

The presentation can be found here

As mentioned above, the LDRs allow for what was known as the Local Planning Agency to become the Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB). Now instead of the council members approving projects three times, there will be a board consisting of citizen volunteers in the process. That is a great improvement.

Each council member had an appointment (who must be a resident):   Dowling appointed Christa Miley who will have a two-year term Clarke appointed Vernestine Palmer who will have a three-year term Stone appointed Marjorie Beary who will have a three-year term Gibbs-Thomas appointed Anthony Zwiener who will have a three-year term Hernandez appointed Renita Presler who will have a three-year term

Stone nominated and the council approved Daniel Sehayik to be one of the business representatives for a two-year term. There is still a business vacancy on the board.


  The council approved Brown negotiating a short-term lease with a carnival operator for the property where the future village complex will be built. The carnival lease will be from November 25th through December 13th. The amount mentioned was $5,000.

The council approved a new personnel policy. According to the charter, all changes of personnel must be approved by the council. This was reinforced by the voters in the last election when they refused to change that requirement. This gives the manager more discretion while being technically faithful to the charter provision.

You can read it here

Finally, there was a discussion about impact fees. The consultant that the village hires will examine the county’s fees in addition to recommending impact fees for the village. The village may question the rational nexus for what the county charges developers in Indiantown and where those impact fees are spent.This has been a bone of contention between the City of Stuart and Martin County for years. This is especially true for road impact fees. Because Stuart is a built-out municipality, the likelihood that the county is going to build a new road is very slim. In Indiantown, new infrastructure is needed. Another squabble may be in the offing.



Indiantown Latest News From The November 8, 2020 Edition



During a report that Council Member Stone made regarding his meeting at the Business Development Board, he mentioned he wanted to make sure they knew that Indiantown had a 50-foot height limit in their industrial areas.

I wanted to make sure I understood that correctly, so I asked the staff, and it was true. There is still a 4-story height limit. Which isn’t as important as that ultimate height of 50 feet. What others should know is that the building can be taller if approved administratively. I guess that means by staff and not the council.


How does one receive an administrative variance? Here is what it says in the new LDRs:


Structures taller than 50 feet or over 4-stories may be permitted administratively where the

applicant for the project can show the following:

(1) The proposed additional height of the building or structure will not increase the noise,

vibration, smoke or dust generated by the use;

(2) The building or structure will not create a danger to air traffic;

(3) The building or structure is set back an adequate distance from any property line to

ensure that collapse of the structure will not impact surrounding properties; and

(4) The proposed building or structure meets all other code requirements.


These are not hard criteria to manage. There is no cap as to the number of stories or overall height. Does that mean 100 feet and 7 stories are permissible for a manufacturing facility or a distribution center? It would appear so. If you are placing this on a large parcel then you would meet the setback and other requirements.

The vaunted Martin County difference may be coming to an end. Earlier in the week in unincorporated Martin County, the Waterside development capped its heigh limit at 40 feet.


Will this change spark development? I don’t know, but it does require further study. The development table can be found here




The new LDRs were approved by the LPA and council. The regs are not quite as voluminous as the county’s LDRs. This is something that will continue to be tweaked over the years. That doesn’t mean they are bad…only things will come up and will need to be addressed. The consultant’s presentation can be found here


Some are saying that the new LDRs could result in an unjust taking of property rights. It could be true. If it is, then the village is opening itself up to potentially expensive lawsuits.


Mr. Vose, the village attorney, seems capable. I am sure he read the new regulations and signed off. I cannot believe that the consultant that crafted the regulations would allow that type of mistake to be made. However, I hope they make sure before second reading.   


Since the inception of the LPA, which consisted of the council members, I have complained that the citizens need to be involved. The new LDRs do just that by instituting a Planning and Zoning Board consisting of 7 members with 5 having to be residents and 2 nonresidents if they own a business in Indiantown.  


Finally, there will be citizen involvement. Though in other Martin County municipalities, each elected official has an appointment, it does not appear to be so here. I hope they end up adopting that practice so all different members of the community will have an opportunity.


The village is now looking to change the building fees from $89.50 per inspection to 9% of the construction total. Council Member Gibbs-Thomas caught the problem immediately. She stated that if you want to build a $200,000 house the permit fee would be $18,000. That is a lot of money.


It appeared the other council members were ready to proceed without seeing that a mistake was being approved. A motion was made by Dowling and seconded by Stone to move forward.


Staff’s explanation of the change was all over the map. They were trying to use the excuse that it was costing more to do the required inspections than they were collecting. That may be true, but it isn’t costing that amount. Imagine if you build a building that had a construction cost of $1 million. The building permit fee would be $90,000. That doesn’t consider the village impact fees which are coming and the county’s and school board’s impact fees that are already here. Nothing will ever be built in Indiantown.


Gibbs-Thomas asked whether they had looked at other cities. Staff said yes and mentioned Stuart. For a million in construction cost, in Stuart you pay $4300.00 in permit fees. Brown kept suggesting that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. The council finally agreed. It will come back next meeting.


The manager should take the time to look at what his staff is doing. It is his responsibility. The council, except for Gibbs-Thomas, needs to be less of a fan club for Brown and staff and more their bosses. This is the check that the system calls for. There is more to being an elected official than waving at the crowds.


The fee schedules for both Indiantown and Stuart can be found  here


Indiantown Latest News From The October 18, 2020 Edition



Quest, the communication consultant for the Village, has a contract that goes through next March. The original amount was $50,000. A month or so ago, they had asked for another $38,000 since they have run through the initial amount.

Almay Stock Photo

How is it that a Village the size of Indiantown needs so much in the way of communication services? The many newsletters that are put out per month take time. Videos, discussions, emails, Facebook, and a dozen other things require the company be paid. As Council Member Dowling stated, there is a need for even more communication.


Quest is not a local company. There were two Martin County firms that bid on the original RFP. One was the Firefly Group at $90,000 and the other was Upstairs Communication at $2,000 per month with an hourly rate of $175 above the minimum monthly hours.


Did Quest underbid and now is the same as Firefly in cost? Was the underbid intentional?


Dowling also said that the Council was “being whipped” on Facebook and that Quest was helping in that regard. That of course means the individual Council Members were being criticized. Stone wanted to rebid the entire contract. Staff stated they reached out to Quest and offered $6,000 per month through March, but they declined.


A motion was made by Dowling to pay the additional money and seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 4-1 with Stone dissenting.


The explanation for the increase with the rates can be found here





The Council had another Saturday retreat and planning session on September 12th. They once again went through exercises and discussion about the future.


The entire presentation and charts of what the Council would like to see can be found here


There was an interesting discussion about the CARES Act. I kept hearing that the Village had an allocated amount from the County. That is not accurate. The Village government can ask to be reimbursed for their expenses that are related to COVID and that were unbudgeted for money spent between March and December of 2020.


The County is the disbursing agent for those funds. There are three other pieces besides government reimbursement to the CARES funding. The first is a small business grant for expenses that meet the above criteria up to $20,000. This program is administered through the County not the Village of Indiantown. Any business that has the proof needed can receive funds. You can find the information here


The United Way of Martin County is Martin County’s agent for the individual CARES funding. To begin the process for applying you can go here


So, to answer Mr. Brown and Indiantown’s questions…the Village cannot disperse any funds. If the Council wants any individual or business to apply, they can go to those websites. There are food pantries such as House of Hope and several others throughout the Village that are receiving additional stocks to meet the higher demand. Rob Ranieri, the CEO of House of Hope, told me he delivered snacks and other food to Hope Rural and will continue to do so.


Staff should contact the County to have more details.  



Indiantown Latest News From The October 4, 2020 Edition



I want to compliment Mayor Hernandez for the very professional job she is doing when presiding over the meeting. The last few meetings, though virtual, have moved forward expeditiously.

By the time you read this, the Village would have closed on the water utility. At $8.5 million plus the deferred maintenance, it is being done at a price that only a public entity could afford. There are questions as to whether a better deal could have been struck. The answer is certainly.


Yet no sane private businessperson would want to own the Indiantown plant. It will never be enough of a money maker to justify the investments. This is a poor community, and it was obvious that the Council wanted to keep the rates as low as possible. Anthony Dowling wanted to lower some charges and fees to less than what the consultant recommended in the schedule. Fortunately, the other Council Members thought better of tinkering at this point.

The only reason for Indiantown to get involved in owning is to control what happens within the current boundaries as well as the future boundaries as the Village grows. Without the ability to provide water and sewer, the Village would be severely limited. Owning the water plant is a better strategy and use of funds than providing fire service by far.


The final budget and taxes were approved. Anyone who believed the fantasy that the tax rate would ever drop is a bit delusional. Of course, people were promised that taxes would be less if the Village incorporated. Yet those at the forefront of spearheading the move to incorporate as a Village were cut out of the process the moment the Village came into existence.


They did not reside within the Village. They could not run for office and had no influence on the Council that was elected and now re-elected. In the years ahead, it is not whether increased taxes will be levied but rather how much more. It won’t be whether the Village increases the size and scope of government, it will be by how much.


Lastly, I am disappointed that the Council decided against going back to in person meetings. At this point, everything is open but government. How about it? The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas voting in the affirmative.


The Governor’s order has made this moot by restoring in person meetings.

Indiantown Latest News From The September 20, 2020 Edition



The LPA met first to approve the Future Land Use Map for an annexation.


The problem is that the LPA membership is the same as the Council with the addition of someone from the School District staff. There have not been many instances when the LPA has needed to meet in the past two years. However, I would imagine once the new LDRs are instituted, then development will begin to occur.


Without having people from the Village begin to populate this board and others, the Council is depriving itself of needed community input. Many citizens may not want to be on the Council but would be glad to serve their communities once a month, and the Council should take advantage of that valuable input.


The Board had its first of two required meetings setting the Village millage rate and budget. Nothing was changed from past Budget meetings




No company applied for the Fire/EMS contract. There was an after-action meeting to go through why no one applied. Some of the reasons given were the COVID-19 outbreak, limited lead time, and combined Fire/EMS delivery structure.


Setting up a Fire Department is expensive and time consuming. The equipment is expensive, maintaining a level of service is expensive, there are insurance requirements and many other problems. The Village believes that the MSTU paid by Village taxpayers is $5.9 million a year but the County has told me it is $5.3 million.

Can they provide service more economically? The start-up costs including a new fire house are staggering. The Booker Park building can only be used as a community center according to the deed. Yet one of the reasons given for not attracting bids was that the station being there would be too small.


It was mentioned that dispatch would be a problem. The 911 system that now is answered by the Sheriff and then sent to Martin County Fire would need to be altered. Even after the expense of figuring out how to send the call directly to Indiantown Fire Department, there needs to be a dedicated person to dispatch. One slot for 24 hours a day 7 days per week requires a minimum of 5 employees.


There is also the problem of who responds to calls when the Indiantown apparatus is out. There seems to be a misconception that a mutual aid agreement would not cost the Village money when Martin County is backing the Village up. That is not true. I have been told that the County will be charging for that service. It would probably be several thousand dollars per call.


Chair Bauzenberger stated that Indiantown has excellent service through Martin County now, and anything the Village put in place would need to match it. I was surprised that no representative was there from FPL since they have special needs and would pay over 80% of any money in that budget.


The Council should not mess with success. Starting a Fire/EMS Department is something only a much larger entity should entertain. If everyone is satisfied, then why take on the additional expense and responsibility.


Lastly, the only way that an independent department would be successful is if FPL remains in Indiantown and is satisfied. If, for any reason, FPL were to move its warehouse, then who would pay for a Fire Department? Right now, homeowners and businesses receive the best of care yet pay little overall. That is because the overall amount needed is spread county-wide. Without FPL that cost would need to be paid by a poorer and smaller group.


The presentation can be found here

Indiantown Latest News From The September 6, 2020 Edition

Council Meeting August 27, 2020


At their first meeting after the last election, the Council reorganized. Then current Vice-Mayor Janet Hernandez expectantly became Mayor in a vote of 5-0 on a motion made by Clarke and seconded by Dowling. The surprise came when a motion was made by Dowling and seconded by Stone to nominate Clarke for Vice-Mayor.

From the first day that the Council met, Dowling was disliked by the others. It was blatant and several times the public spoke at meetings telling especially Stone and Dowling to politely knock it off. Dowling clearly wanted to be Mayor for the past two years, why now the acquiescence?


The real surprise was the reorganization of committee assignments. A slate was presented by Dowling that was seconded by Stone of the following:

Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities: Hernandez with Clarke as the alternate

MPO: Dowling with Gibbs-Thomas as the alternate (there are no alternate members)

Council of Treasure Coast Governments: Clarke with Stone as the Alternate

Indiantown Community Trust: Dowling with Clarke as the alternate

Indiantown Chamber: Gibbs-Thomas with Stone as the alternate

Business Development Board: Stone with Clarke as the alternate

Except for the Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities, there was consensus for the appointments.


Gibbs-Thomas was surprised by her removal from the Treasure Coast Regional League. In the past two years, she had become 2nd VP of the Regional League and was slated to become 1st VP in December. That would mean in 2022, she would have been president. As a member of the local board she was elected to be the Treasure Coast Board Member of the Florida League of Cities and her appointment was effective as of this month. She was also appointed to the Nominating Committee of the Florida League.

In a relatively short time, she had become an influential person in government circles not only locally but in Tallahassee.  There are two organizations on that appointment list that rely on membership remaining constant. The first is the MPO which is how our road projects are funded. It takes a couple of years just to understand the nomenclature used by FDOT and the feds. The second is the League of Cities.


Except for policy committees that any municipal elected official can ask to join, League offices and appointments are based on your Council or Commission appointing you to the Treasure Coast Regional League. The longer you stay, the higher you can go and more clout you have to represent your city. Taking away that appointment from Gibbs-Thomas was counter-productive to Indiantown’s interest.


In a vote of 3-2, Susan Gibbs-Thomas was stripped of that seat and all she had accomplished for Indiantown in the past couple of years. Gibbs-Thomas was well liked by the other members of the local league. She was beginning to be recognized in Tallahassee which could only serve the interest of Indiantown. Why did they do it? Hernandez will not receive the local league VP spot. She will not be the Treasure Coast delegate to FLC, and by stepping onto the Board, she will encounter some cold shoulders from other members.


Hernandez kept saying that everyone should rotate through positions. Yet Dowling who was the MPO representative since before incorporation is not rotating off that board. Nor has he rotated off the Trust Fund board.  


There is something more here than what was done at the meeting. Hernandez, Stone, and Dowling became fast buddies during the election. Which brings me to the next story.




Representative Randy Fine from Brevard County does not play well with municipalities. While I do not agree with him on his displeasure with local control, he is right about one thing. Municipalities, just like every level of government, owe their citizens and taxpayers good and efficient government. He would not have even cared about Martin County, and especially Indiantown, if they did not share Mr. Robert Burns.


Mr. Burns is a “political consultant” that apparently was heavily involved with Fine’s opponent. Fine’s family was targeted and there were some outrageous claims against him that I will not repeat here. The primary fight was so nasty that Florida House Speaker Oliva had to come to Fine’s defense. Burns apparently had a hand in the Indiantown elections also.


Fine has sent a letter to the Florida Division of Elections, Florida Elections Commission, and the Florida Department of State’s General Counsel’s Office outlining what he claims is criminal activity in Indiantown. The contents of the letter was posted on Fine’s Facebook page  here


He closes with the following:


I appreciate your full attention to this matter. While I was able to easily defeat the Adkins/Burns campaign despite their illegal activity, in Indiantown, my understanding is that these illegal activities may constitute election fraud. If we allow convicted criminals like Robert Burns to get away with his illegal electioneering by refusing to disclose his contributors and expenditures, and potentially worse by laundering money from candidates to PCs and non-political entities – and candidates lose as a result — we put our entire elections system at risk.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I know that myself and Speaker Pro-Tempore Magar, who represents Indiantown where the other illegal activity occurred, will make ourselves available however needed to assist you in holding Burns accountable for the maximum civil and criminal penalties possible.


Eric Miller, an Indiantown resident, is also following this story. He is posting on his website regarding, as he claims, the possible illegality of Council Members actions. You can read Miller’s allegations here


Is any of this true? I do not know. Here is what I do know…if you look at their financial disclosures, both Stone and Hernandez had nothing extraordinary in campaign contributions. Did they not disclose everything that they collected? More than likely, any shenanigans can be found in PAC money that is not part of their individual campaigns. There are allegations that they were using fronts as pass throughs. But that is all innuendo. I have been around long enough that, until proven otherwise, Hernandez and Stone are innocent.


This is what an investigation will look at to see if any campaign or other laws were broken. And that includes public records and sunshine violations. What happened to Gibbs-Thomas was no fluke. It did not appear to me it was just magic that Stone, Hernandez, and Dowling had the same idea. Even Clarke did not believe that.


Gibbs-Thomas may have been punished because she did not endorse her fellow commissioners’ reelection bids. It was highly unusual that Dowling would. To me, there is something more, and Rep. Fine and Rep. Magar should insist that a thorough investigation is done for the good of Indiantown.


What really is interesting is who may have paid Burns to be involved in races of such little consequences. That is the person who should be exposed to the public and prosecuted for any crimes committed. Burns did not just show up in Indiantown one day and began rooting for the home team.




The Venture Park PUD is a light industrial park consisting of 138 acres. There are 81 acres in the Village and 57 in the County. The owners are asking that it all comes into the Village. That makes perfect sense since it should have been always in the incorporated area.


The vote was 5-0 for annexation. The presentation can be found  here


Indiantown Latest News From The August 23, 2020 Edition



Mr. Brown introduced the new budget. It still will be tweaked but what is in the presentation is what will be ultimately passed. The tax rate will remain the same at 1.6304 mil per thousand dollars of taxable value. There is funding for 17.5 positions…five of which are Council Members.

The budget includes moving to leased space at Indiantown Non-Profit and finishing the water works purchase. The entire budget will be almost $7 million including $2,100,000 from the new utility fund. What was not included was the Fire/Rescue MSTU that is paid by the taxpayers directly to Martin County.


I cannot tell whether the proposed fire chief’s salary is in the budget or not. If it is, at present, it would be taken out of the general fund without any corresponding tax input. If they go another year without hiring a chief, the Village effectively created a place holder for money that could be spent on other things.


Without a line item budget, you cannot tell whether the land purchase for a new Town Hall is in the general fund or not. It does not appear to be in the capital budget. If it is being borrowed, I do not see where it is being booked.


The City of Stuart places a proposed line item budget on its website. You can find not only broad categories but also how it is broken down by departments, sub departments, and categories. While this budget is not of the same magnitude, to have created the power point attached, it needed to have that much detail.


Interestingly, during public comment, someone asked why the Village needed to buy and build. Anthony Dowling stated that they had no choice because there was no place to go. Yet they are going to Indian Non-Profit and I would imagine they could sign a longer-term lease that will meet their needs for several years. I sent the following email to Dowling:

Council Member Dowling:


You said that there was no place for the Village to go. You found Indiantown non-profit. It is not possible to sign a longer lease? It appeared that the commenter mentioned that building as a solution. 


Could you explain why you said there was no place to go?


Thank you.


Mr. Dowling responded.



Will get back with you.


Thank you,


I have not heard anything else. If Dowling does, I will include in the next newsletter. 


The budget presentation can be found here






The Parks Director, Albie Scoggins, gave a presentation as to the improvements to the parks and those that still must be made. The Village has three parks and I do see improvements since the Village took over. Are they entirely completed? Absolutely not but it is getting better.


They are doing what a parks and rec department should do. To see the presentation, go here






There was supposed be a meeting of the Indiantown Community Trust Fund Committee to discuss the grant requests. Dowling kept saying he wanted to table the item to the next meeting. It finally came out that Dowling had missed the Committee meeting.

Clarke wanted not to give out the money this year. Hernandez does want to reconsider. Attorney Vose said everyone must follow the procedure. During public comment, Vernestine Williams (a Committee member), said the Committee was diligent, but some applicants had missed the deadline. Linda Ivory, another Committee member, also commented.


I believe sunshine was broken when three Committee members, Dowling, Williams, and Ivory began discussing the work of the Committee. I am surprised Mr. Vose or Mr. Brown did not cut this off much sooner.


The deeper question is why a member of the Council is even on this Committee? It should be composed of citizens and their recommendations should go to the Council. It is more important to have as many residents as possible on these Committees. Dowling or any other Council Member brings nothing to the table when these grants are being discussed. It is just another way to aggrandize by politicians.


Keep politics out of the mix. Politics obviously is part of the mix since at the last meeting Council Members wanted to control the work of the Committee and give Boys & Girls Club another $10,000 from the fund without Committee input. There does not appear to be boundaries. This is bad for the Trust Fund and the government of Indiantown.


The motion by Dowling to table was seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 5-0.   



Indiantown Latest News From The August 9, 2020 Edition



How much should the Village do in the realm of social welfare? That was the question before the Council. The Boys and Girls Club was making an ask for $10,000 for a program they started which has been providing meals to kids since the beginning of the pandemic. The meals are prepared by local restaurants.


The CARES Act would not cover this program. If prepared meals are being provided, they must be delivered to the individuals such as Meals on Wheels. Restaurant take out is not acceptable.


Philosophically speaking, this government is prime to use Village tax dollars for these types of programs. This is in addition to the Indiantown Trust Fund which originated years ago as part of a development approval. The fund was at one time a part of the County and now is under the Village’s auspices. Yet where does all this largess stop?

Hernandez was ready to give the Boys and Girls Club money immediately even though it could not be done that quickly as explained by the Village Attorney. Dowling wanted it to go through the Trust, and he made a motion that was seconded by Clarke. The Club has a pending grant request for $10,000 and Dowling’s motion would have made it $20,000 that they would apply for.


The Director of Girls and Boys then spoke and said he was pulling his request from the Village and would not resubmit to the Trust. He sounded piqued that the request just did not sail through the Council. Apparently, the organization is asking for $10,000 from other places also.


I went on the club’s website to look for their financial report, but it was not there. You could obtain one if you contacted their office. You could also look up their tax return to get their figures. There are no secrets only time constraints on my part. Their budget is one of the largest in the County, I would venture to guess.


Yet none of that is important in this instance. The fundamental question is should the Village be using taxpayer dollars for this type of program?   


When the Mayor asked whether Dowling wanted to rescind the motion, he said no even though the CEO of the Club stated he would not apply for the increase grant. The vote was 4-1 to pass the motion with Hernandez voting no because she believed they should get the money now.


I do not know what is going on! Maybe the voters will have a say in this election?   


Indiantown Latest News From The July 26, 2020 Edition



The Manager presented the first pass at next year’s budget. Like Sewall’s Point, there will be no increase in millage. However, when comparing it with other municipalities, you must add the MSTU that is paid to the County. It is still a remarkable rate given the growth of the budget.


The argument of how much government the Village should have has been decided. Now, the question is how they manage the government. This budget seems to be responsible for the government that the Council has created.


When the Parks Director was speaking about the cost to sod a ball field at $100,000 it sounded as if some of the Council was experiencing sticker shock. That may be the biggest problem that they face…no realization of what true cost can be.


The presentation can be found here




The present space that the Town is using belongs to the County. They want it back as of the end of September. That is not much time for them to set up somewhere else.

Earlier, the Council empowered the Manager to perform due diligence on two lots. After receiving engineering reports and other factors, staff has chosen the larger parcel of 5.1 acres. It appears they not only envision a Village Hall but also a community center with pool and possibly a fire/rescue station.


The cost is $1.45 million dollars. What the buildings and site work will be is anyone’s guess. A motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Thomas and passed 5-0.


The presentation can be found here


That may solve the long-term problem but not what to do by the end of September. Mr. Brown has arranged to have a modular of 4000 square feet placed on the property. The rent per month is $4600.00 plus about $40,000 in cost for breakdown and set up.


Several people spoke against spending that money, including David Powers. He wanted the Council to rent the vacant Indiantown non-profit building. It has 6500 square feet. There were no costs provided for that rental.


Mr. Brown wanted permission to proceed with the modular building while he discussed the rental of Indiantown Non-Profit. The Council voted 4-1 with Stone dissenting to proceed with that plan.


I reached out to both Brown and Powers to obtain the hard numbers. Mr. Brown wrote back and said that he was expecting something by Monday, and he would let me know. I never heard back from Mr. Power.





I want to congratulate Indiantown on its new meeting recording platform. It is by far the best system now being used hands down. The system has features that would serve other governments well. Public participation is easy and complete. Bravo!



The presentation was a doubled edge sword. If you think that the Village is growing too fast and expenditures too out of control, then this will confirm that assumption. However, if you believe that the Village should have a full-fledged independent government then the presentation will comfort you in knowing that they are responsibly moving in that direction.


That is the crux of the issue confronting this Village. People that have complained about how the Village is wasting money, are wrong. In the eyes of the current Council a growth in services and personnel is what they want and have implemented. In that respect the mounting expenditures are justified and well spent.


If you believe that the Village was supposed to be government “light” then there is an election in a few weeks with two candidates running that are believers of that school of thought.  I agree with the that model but the full-fledged one is being implemented responsibly.


The millage rate remains the same next year at 1.6304%. The income and expenditures are about 7.5% less than last year. What is not to like about that.


COVID could take a big chunk out of this budget as with all government. I think Indiantown is less able to absorb budget shortfalls than more established municipalities. At some point it can all go crashing down. Then what?


There is a philosophical disagreement with how to proceed that will be decided at the polls in the next two elections. We should not blame staff for implementing the Council’s big government approach. They are following their orders from the Council and doing so responsibly.


That is what elections are all about. To see the presentation go here




The Village will shortly be closing on the 5-acre plot that the Village is buying for the new Village complex. The Village needs to move by the end of September from their current County owned facility. They had contemplated placing a modular building at $4,000 per month and using that as offices.

Several speakers at the last meeting implored the Village to use the abandoned Indiantown Non-Profit space. Brown has come to terms with David Powers, the manager of that building for less per month than the modular for more space. It is also a hardened structure that will probably serve the Village better.


They will need to spend about $60,000 on modifications. The lease is for 2 years with two one-year extensions. To anyone who thinks a Village hall will be built much before the expiration of this lease they are wrong. This also makes it easier to build the complex since no disruption during construction.


The lease can be found here here




If you want to build a church, ask a rich man to donate. If you want to help pay for a meal, ask someone who knows what it may be like to have missed a few.  Indiantown’s Council is closer to the latter than the former. Perhaps that is why the Boys & Girls Club made a touch to help fund the continuation of their meal program.


Much happened when the schools shut down in March. One of the worries was that kids would no longer have access to the school meals program. 96% of Indiantown’s students qualify for reduced meals. Boys and Girls Club has filled some of that void. They have spent $86,000 on 26,000 meals.


The non-profit is asking the Village for a grant of $10,000 to offset a portion of the cost. My question to the Village is should the Village’s tax dollars be used for that. I would say no. The feds through the CARES Act has given the County money to help people who need that assistance.

The County has wisely brought in United Way to administer that money through its partners such as House of Hope and Salvation Army. They will be up and running in the next week. I have seen the agreement between the County and United Way and there are standards and protocols that must be met before reimbursement. Caseworkers will work with individuals and families to solve a multitude of problems the families may have.


The other question I have is when did Boys & Girls Club expand their mission to food. The School District has continued to feed kids as before. There are many food pantries throughout the County that United Way is working with to administer CARES money to those in need. Mission creep an expression usually associated with our forces abroad, amply applies here.


The Village should not become a social welfare agency, there is adequate provision and money available. There are also other non-profits already set up to handle food insecurity. Everyone needs to stay in their lane.


Indiantown Latest News From The July 9, 2020 Edition

The next meeting is Thursday July 16, 2020

Indiantown Latest News From The June 28, 2020 Edition



During Commissioner comments Hernandez revealed that her father was in the hospital due to COVID-19. She was visibly upset. Her family situation was made known when she asked the Health Department’s Vitani why her father was not contacted by any one from the Health Department days after her father tested positive.


I do not know if the Health Department’s failure to contact Hernandez’s father was an isolated oversight or not. But if the Health Department’s main function during COVID is for contact tracing, waiting days to know who an infected person was in contact with is a problem. That means we will never get a handle on this disease.


I wish the best to Janet and her family.


It seemed Council sniping was once more in the open. Dowling gave the local news report to his audience of 18 people that were attending by Zoom. Anthony you are an engaging person but taking up so much time to toot your own horn is being immodest.

Perhaps with Dowling’s Facebook page he is being informative. Though at some point I would imagine that someone will make a public records request for his Facebook and other social media posts. They should be part of the Village’s public records as should every other member.


Then during Stone’s comments, he mentioned that everyone including Council Members should obey the rules and pull permits for events. Apparently, Dowling’s Juneteenth celebration was held on private property without permits. Manager Brown needs to get involved and make sure his Council is following the same rules as everyone else.


This goes back to what Brown was trying to standardize a few months ago regarding a communications policy. There seems to be too much free lancing by Council Members. When you are an elected official everything you post can be interpreted as a political statement. When you mix your duties as an elected and your personal pages then you can have political problems. There are instances of Sunshine and public records violations having occurred because of this.


Even one board member looking at the page of another board member to see what their position is on a government matter could be considered a Sunshine violation. This board will eventually have an investigation and then it may be too late for one or more of them.



The Village will by the end of the year own the water utility. This meeting with the myriad steps taken moves Indiantown that much closer to ownership. Approving the needed ordinances for the rate structure, financing, utility budgeting, connection fees, and permitting, all bring this closer to happening.


I would have liked to see this occur a bit later in the Village’s development, but this is when the opportunity has presented itself. There were questions raised earlier from some about the consultant but so far everything seems to be fine. It is a methodical progression.


The Village needs to own their own utility to have full control over their development. If the County or South Martin Regional Utility owned this it could set up obstacles to the Village as they develop. I am not a fan of the Village being in the Fire/Rescue business. If that occurs it will probably result in increased costs. The utility is something that needs to be done.


You can access the different agenda items including the utility studies and bonding information here.


Indiantown Latest News From The June 14, 2020 Edition



There were no momentous decisions at this meeting. Rather, it was one that showed ideological fractures within the Council. It could easily had been a matter of not wanting to vote because of the issues involved. I do not believe it was that. It seemed to be a matter of stubbornness and conviction.


There were two added items that were not originally published with the rest of the agenda last Friday. Gibbs-Thomas adamantly stated that she believes in only going forward with items that are included by that date. And her statement that neither was of an emergency nature was true. It was the subject of those items that could be open to interpretation on what her motives were.


One of the items was to pass a mirror resolution of what Stuart passed celebrating diversity. The other was to recognize Juneteenth Independence Day. Could these items have been included on the regular agenda? I guess they could have. Yet in this time of a national crisis on race, exceptions should be accommodated. Even ideologies should be overlooked.

Gibbs-Thomas said over and over that moving forward with these items when she had not had a chance to hear from the public is not transparency. That is true, but as an elected official, you can use your own judgment. And both these things are in the no-brainer department. It is clearly a time of anger, reconciliation, and forgiveness. It is admirable that she stood on principles. When you have two competing beliefs, you need to decide which one is more important.


Both resolutions passed 3-1 (Clarke was absent). In both instances, Gibbs-Thomas wanted to abstain, but the Attorney had to remind her that under Florida law she must vote. I agree with Gibbs-Thomas that unless it is an emergency, there is no reason to add to the published agenda. In this case, the emergency is that these two resolutions were needed to bring Indiantown together and to show solidarity during a difficult period.




 The Village’s audit for the year ending 2019 is attached. The auditor gave it a clean bill of health. The audit can be found here


The Village took up the children’s program at Big Mound Park…another agenda item that was added. I have researched back to when the parks were transferred, and Indiantown did say they would assume that program. Things do change, and perhaps given how few children this program serves today, it should be discontinued.


There are other programs, including one at the elementary school. The viability of programs such as these now need to be determined by the Village. That is why they incorporated. The Council needs to decide what their priorities are. This program will be discontinued.  



Indiantown Latest News From The May 31, 2020 Edition



There was an exceedingly long report given by the Health Department. In most cases I would say too long but given that Indiantown is a hotspot, probably not. The other hot spots I have been told are Golden Gate and the neighborhood behind Monterey and Kanner known as Little Madrid. In the dashboard both are listed under Stuart. Those neighborhoods are in unincorporated Martin County. The residents there have family and work connections to the Village.


The head of the Health Department said that Martin County testing had exceeded the governor’s benchmark of 2% of the population. There has been 4.2% of the population tested in the County. While Governor DeSantis may feel that 2% is enough, that does not nearly give the amount of data that is needed. The CDC website predicts about 135,000 Americans will have died from COVID-19 by June 15th. There is no flattening on the graph only a steady climb.


Indiantown and Martin County will continue to see not a decline but probably a rise in new cases as we go through the summer. So perhaps the Council spent an inordinate amount of time discussing this subject but given the severity of what the Village faces, it was what was needed.




Althea Jefferson was introduced to the Council. She has been hired as the Director of Community & Economic Development. Her salary is $70,350 per year. You can find the job description here


I hope she finds success.


With the purchase of the utility company, there will be a large need for engineering firms. In government you pick your contractors most times before you need them. In other words, they are prescreened. There were ten firms that applied and the top five were presented to the Council. Staff is recommending that the top three ranked firms be the ones that the utility will have ready to go when needed. Individual contracts to perform specific work with dollar amounts would be given out as the projects are known.

The three firms ranked the highest were: Kimley-Horn & Associates, Holtz Consulting and Captec Engineering. Once the Village purchases the utility their contracted work will be paid from the enterprise fund. All funds needed for anything having to do with the utility will be paid by the rate payers.


To see their presentations, you can go here



The Village has been advised that the County building where they have been working will not be available forever. The Village is continuously expanding staff and if not already will soon be out of room there. Indiantown does not have an overabundance of office space available. It would be difficult to rent enough space.  Complicating matters they will be adding a Fire/Rescue Department which requires a fire house and room for a Police Department in the future.


Village Manager Brown has been looking at properties for more than a year. He has come to the Council with two possible lots to purchase. He was asking that the Council authorize him to enter option contracts for the two parcels or at least one of the parcels.


One of the lots is owned by Indianhead Partners and the other by Mr. Rimes by Rimes Market. With an option contract, the staff will have 60 days to do their due diligence. There is no down payment.


That did not stop the Council from arguing which parcel would be better. The argument might have been a little premature. Dowling appeared to really want the Indianhead lot. It seemed that Gibbs-Thomas and to a lesser extent Hernandez were for the Rimes lot. Because the Rimes lot would be purchased for more than the appraised value, the vote must be a super-majority of 4 Council Members.


A motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Gibbs-Thomas to sign option contracts for both properties. It passed 4-1 with Dowling dissenting.


If the Village is going to grow in this way, they will need more space. One of these parcels is probably the best way to accommodate that. You can see the appraisals and the contracts here


Once purchased they will need to design and build the new Town Hall.


What I did not think correct was that individual Council Members thought it was fine to negotiate prices on their own without any authorization from the Council. Ms. Hernandez believed that it was her responsibility and not Brown’s to do so. I am incredibly surprised no one mentioned that at the meeting! Her recitation at the meeting of her discussions with Mr. Rimes was an example of naivete unmatched.  As a real estate professional for 50 years, I can tell you that her negotiation skills have much to be desired.


Mr. Brown sometimes you need to rescue the Council from themselves!!!


Indiantown Latest News From The May 17, 2020 Edition



The good news is that Mayor Stone was able to have 4000 masks donated for the residents. And more good news is he just said thank-you to the donor. He did not go on and on and on. Stone is a man of few words. Most times less is more. I think the same about Council Member Clarke’s brevity. She too does not need to go on and on about, well…nothing.

Unfortunately, that may not be the same for the rest of the Council. Besides this newsletter and Currents there is no media paying Council meetings much attention. I see no cameras or TV reporters anxious for that 30 second Indiantown story to broadcast on their 11 pm news or as I call it the big weather show. 


Then I would ask which audience are you playing too? The approximately 25 (as per the Village) viewers on Zoom. Many of whom are not voters. When Council Member Dowling during his comments said, “and now for number 9.” He was no longer giving information to the masses but rather speaking to hear himself. There is no CNN. There is not even C-Span.

It was not until 8:15 did the Council begin their work as per the agenda. Almost 2 hours after the meeting being started the verbose five got down to voting. Sure, there was a way to long and boring MPO presentation and a rather general Health Department update, but the business of government seems to be secondary to the endless palaver.




Indiantown has a major health crisis. The Village has an inordinate amount of cases as compared to its population size. Many residents are poor, immigrant and live in small cramped houses.


Until very recently their plight was ignored. It was only with the intervention of Harold Jenkins, Brian Mast and MaryLynn Magar that the Health Department and Cleveland Clinic began testing.


The Village has passed a mask ordinance and have signs throughout regarding what to do to contain the virus. You cannot expect the Council to do more. It has done everything it could with its limited authority.


There is no effective contact tracing.  A positive result does not mean isolation or containment so the disease will continue to spread. The Sheriff’s campaign of education should not mean his deputies do not enforce social distancing. The Council is correct in thinking Indiantown has been neglected by the wider outside world.


That dynamic will not change by Facebook posts or the Council speaking to each other. They need to have real political power. That can only be accomplished by increasing their population numbers and making sure that people are registered to vote. Instead of talk, the Council should pick up census and voter registration forms and walk door to door and get people to register.



Happy business group in a meeting at the office

As I said above at 8:15 the Council got down to business. The first thing they did was extend the state of emergency. It passed 5-0.


Next on the agenda was implementing a communications policy. That would be rather straight forward you would think. Not when it comes to politicians. Manager Brown introduced the item by simply stating it could be as simple or as complicated as the Council desired. What Brown did not do is give them a plan to discuss and tweak.


Gibbs-Thomas kept trying to have the Council instruct staff to create a plan. The rest of the Council would not support her. They did not even have a common understanding of what a communications policy really is. Dowling wanted to make sure that his social media accounts would not be affected. Others were just looking for consistency on business cards, when to use the seal, and more practical matters.


It seemed that only Gibbs-Thomas wanted to have a policy. Dowling made a motion to table the matter until discussion of a strategic plan. It was seconded by Hernandez. The vote was 4-1 with Gibbs-Thomas dissenting. This was a time that Brown should have had something for them to discuss.


In a matter of a few minutes, the Commission voted unanimously on 2nd reading to de-annex 11 parcels in the Little Ranch neighborhood. Those parcels should have never been included within the Village boundaries. The vote was 5-0.

Then the Council tackled something important…fireworks! Should July 4th go forward or not? Staff was tasked to see whether and at what costs fireworks could be done from Timer Powers which is the County’s park. They wanted to be able for people to see them supposedly from anywhere in the Village.


The additional cost would be $10,000 for the larger shells on top of the $15,000 already budgeted. Gibbs-Thomas who is the lead is trying to raise the money from sponsors. There just is not enough time at this point. They asked staff what other governments were doing. Most like Stuart have cancelled for this year.


After much discussion, Dowling made a motion to table. Clarke seconded and the vote was 3-2 with Gibbs-Thomas and Hernandez voting no. You would think they could decide yes or no and then move forward. Does anyone have a can to kick?   

Indiantown Latest News From the May 3, 2020 Edition


Under Brown’s direction, the Council has been playing SimCity. To some degree, the Council admits this since they continuously state that they are building a government from the ground up. The government they are building does not have a solid foundation. It is one built on one benefactor who does not require very much tending…. FPL. No one seems the least concerned about what happens if Indiantown’s benefactor goes away.


FPL is there now but I would expect its footprint in Indiantown to be reduced in the next couple of years. With its merger with Gulf Power on the west coast of the state, they will be looking to consolidate operations. Both companies are owned by the power conglomerate NextEra Energy. As efficiencies are sought it would appear that, except for the Solar Farm, Indiantown’s other FPL facilities are vulnerable to being reduced if not closed altogether.


According to Indiantown’s own released numbers, FPL pays the most taxes in the Village at 87.4% of the total. It is not hard to see that any erosion of FPL’s tax contribution could have a devastating effect on the Village. Yet not a word is ever mentioned by the “Sim City Players.”


It is easy to play at things but much more difficult to work at them. Instead of working on the hard issues of having a diverse and viable economic base, this Council has taken the easier issues on. Parks, roads, and stormwater are things that need to be provided for…and they were by Martin County. Bringing an independent Fire/Rescue Department would be commendable if the present one was lacking, but it is not.


Martin County sees that the Village wants to go its own way and should accept it without trying to persuade it differently. The County Commission needs to look at what is best for all County taxpayers. While FPL may be integral to Indiantown’s survival, it is rather insignificant to Martin County. The County crafted an ordinance that would apply only to the utility to reduce its taxes. Now that the MSTUs that the County collects for providing services to FPL in Indiantown are becoming less and less, why should the other citizens in Martin County subsidize Indiantown by allowing a reduction in its Tangible Personal Property Tax.


When it was incorporated, Indiantown was to concentrate on development. Most municipal services were going to be provided by the County for at least several years. Annexation, in order to build new homes, would bring more people. This in turn would spur both retail businesses with more customers and more qualified work force so that industrial and office firms would locate to the Village. Instead, the Council has hired all types of consultants to help entice retail and industrial firms to go to a place without the capacity to support new mercantile and industry.


The entire country now probably has the highest unemployment rate since the Depression of the 1930s. Tax revenue will be significantly less than anticipated. Other governments are looking at budgets that will be cut perhaps significantly. The Sim City Council appears to not see any of this coming.



The Village Attorney provided charts showing the salary ranges for Managers in Florida. It really was not as helpful as it could have been since nothing was in context.


With Council Member Dowling taking the lead, the Indiantown governing board deliberated on whether to raise Manager Harold Brown’s pay. It quickly became apparent that they were going to raise his compensation. The question was by how much for this Council seems to believe that Brown is indispensable to the Village’s ability to function. They could come and go, but without Brown, the Village would fall apart.


While some in the press have taken the position that Brown is not qualified or has exaggerated his qualifications, I believe he has taken Council’s direction and performed adequately. So far, however, the Village has led a charmed life. There have been no bumps to stumble over. Martin County government has been more than generous and accommodating. That will soon come to an end.


City of Stuart pays the City Manager $160,000 per year. He has over 250 employees and several departments. There is a Police Department and Fire/Rescue both of which have unions that must be negotiated with. There are independent utilities for trash, water, and sewer. The combined budget is north of $50 million dollars. There are also more than 3 times the residents plus an additional 21,000 visitors per day.

The Martin County Administrator makes a bit north of $180,00, has over a thousand employees, and a budget in excess of $500 million. Dowling said something about Ocean Breeze’s consultant that bills out at $95 an hour. And said if multiplied by 2000 hours it would be $190,000. Of course, he works many hours less than that per year and receives no benefits. He has never made more than $25,000 in any one year and closer to $15,000 in a typical one. I am not even going to comment on the comparison of the Village to Jupiter Island that was made.


Brown’s current salary is $110,000. The town has perhaps 12 employees. The budget is $5 million once you eliminate the pass through for Fire/Rescue that is paid to the County.


One Council Member stated that Mr. Brown is amazing since he must be available for all types of emergency situations even on the weekend. Implicit in the word manager is the fact he does not work a set number of hours per week. It is like that in every managerial position whether in the private or public sector.


Everyone believed he should get more. Dowling did some math considering other managers compensation and came up with $141,111.00 effective last January 1st. There would also be 3% raises if he had satisfactory reviews and the budget allowed. Gibbs-Thomas seconded the motion and it passed 3-2 with Hernandez and Stone dissenting.


Stone gave his reason for the no vote by asking what happens in a recession when they might not be able to give those raises. Hernandez did not give a reason at the meeting. I reached out to her and this is her reply:


I think another amount slightly lower was more justified. And the whole economy we don’t know how much longer this will go on with Covid19. We don’t know until the coming months. I do agree the managers base pay looking around at other cities he has a really low pay rate and we are doing so much that the other cities already have things established. 

I urge you to look at the charts showing what managers make not only in Martin County but throughout the state:


This chart is just of Martin County:





Mr. Brown had a presentation regarding next year’s budget.


The Fire/Rescue Department will move forward with creating a public municipal department. Since the outsourcing idea received no bidders, this will be where Indiantown goes next on its quest to be independent.


You can find the complete presentation at:






Indiantown has seen an uptick in the number of COVID-19 cases. The purpose of the meeting was to see whether the Village can do anything regarding the outbreak. At this meeting at least, the Council and staff recognized that Indiantown’s demographics are different than Jupiter Island and Sewall’s Point. It is even much different than Stuart.


Indiantown is a small rural place with a high proportion of poor people and many people living close to each other. The population has many Central American immigrants and their American born children. The same is true of Haitians who have settled there. Indiantown also has a large population of African Americans.

3D illustration of medical face mask to avoid contagious diseases. Concept Of Air Pollution, Pneumonia Outbreaks, Coronavirus Epidemics, And The Risk Of Biological Contamination.

The increase in cases shows up because there are so many more people living in tight quarters. As we hear over and over, the inability of enough testing is a problem in containing the disease. That is why even though Indiantown has less than 4% of Martin County’s population, it has 20% of the cases.


While the Health Department and Cleveland Clinic promised more, will it be enough (or even arrive at all) is a good question. As Florida and Martin County speak about reopening, Indiantown is a hotbed of the disease. The cook, lawn service employee or retail worker that Stuart or Jensen Beach sees working can be living with someone who has the disease.


The Village decided to put aside $10,000 to procure masks and another $10,000 for an education initiative. In a vote of 4-1, the Council will require the wearing of face coverings in public. Gibbs-Thomas voted no. I asked her why she voted no by email and received this answer:

Tom, thank you for asking.  I do not oppose wearing face masks, I wear one when appropriate and urge everyone else to do so also (I’m actually sewing and making reusable facemasks and giving them away).   What I oppose is the wording “require” when it is an empty ordinance.  There is no enforcement piece to it and there will be no consequences for noncompliance.  People will expect action (as they should when a governmental body make an ordinance) when they report persons with no face masks and will wonder why nothing is being done about enforcement when it is “required” to wear one.  By doing this I believe we as the responsible elected officials in Indiantown lose credibility.  The ordinance could have said recommends, urge or obligatory ~ anything else besides require.  It is creating more problems than it is solving.  We have to do more in getting information and education out into our community (that’s why I pushed for a budget for community information/education), that’s what will turn the tide, not the executing unenforceable pronouncements to make people feel good by having them believe we are doing something when in reality it means nothing.


Whether you agree with her or not, it is a rational and well thought out reason.

Indiantown Latest News April 17, 2020 Edition

It seems the idea of an independent Fire/Rescue Department for Indiantown is dead…at least for now.


It wasn’t because the Manager didn’t want it. And it wasn’t because the Council didn’t want it. Oddly, it was a lack of bidders for the privilege of being Indiantown’s Fire/Rescue Department. There was not one answer to the RFP. What does that tell us?

Some of the disinterest is probably due to the pandemic. Yet, in general, I can’t believe there is enough of a private market for this type of service. I understand that private companies offer services, but those usually mean rich people having a little more protection for their enclave than what public departments will give.


There is a deadline for this to occur due to the way next year’s real estate taxes will be billed. It is highly unlikely that the County Fire/Rescue Department won’t service Indiantown at least for another year. It is my guess that Brown and the Council will attempt to move forward in the coming year. They will either put out another RFP or begin cobbling together their own Department. Neither of which will result in a better service than they have today.


The Village Council spent thousands of dollars for a consultant and report. This private outcome was supposed to be a “no brainer.” And it turned out it was just that! Perhaps a lesson has been learned by the Council and the spending of the people’s money. I doubt it for to quote from the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 Verse 13: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”




For a first virtual meeting, the Village should be congratulated. It went off smoothly and by comparison to their recordings, it was easily understandable. Having now been involved with Zoom type meetings for business, I know how difficult the internet connections can sometimes be.  Nice job.


Speaking of virtual, the Council settled on a provider of visual and audio streaming meetings that will also be available for later replay on the Village’s website. The vendor they chose was Swagit which provides everything including the hosting of the meetings on their servers. This is something that is needed and would allow for people to watch from home without going to the meetings in person.


The cost is $30,000 to set up the system and $22,200.00 per year for a 50-meeting yearly package.


The City of Stuart uses a different vendor and pays $10,000 per year. I looked at two City of Jupiter meetings that Swagit hosts and the video quality and camera angles were better than Stuart. Is it worth more than twice? It could be if people watch the meetings. That is why I wish more municipalities would ask the County Commissioners why their meetings are less important than BOCC meetings which are televised on MCTV. Since MCTV funding comes from the General Fund that all taxpayers pay into, all meetings should be broadcast on the channel.


A motion was made to approve staff’s recommendation by Dowling and seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 5-0.


The proposal can be found at:






Part of the Little Ranch neighborhood was mistakenly included within the Village boundaries when the Village was formed. Most of the neighborhood parcels remain in unincorporated Martin County while 11 parcels are currently within the Village. After being approached by several of those homeowners, Gibbs-Thomas brought it to the attention of staff. They contacted 10 of the 11, and they all want to go back to unincorporated Martin County.


The Village will proceed with the de-annexation. The Village Attorney explained that it is much simpler than the parcel owners doing so. I hate to see any municipality becoming smaller. But in this case, it was always an error and the Village is doing the right thing.


To look at the map:






The evaluation of the Manager was delayed due to the pandemic and absence of Council Member Clarke. It was finally done at this meeting. There is no doubt that the Council highly values Mr. Brown. Hernandez gave him a rating of 4.92 out of 5. Stone 4.7, Thomas 4.2, and Clarke 3.98. Council Member Dowling apparently did not fill out the form since there was nothing in the agenda package except his signature on a form. However, that didn’t stop him from opining that Brown was wonderful. It is left to our imaginations as to why.

Attorney Vose stated that, according to Brown’s contract, the Council should determine whether a raise is warranted or not. Dowling wanted to know what other neighboring cities pay their managers. He stated that they had gotten off to a wonderful start and he should be rewarded. Dowling also said that Indiantown was the second richest municipality.

Does Dowling mean per capita or is it based on the tax base? If he meant Indiantown has the 2nd largest population in the County, he would be right. That is why trying to ascertain what neighboring cities pay is irrelevant. Stuart has 3 times the population. Another neighboring city is Port St. Lucie that has a population nearly 40 times that of Indiantown. The City of Okeechobee has a population comparable to Indiantown, but its budget is much bigger.


Sewall’s Point is 5 times smaller in population, but it has a police force but the rest of Town employees (except the Manager and clerical person) are part time. And while Dowling would like to compare Indiantown to Jupiter Island, I don’t believe that there is much similarity.


Gibbs-Thomas expressed it better by wanting information on comparable salaries based on population and similar budgets. I would have added the number of departments and employees. Her motion was seconded by Dowling and it passed 5-0.


To see the evaluations, including Council Member Dowling signed but incomplete one:





Indiantown Latest News FROM THE APRIL 5, 2020 EDITION

This information came from the Village:


Hello sir,


Sorry this took so long, I got a lot going on here right now. I did a quick round up of our current plans for your use and put it in the email below. As of this moment we remain operating and plan to for the foreseeable future. All of our numbers and emails remain the same and can be found online at our staff directory ( Let me know if you need anything else.


During the COVID-19 outbreak Village staff would like to take an opportunity to ensure transparency in our operations. To begin with, it is important to recognize that last Thursday, March 19th, the Council opted to pass a resolution declaring a state of emergency. Now, while there is no reason to panic, the declaration has altered ongoing operations and those changes are highlighted below.


General Administration

  • Beginning 3/23/2020 Village hall will be closed to the public until further notice to better maintain CDC recommended social distancing standards. However, all employees will report to work as usual and support the community via phone and email. Residents can call 772-597-9900 for non-COVID-19 questions.
  • COVID-19 questions should be directed to the Department of Health or Martin County EOC Information line, 772-287-1652.

Office of the Mayor and Village Council

Office of the Village Manager

  • The Public Information Officer (PIO) will issue press releases as needed, update all Facebook, Nextdoor, and other social media outlets provided with information from the Village Clerk.
  • Village staff are working to develop streaming/recording solutions to better meet the needs of Village residents and provide live broadcasts of future Village meetings.

Community and Economic Development Department

  • All Special Magistrate hearings are cancelled until further notice unless there is an “essential or critical” need. The Code Compliance Officer will be assisting other employees within the Village, but will respond to health, safety, and welfare Code-related issues as needed.
  • The Planning Division will not be processing applications during this time period; however, the Planning Division will be available for inquiries via phone and email.

Parks and Recreation Department

Ø  All Parks facilities will be closed, effective March 23, 2020, and until further notice.  Signage will be erected at all Village Parks.

Ø  All Parks-related activities, including facility rentals and large use gatherings, have been canceled effective March 16, 2020.  No further reservations will be taken until further notice.

Ø  Parks staff and Village contractors will be available to assist with continued facility cleaning and maintenance.


Daniel Eick

Management Analyst / PIO

Village of Indiantown

(772) 233 – 0713


I want to congratulate Mr. Eick, Manager Brown, and the rest of the staff on their commitment to providing information as fast as I could hope for. This is the way to treat citizens trying to find Village information. As is apparent, I don’t always agree with the Council’s decisions, but I am pleased with their staff’s ability to help me put together this newsletter.



There is a battle for the government of Indiantown. At some point soon, either the Village will back down, or it will be stuck with a huge budget. What I don’t think the Council sees clearly is the big financial concerns the County has regarding whether Indiantown remains within the County’s framework or not for services.


If the Village wants to have its own Fire/Rescue and trash services, then the County will make adjustments that will be less beneficial to Indiantown. How each relates is interconnected and nothing stands on its own. If the County Fire/Rescue is no longer provided, the tax rebate for FP&L goes away which could result in Indiantown losing its biggest taxpayer. Indiantown enjoys Martin County’s ISO rating which keeps insurance premiums lower than a new fire department would have. While homeowners’ rates would go up a bit, FP&L may find that they must leave because the fire protection is not adequate according to their own standards, regulators or those of their insurance carriers.


At present, Indiantown cannot compare itself to Stuart with its independent Fire, Police, and other services. Stuart has been incorporated longer than Martin County. Its departments and government took over a hundred years to evolve. Indiantown is trying to do everything within a couple of years. It is putting itself in jeopardy of buying more government than it can afford.


That is not to say it can’t do all of it at some point. It should first develop a much larger tax base to support the services that are currently being provided to them by Martin County. It needs to make sure that there are adequate LDRs in place. What is its annexation policy? For the time being if it isn’t broken…

Here is a letter reproduced that County Administrator Taryn Kryzda wrote Village Manager Howard Brown answering that series of questions in their last emails which I included in the March 22nd edition of Friends & Neighbors. You can find those emails on our website at:





This letter responds to your letter dated February 7, 2020. We understand that the Village of Indiantown (Village) is actively pursuing termination of our Interlocal Agreement concerning Fire Rescue Services as well as the repeal of the related ordinance, in order to contract for private Fire and EMS services to the Village. You reference that the Village impetus for examining options is directly related to the nearly $6 million in costs that your taxpayers are charged for the services they receive. Your taxable value for the County that I received from the Property Appraiser’s office as of October 2019 was $2,021,308,441. The adopted millage for the FY20 Fire MSTU is 2.7889. At the required 95% ad valorem collection rate, the County is estimating the Fire MSTU will receive roughly $5.4 million from the taxable value of the Village.


Your letter goes on to request six additional items that you would like to “explore” and to discuss further. I would like to address each one of those which I have para-phrased:


(1)The request to deviate from the current May 1st notification requirement for terminating services and institute an alternative timeline.


The County cannot deviate from the May 1 deadline set forth in our Interlocal Agreement. Our special assessment legal counsel has advised that the May 1st deadline is necessary to stay on track with various deadlines for compliance with Chapter 197, Fla. Stat. which ensures that adequate due process is followed by the County and for the efficient collection of the assessment on the property tax bill.


(2)The ability to continue to receive fire prevention, fire code enforcement and fire investigations services.


The County cannot provide those services as “cafeteria plan” services. Fire Prevention is an integral part of our Fire Rescue Department, directed by our Martin County Fire Chief, and a member of the Fire Chief’s leadership team. These services are dependent on adherence to the protocols of our Fire Rescue Department. It is not possible nor advisable for the County to assume the significant potential liability posed by this request to provide these services to another Fire Rescue service.


(3)The ability to purchase Fire and EMS dispatching services.


The County is not interested in providing those services as a stand-alone outsourced service. If the Village is going to contract for Fire and EMS services with another company, the County would have no control over their response and medical protocols. The County is unable and unwilling to assume potential liability for the Village’s outsourced fire rescue services. Dispatch is an integral part of the Fire Rescue Department and managed by the County’s Fire Chief and thus cannot be provided to another fire rescue service.


(4)The ability to enter into a mutual aid and/or an automatic response agreement once the Village service is operational.


The County is unable to enter into such an agreement, by definition such agreements are only available when both parties provide assistance. Your proposal appears to describe supplemental services which are not mutual. If the Village decides to go forward, and the County is no longer providing services to the residents in the Village, the County will be assessing options for a possible relocation of the station to an area more conducive to serving the unincorporated area of western Martin County.


(5)The ability to explore alternative pricing models that allows for the County service at a reduced cost.


As I have stated before, the County provides Fire Rescue and Advanced life support services to more than 83% of the residents in Martin County. My Commissioners are very concerned about giving the Village a ‘discount’ which would shift that monetary burden to the many unincorporated area residents. Please note the residents of the Town of Ocean Breeze have a similar interlocal and ordinance to allow the Fire Rescue MSTU within Town boundaries in order to receive Fire Rescue services. It is difficult, if not impossible, to justify a ‘discount’ to the Village while requiring the Town and unincorporated residents to pay more.


(6)Other mutually agreeable consideration that are deemed possible regarding Fire/Rescue.


Martin County Fire Rescue is a large department under one umbrella, managed by a large team of professionals. The County has no interest in dissecting this department to allow portions of our Fire Rescue divisions and services to be ‘farmed out’ as an outsourced service. Our Fire Rescue Department is a comprehensive service provider of superior quality to the citizens of unincorporated Martin County and the Town of Ocean Breeze. As discussed above, the liability of such a proposal far outweighs any potential benefit.


Martin County’s Fire Chief recently listened to the audio from the Village’s March 12, 2020 meeting. There are a few statements made by the Village Council that should be clarified and/or corrected. This letter will serve as the County’s mechanism to address those comments and provide the County’s response for the record.


There was a promise by the Village Council that going with a for-profit company would actually increase the level of service since Martin County will continue to respond thus doubling the apparatus and the number of fire rescue personnel. This statement is incorrect, if the Village terminates the Interlocal and repeals the Ordinance, Martin County Fire Rescue will only be responsible for responding to the Indiantown residents in the unincorporated area. That means if the Village units are all busy and another emergency call within the Village boundary is needing a response, the Village would have to make a request for mutual aid from neighboring agencies. This process would dramatically increase response time and is contingent upon the availability of resources, so a response is not guaranteed. As a point of reference for potential impact, over a 17-month period from 2018 to 2019 there were 430-unit responses to emergency calls in Indiantown from surrounding Martin County stations covering the Indiantown units that were unavailable due to utilization. The level of service will only increase for Village residents if the Village’s department does so.


Village Council member stated that there are more 911 calls outside the Village than inside the Village boundaries. This is incorrect. This Council member further elaborated the rumors of a volunteer fire department. The Village’s released RFP provides on page 8 (E.) that the Village encourages the use of part-time, reserve, paid-on call, volunteers or other employment status’ that provide qualified personnel in delivering these services.


There was a statement by a Council member that obtaining fire rescue services is similar to that of buying a car, and since the City of Stuart residents have their own department, it must be cheaper for them. The City has a special fire assessment fee that all property owners must pay in addition to paying ad valorem taxes for their fire service. The reason that the fee was initiated was because many of their property owners were paying very little or no ad valorem taxes for the City’s fire rescue services. Due to the property valuation exemptions the City residents along the waterfront and the commercial and industrial businesses were paying most of the ad valorem taxes for fire rescue services.


The Village ISO rating is currently based upon Martin County’ s ability to respond with the full complement of apparatus and personnel and demonstrated ability to maintain water supply in those areas that don’t have hydrants. Chief Schobel has raised concerns on how the Village’s rating will be impacted when a for-profit company is providing Fire Rescue services. This change in ISO rating may impact FP&L’s requirements (that Martin County currently meets) for specialized training.


The County has been in contact with FP&L and has reviewed its Tangible Personal Property (TPP) Agreement with FP&L. The County believes our Agreement is clear that if the County is not collecting the monies within the Village as a part of the Fire Rescue MSTU, then the County will not owe any rebate to FP&L for the Fire Rescue MSTU. The County has no obligation nor interest in amending its TPP Agreement with FP&L to increase its economic incentive because of the Village’s termination of County Fire Rescue services.


We also recently learned by listening to the Village’s meeting audio, rather than  by  being advised by you, that the Village is taking steps to terminate the Interlocal Agreement and related ordinance concerning Solid Waste and Recycling Services within the Village. As you know, we are in the midst of a request for proposals for a new franchise agreement for such services. We have notified the proposers of your intent to procure your own service provider. Please be aware contrary to your public comments concerning the Village’s ability to collect “franchise fees” for such service, the County does not and will not receive income or franchise fees in connection with its solid waste franchise agreement.


Health, safety and welfare of the residents should be of paramount concern as the Village proceeds. I consider the residents within the Village boundary as County residents too. It is my hope that the Village Council and Village residents understand the Martin County Fire Rescue MSTU is an ad valorem assessment on the taxable value of real property and improvements. In the Village of Indiantown, the majority of the MSTU is paid by commercial/industrial property owners (for example FP&L) not by the residential property owners, many of whom receive the homestead exemption, assessment cap, and other exemptions provided by law. This is an important statement because I cannot expect the residents in the unincorporated area of the County and the Town of Ocean Breeze to shoulder the burden of a tax shift that would have to occur to cover the ‘discount’ the Village is trying to obtain. The taxes that are paid by the residents and businesses receiving Martin County Fire Rescue services are based upon taxable value and provides funding for the entire system including all apparatus and personnel resources. Only those individuals that have similar valued property pay the same annually, the others will vary, yet they receive the same service.


In conclusion, for the reasons outlined above coupled with the pending impacts of our current pandemic from COVID-19 and the resources we have to mitigate this crisis, I have extreme concerns with the Village pursuing an alternative fire rescue and EMS service other than continuing to participate in Martin County’s emergency response system and the level of service the residents have come to expect.

The County Attorney subsequently sent an email to the Village Attorney with a correction regarding the trash hauling:


From: Sarah Woods <>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 2:20 PM
To: Taryn Kryzda <>; Howard Brown <>
Cc: Comish <>; William Schobel <>; Samuel Amerson <>;; Wade Vose <>
Subject: RE: Response to letter received 2/7/2020-DO NOT REPLY ALL


I inadvertently provided the County Administrator with incorrect language for the portion of her letter addressing solid waste and recycling services.  I apologize for the error.  To clarify: the County does charge a fee to our current provider for the exclusive franchise for residential and commercial collection pursuant to our current franchise agreement.  The fee is calculated pursuant to a formula on a quarterly basis and it is estimated this is approximately 5%.

I spoke with the Village Attorney this afternoon who advised me the Village has no intent to terminate the Interlocal concerning solid waste collection for the upcoming fiscal year.


Stay well


Sarah W. Woods


Indiantown may not be cancelling the agreement with the County regarding waste hauling this year, but it looks like it will next year. Wouldn’t it make more sense for the County to make sure the bidders for the new County waste contract knew this and that Indiantown could only be sticking around for a year. If I were the County, I would give notice now to Indiantown and beat them to the punch.




Here is a press release from the Village today:

For Immediate Release

DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020


Daniel Eick, Acting Public Information Officer, 772-233-0713 Susan A. Owens, MPA, MMC, Village Clerk, 772-285-7740 Amanda Bevis, DMG, 202-680-9262



Disaster Management Group distributing tests throughout the United States

Indiantown, FL – Indiantown-based Disaster Management Group (DMG), 19100 SW Warfield Boulevard, is working diligently to supply 15-minute COVID-19 tests to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Department of Defense, state, county and healthcare agencies throughout the United States. DMG acquired the rights to produce and distribute the test in the United States in March.

“DMGtest is the first time the same screening tool that offers a blood test for evaluating candidates who may have COVID-19 that was used efficiently and effectively in China, South Korea and the United

Kingdom is being used in the United States,” said Tom Rubio, CEO of Disaster Management Group. “This cost-effective screening tool can help communities all across the country quickly test, detect and monitor COVID-19 to prevent the spread of coronavirus.”

“DMG is a perfect example of the commercial opportunities in Indiantown,” said Indiantown Mayor Guyton Stone. “Indiantown is the perfect place to find affordable industrial and commercial land for sale so that businesses can expand into South Florida. Indiantown has ample vacant industrial and commercial lands located within a Federal Opportunity Zone and is pretty much ‘shovel ready.’ We are pleased to have emerging industries such as DMG, Promero and others that call Indiantown home.”

The Federal Opportunity Zones Program was established by Congress through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The purpose of the program is to promote investment and drive economic growth in low- income and/or economically disadvantaged communities.

The Village is developing a new Land Development Regulations plan which will pinpoint existing and available commercial and industrial development zones.

DMG has been in the forefront of disaster recovery and rapid deployment efforts for 15 years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, DMG has been working closely with the CDC and DOD. DMG partnered with Promero, Inc., of Pompano Beach, FL, to develop a cloud-based app, DMGapp, that assists patients suspected of having COVID-19 with finding the nearest test site.

For more information, visit the Village of Indiantown website at or DMG at






Perspective is everything!

A very rational discussion occurred regarding whether to keep the Solid Waste contract with the County or not. If the Village was going to go on its own, it would have to tell the County by May 1st or remain for another year. If it did decide to leave, it would have to make the decision by March 27th in order to have enough time to pass the required resolution to terminate the Agreement.


The County has been working on a new contract for the past 18 months. They are in the final stages but there probably won’t be a contract done by March 27th. The Village Attorney explained that next year they could deal directly with the County’s hauler and cut their own deal so they could charge the franchise fee.


It appears to me that the Village is going its own way whether now or next year. I doubt whether the Village could get it cheaper than what they currently pay to the County. The County just has so much more buying power. For argument sake, let’s agree the Village buys the service for the same price and that the level of service remains the same. It could then charge the franchise fee to the residents and that would be some extra money to the Village.


The Village would still need the County Transfer Station which does charge for its service. Stuart pays the County tipping fees. I believe state law mandates that the County should be in sole charge of the “dump” for the entire County.


What Indiantown does not seem to be considering is what happens if the County cuts the Village loose on May 1st. I spoke with the County, and I was told they could tell them to pick up their own trash ready or not. Being independent is a two-way street. It doesn’t always happen on a timetable you want.


Perspective is everything!




The Council is putting together a committee to look at the bidders on an RFP to replace Martin County as the Fire/Rescue provider. According to the resolution, there should be one Council Member, one resident, one business owner, one financial person and two subject matter experts. It may be really happening that the Village will go its own way for this service.

I was a strong proponent of Stuart keeping its own Fire/Rescue before I became a Commissioner, while I was a Commissioner and after I left. Stuart’s Fire Department is over a century old. It has the highest ISO rating given which only 373 other departments have in the country. It has been built up over time, and it gives great value to the City.


If Stuart was forming its own today, the City could not afford it. It is as simple as that. Fire/Rescue is the most complex and expensive of municipal service to provide. Why would Indiantown want to tackle something so hard when they have a highly regarded operation presently?


Of the three citizens who spoke (Myrtle Green, Bob Anthony, and Craig Bauzenberger), each thought the service was already good, although Bauzenberger said everything can be improved and the County should realize they are not the only game in town.


Dowling said that MCFR (Martin County Fire Rescue) would still be in town and available to answer calls. Thomas believes they could get a better deal. Hernandez stated that if the County doesn’t want to deal with us then… I assume she meant too bad for the County. Stone relayed that negotiations with the County were ongoing and they would get a better price.


The following were appointed to the RFP Committee: Anthony Dowling, Scott Watson, Craig Bauzenberger and Myrtle Green. The subject matter experts and finance person to be named later. It appeared that they changed the composition that was in the draft resolution.


Hernandez made a motion to go forward with the committee that was seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 5-0.


The RFP can be found at:




I spoke with Taryn Krzda, the County Administrator, and she has a different view on any negotiations. Her email to me is reproduced below:

Currently – our station is within the Village boundary – but we are assessing options to move to an area that would be more conducive to respond to the unincorporated areas. The only way Martin County would respond within the Village limits would be if the County and the Village had an automatic aide agreement – as of this moment they do not have that. If the County was to enter into such an agreement – there would have to be a determination of the monetary impact for the Village to pay for that service to cover the County’s Fire Rescue costs so that the unincorporated area MSTU is not subsidizing the Village operations.


We do have an interlocal agreement currently for dispatch and dispatch is provided with Countywide general funds. Would depend on what the interlocal says – they would need to amend the current interlocal agreement for the fire services, and I think my folks would then want to change all the other aspects. If they want to operate on their own – then they need to do that. I do not believe the County would want to assume the liability of directing a private company with our dispatch folks.


Howard and I met a few weeks ago. Howard sent me an e-mail today insisting that I meet with him this week so we can continue to negotiate. His offer on the table as you can see is $4.4M – The Village currently contributes $5.3M to the Fire MSTU. The $5.1M was based upon the actual personnel assigned to that station but I told him it did not include about another $380K for some of the overhead costs and another $142K for equipment – so you are actually at a number closer to $5.6M. He argued that overhead and equipment should not be added. He also told me he wanted the County to continue to pay the FP&L TPP portion as we do now – which is $529,000 so the actual number they are looking for as a discount to the Village is closer to $1.5M.


At the moment – my calendar is pretty full and I do not have any plans to meet with him this week – and possibly next…


Taryn G. Kryzda, MPA, CPM


The emails she cited between she and Brown are reproduced below:


On Mar 16, 2020, at 7:17 PM, Howard Brown <> wrote


Thank you for agreeing to meet with me last Wednesday.  I thought we made some progress on our continuing discussions about Fire/EMS services within the Village.  I am writing to reiterate and clarify a couple points we discussed.


During our meeting, you indicated that it costs the County approximately $5.1 million per year to operate Station 24.  As we discussed, the Village has completed a study of the matter, and our findings indicate that approximately 30% of the calls for service with respect to Station 24 are for services being provided outside of the Village boundary. 70% of the County’s $5.1 million annual operating cost comes to approximately $3.6 million. I mention this because I think one of the things you could provide to the board is the actual data report that spells this out in detail.  


I may have been less than clear in exactly the way forward I was suggesting.  As you know, the County currently provides Fire/EMS services within the Village by virtue of the Village having opted into the Fire Rescue MSTU.  I did not mean to suggest that the Village could remain opted into the Fire Rescue MSTU, and then the County could pay or rebate over to the Village some portion of the tax revenues collected, whether related to TPP grant payments or otherwise.


Rather, I would propose that Fire/EMS services be provided to the Village on a contractual basis pursuant to an interlocal agreement, at the current level of service, and that the Village would pay the County $4.4 million per fiscal year for the provision of the services. The term of the agreement would be for three (3) years, terminating on September 30, 2023, unless extended by both parties.


I hope this clarifies some portions of our discussion, and I look forward to discussing this matter further with you.




On Mar 16, 2020, at 8:05 PM, Taryn Kryzda <> wrote:

Understood – thanks. As I told you I would discuss with my Board your proposal. 

Taryn Kryzda, County Administrator


Thank you. 

Howard W. Brown, Jr., ICMA-CM



Tue, Mar 17, 8:46 AM



In reviewing this again, the piece you do not include – if 30% of the calls are outside of the boundary for the Village – during those times, we have other stations stage up to ensure coverage. So you can not just remove 30% of the cost – since coverage is provided 100% of the time – regardless of which apparatus is responding. This is a system, and the resources are distributed accordingly.


Taryn G. Kryzda, MPA, CPM


Tue, Mar 17, 10:59 AM Howard Brown


Morning Taryn and thank you for such a prompt response.  As you know, I have time constraints that require me to terminate the agreement by April 9, 2020.  It’s imperative  we meet to negotiate a settlement price for these services.  I am available to meet this week at your convenience.  Thank you again and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.




It was decided to wait until Clarke returned at the following meeting.




There were two ballot questions to change the charter.


The first was to elect Council Members from specific seats instead of allowing the highest vote getters to win the seats up for election. The seats will still be at-large and be voted on by everyone in the Village. That passed overwhelmingly by almost 80% of the votes cast. The Council will have to come up with a way to differentiate the seats.


The second charter change was to transfer personnel policies from the Council to the Manager. That was defeated 260 to 193.


In August Stone & Hernandez will be up for election. Whoever is elected to those seats will then have a four-year term. It will be interesting to see if anyone runs against them.




Like many other municipalities, Indiantown held a special meeting to pass a declaration of emergency. Their declaration gave sweeping powers to Manager Brown. It appears they are much more than either the County Administrator or other municipal managers possess.


The March 26th meeting has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 9th.


The Village Manager has the authority to impose curfews, restrict vehicles, prohibit the sale of alcohol, close places of public assembly, cancel Village meetings, spend funds, limit hours of private business operation and many more powers enumerated and implied.


The resolution can be found at:




In conjunction with those emergency dictatorial powers, Brown has forbidden Indiantown Church of God from having a religious service Saturday at 6:00 pm. The church is located on Warfield Blvd & Tyler Street. The fine is $500 per hour or portion thereof.

Covid 19 is serious! Most religious organizations have suspended services for the duration. That would be in keeping with directives of the state and federal authorities. I know that I wouldn’t attend. And I think God would understand.


However, do we want government issuing edicts to our religious institutions telling them not to gather to pray? When this pandemic is finished, do we still want to have an America that abided by our Constitution even when times were difficult? The actions of this congregation are dangerous. It could have the unintended consequences of spreading the virus.


My question is should the state limit our religious freedom in the name of safety? Should Manger Brown or any local official have the authority that the Council has given him. Does the Council have the authority to do what it has done?


Brown’s edict can be found at:






Just because something is legally permissible doesn’t mean it is right.


This body continually wants to change the way that people have an opportunity to address their elected representatives. Instead of seeking to broaden the opportunity for public comment, they want to stifle the public speaking out on matters. Why is it always a burden to hear from the people that come to these meetings?


They brought back this item that was tabled last meeting to place all comment at the end of the agenda including from the Council and Manager. That would have, in effect, closed communication with the public during the meeting. The only people who would have heard the Council and Manager would be the small audience that would wait 3 hours for the end of most meetings. The public could have spoken on a measure after it been passed. It may be legal, but it is not right.


A motion to do just that was made by Stone, who (after some colloquy) passed the gavel. It was seconded by Clarke. That motion failed 3-2. A motion was made by Thomas and seconded by Dowling to leave things much as they have been. That passed 5-0.


People should speak! The Council should not enter a conversation or debate with the public but should listen and take their comments into consideration. They need to stop trying to relegate democratic speech to the sideline. It is bad for the future of the Village.




A consultant from St. Augustine conducted a hearing regarding applying for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The County has several in the works now, and in the past, the City of Stuart has also applied and received grants. They are a good thing.


With all the government we have in Martin County, I found it ironic that they needed to go north Florida to find someone to help with this process. I was told that the County offered their services but was turned down by the Village. The structure for these type grants is programmatic. It isn’t as if you need to have something inserted into the state budget.


His presentation can be found at:




While he is a consultant his presentations were gratis. There will be an RFP for services and the winner will be compensated on a percentage of the grant received. Further the consultant will have to administer the grant. This is standard practice.







In the Village, the County has a Fire Station #24, that answers Indiantown calls plus the surrounding unincorporated area in an average response time of 6.1 minutes. There were 1200 calls last year with 860 or 72% being medical ones. There were only 5 structure fires within Indiantown and 13 brush fires. The average fire loss was $2000.


In Station #24, there is an engine that has 3 people assigned, 2 ambulances with 2 people and each has a paramedic. There is other equipment in the station such as a Brush Truck which is for answering specialized responses. Even the Village’s consultant said the service was excellent and Indiantown could not create the same level of service.


So why is this Council so hell bent on leaving the County’s Fire/Ems?


Here are the Village’s options:

  • Maintain current arrangement with the County
  • Establish their own Fire/EMS Department which could be either by a Village department or outsource to a private contractor
  • Create a Public Safety Department such as Jupiter Island. Then you will have cross trained Public Safety Officers that are law enforcement and Fire/Rescue.
  • Renegotiate the agreement with the County and pay less than what unincorporated residents do.


The current Fire MSTU is $6 million for Indiantown. For that price, you not only have Station #24, but Indiantown has every other station in Martin County to answer calls when #24 is busy. The depth of service cannot be recreated with a stand-alone department. If you bow out of the County coverage, you also must somehow pay for 911 service and dispatch.


There is a term called “mutual aid.” That is if there is a large brush fire or a traffic accident that involves multiple cars, then other departments will come to Indiantown’s aid. Mutual Aid does not mean that if their department is handling a heart attack and another medical emergency call comes in at the same time, then Martin County will answer that call. They may, if asked, but that would be under an Interlocal Agreement. The County would charge for those calls.


While the MSTU is currently about $6 million, 86% of that amount is paid by one taxpayer, FPL. If FPL, for whatever reason, decides to reduce their footprint in Indiantown, then how would the Village make up the difference. While the consultant and staff are saying that Indiantown would save $1.2 million, in actuality 86% of that would be a savings to FPL. It appears to me there is much risk but little reward. By the way, the County does not have to take the Village back if this experiment fails.


The consultant believes that the alternative is to contract with a private company to provide EMS/Fire services. There would be some start-up costs such as building or buying a station. Though the Village would not have to buy equipment or hire employees under this scenario.


Under the existing Interlocal Agreement, if the Village will decide to provide for their own Fire/Rescue, they need to inform the County by May 1st and have their new department ready to go by October 1st. It is doable according to the consultant. My question is why? What is the advantage to the residents of Indiantown?


I did not hear any answers except it would be cheaper. It would be cheaper for FPL and marginally less for most homeowners. No figures were presented.


The presentation can be found at:




The contract for the consultant can be found at:





The third consultant of the night spoke about the Village evaluating whether to remain with the County for this service or contracting with a provider directly. There were no projections or other figures presented. The County is currently doing their own RFP regarding waste.  The cost for Indiantown to remain under the County’s contract won’t be known for several weeks.


It was decided to wait until the County had gone through the process before bringing this back. A motion was made, and it passed 4-1 with Dowling voting no.


The presentation can be found at:





According to Brown’s contract, he should be evaluated every year. The evaluation is a bit overdue. I believe the Council is very happy with his performance, and I would suspect he will receive a high rating. It will be interesting to see if there will be any comments on how he could improve his performance.


Mr. Brown is a manager with knowledge of local governments. I would expect his evaluations to take that into account. Is there room for improvement? There is always room for improvement. That is especially true in the realm of hiring outside consultants. Perhaps the Council is pushing Brown to hire more and more employees and hire more and more consultants to bring services under the Village’s umbrella behind the scenes?


Soon, the County will begin pushing back. When they do, Indiantown won’t know what hit it. I am surprised the County hasn’t already. Brown better get his evaluations in before it occurs.


Evaluation information can be found at:




The actual form being used:




From The February 23, 2020 Edition

Why is it so important that the order of the meeting be changed?

This agenda item sought to change the Council Members’ and Manager’s comments until the end of the meeting. What is the purpose of that? It seems if the order were changed, the length of their remarks would be substantially shorter because there would be fewer people in the audience. Is it to prevent some Council Members from telling us what they did since the last meeting?


Stone and Clarke are a bit taciturn when speaking. Whatever they say, if anything, is brief. Hernandez can meander, but she tries to keep her remarks on point as does Gibbs-Thomas. Dowling does tend to tell you much more than anyone cares about though its up to the audience to listen or not. The order is currently working so I don’t think it needs fixing.


Interestingly, the item called for all public comment on agenda and non-agenda items to be up front before any one item is presented or discussed by the Council. While it may be within the parameter of the statute, it is a way to shut down public discussion. How can a member of the public comment on an agenda item if they haven’t heard the presentation or any Council discussion? The public is being deprived of an opportunity to put their two cents in after hearing what the item is all about. Just look at the ridiculous way the School Board does it.


Is it to stop concerned parties such as Scott Watson and the Powers’ brothers from speaking? By placing all public comment up front, it has a silencing effect on the people making their opinions known to the Council Members. The School Board handles public comment as this agenda item suggests. It is just wrong. The Council took a long time in finding the right balance…don’t do something that will make the meetings less democratic.


A motion was made by Thomas and seconded by Dowling, but it failed 3-2. Clarke made a motion to table the item and it passed 4-1. Freedom of speech is still alive in Indiantown.



Quest Corporation was chosen from the RFP process to be the Village communication consultant. My question is why do they need the service? Of all the pressing needs of the Village, this is not one of the stand outs.


The other two bidders that were local businesses were Upstairs Communication and The Firefly Group. Both had the capability to craft a plan for the Village. The Firefly Group proposed an extensive amount of services, requiring up to 40 hours per week, which would have cost an estimated $90,000 per year. Both firms have all local personnel. Upstairs Communications is a one-man shop that estimated it would devote 11 hours per month at $175 per hour rounded off to $2000.


Quest is not based locally but looks very capable and can handle the contract. Their price is a flat fee of $90 per hour for 10 hours per week or $46,800 per year. The two not selected are old Martin County standbys with an ability to touch the right person during a crises management situation or to defuse a problem. However, if I was on the committee, I may have chosen Quest also.


But again, I am asking the question why a firm like this is needed to provide these services? Whether you spend $90k, $47k or $24k it still is money that could be going into more basic things. Pave a few more roads or tell a story? I know where I would put my money. A motion was made by Hernandez and seconded by Gibbs-Thomas. It passed 4-1 with Dowling dissenting.


You can find the proposals at:
















Like a communication’s expert, all large cities need lobbyists. Only Indiantown is not a large city.


Dowling, Stone, and Hernandez just came back from a junket in Tallahassee supposedly advocating the legislature. Indiantown’s travel budget must be huge! I have some familiarity with advocacy having been a member of the Treasure Coast team and for Florida League of Cities Advocacy Committee. An elected official has the most sway with the state government when it comes to policy matters.


Lobbying for dollars is quite a bit harder. Usually an elected official speaks to his representative and that representative will try to get the project into the budget. Very few council people can reach out to other legislators who do not represent the Treasure Coast. Even fewer can do so for the right legislator outside their region to influence a budget decision. This is where a lobbyist would come in.


Most large municipalities will have a lobbying firm. If, after a session or two, the firm doesn’t bring in enough project dollars, they are fired, and another firm hired. A lobbyist needs to be able to get your project into a budget and then carry the item through committees and have it still be there when the budget goes to the governor for signature. Of course, the governor can veto the project if he wants.


The triumvirate of Dowling, Stone and Hernandez that went to Tallahassee probably had no effect on any appropriation. They may have gone to a committee meeting but what would be the reason? There needs to be a purpose to go to the capitol.


If you are going to hire any lobbyist, it needs to be someone to get your appropriation through the Tallahassee labyrinth. Any of the firms that submitted an RFP would be fine. They each received similar points by the selection committee.


It is my belief that the utility consultant is the person that will put together the financing for the water plant buyout. The Martin County Fair people have their ask, and Indiantown is an interested party. And County Commissioner Harold Jenkins spoke at the meeting and said that the County’s lobbyist would work with Indiantown for now.


Clarke moved to table this matter until the July 9th meeting. It was seconded by Stone after I think he passed the gavel. It passed 4-1 with Hernandez voting no. I think it was a smart move.




Jim Anniston-Karas made his final presentation of his visioning plan for the village. This is the culmination of his contract to design a new logo, hold visioning sessions, and make two videos.


The videos were not yet ready and so are not up on the Village’s website yet. The power point link to his presentation is below.




Indiantown Latest News

February 9, 2020 Edition



The controversy surrounding Manager Brown continues. The Council feels that it needs to defend Brown against what is negatively being written about him in the Indiantown Currents and on the Indiantown Community Facebook page. They are making a mistake.

As elected officials, they represent the people not Brown. It is true they picked him and thereby feel invested in their choice. However, their responsibility lies in finding out the truth. I don’t know whether what has been written about Brown is true or not. And that is the point.


The Council based its hiring choice on the advice given by the ICMA association retirees that volunteer their time. That is fine as far as it goes, but they do not conduct background checks. They take the information presented and then rank the candidates. Is this good enough? These Council Members and countless other ones believe that it is. It isn’t.


In her remarks, Gibbs-Thomas was brief and addressed the rumor mill. Dowling stated that Brown is moving mountains and that he was vetted. He may be moving mountains, but there was not a proper vetting of someone responsible for millions in taxpayer dollars.


Hernandez said she had reviewed every resume. I believe her. She also stated that she had someone check into him. When I asked later who that someone was, she said a friend who could google him with fresh eyes. She did say that she had met one of Brown’s former bosses from another Council and that he wanted him to return.


Stone asked how many ICMA-credentialed managers were in Florida? Brown apparently was an ICMA member but had let his credentials lapse. It appears he has not subsequently renewed them.


The entire way Brown was chosen is flawed. Having to meet the candidates and then choose your next manager the same day is dangerous. There is no time for reflection or thought. When you don’t have candidates investigated as to their credentials, work history and whether there is abhorrent behavior in their past, problems can arise. A bad or embarrassing hire could be alleviated with a thorough background check.


If I were on the Council, I would want to put an end to these accusations.  This is hurting the credibility of Mr. Brown, the Council and ultimately the Village. It is not too late to do a discrete investigation of Brown’s work life to put the rumors to rest.



Under Florida statute 180.301, the Village needed to have a hearing to determine whether they should buy the water utility.


The Council acts as judge to determine whether the Village has met the threshold to move forward with the purchase. The Village Attorney questioned the Village consultant, Gerald C. Hartman, to determine his qualifications to be accepted as an expert witness to advise the Village. After presenting reams of documents that were accepted into the record, the Council accepted his expertise.


Hartman testified as to why the Village should buy the private utility. There is no question that the utility has not been maintained causing the customers, Village residents, to suffer. There are leaks and other problems. The infrastructure is not in the best of shape.


Because the Village is a public entity, much of the now private owner’s cost will be substantially less. According to Hartman, rates would be able to be reduced or by keeping existing rates, money could be allocated to improve the system. The Village is planning on obtaining the money needed for the purchase through grants and very low interest loans from the state and federal governments.


The negative impacts that Hartman named were latent defects due to the age of the system. The Village would be assuming the operation of the plant which is a 24-7 operation and would take a minimum of 7 employees. He estimates the repairs and improvements to be $9.8 million over the first 5 years. The Village would lose $14,000 in taxes per year and they would not be able to institute a franchise fee. The utility could pay the Village an in-lieu payment to substitute for the lost tax money.


The purchase price is $8.5 million, and the closing must take place no later than September 2020. The Village does not have to close if they find the financing to be unsatisfactory.


Only Scott Watson spoke during the public comment. His questions were spot on and seemed supportive. Hernandez made the motion to move forward and was seconded by Dowling. It passed 5-0.


The Village needs to buy this utility. Without reliable water and sewer, Indiantown cannot grow. Martin County passed on the purchase a couple of years ago. Jupiter Island’s utility is interested but is waiting to see what would happen with the Village. Acquisition by another private entity would only drive the costs to the customer base higher without guaranteeing needed expansion.


Owning the utility is one of the only ways that the Village can responsibly grow. If someone other than the Village buys it, the Village will be seriously limited in its ability to do so. If it decides to annex a property, then without water and sewer, it may not be developable. New businesses will not locate in Indiantown and existing ones won’t expand. This is a necessary purchase.


The entire report is listed below:




Indiantown Latest News


There has been a scathing article written about the Manager, Howard Brown. I saw it on the Facebook page entitled Indiantown Community. If the allegations are true, this should concern the Council and the people of the Village. Barbara Clowdus, the author, who publishes the Indiantown Currents is a journalist that has a wide following throughout Martin County. What she researches and writes should be taken seriously.


I am not going to comment here on whether her reporting is accurate or not. I do believe the allegations contained in the piece are serious enough to warrant Council action. The process by which the Village and most government boards follow to hire their managers is flawed.


Only cursory background checks are employed. This is unfathomable given the seriousness of the position. This person will be responsible for millions of dollars in taxpayer money. If the professionals that Boards employ to help them in the searches can’t even verify things like credentials and degrees, why are they being used.


There is an undercurrent out there between different factions that is becoming detrimental to the cohesiveness of Indiantown. Many believe, especially those living outside the boundaries of Indiantown, that they should have an opinion in how Indiantown should develop. And that is fine!


The ultimate deciders though are those that live within the Village boundaries. They elect the Council. Guyton Stone and Janet Hernandez are ending their terms this year. Both will run for re-election. Will anyone challenge them? If so, can they beat either Stone or Hernandez? If the electorate believe that the current Council Members who direct the Manager should remain then the people have spoken.


That in no way would mean that the Council should not take Clowdus’ reporting seriously. There is a solemn trust between those elected and the people. Mr. Brown is the CEO of a large and growing organization. The Council which is the Board of Directors owes the stakeholders good governance. The Council needs to act including hiring a reputable investigator to provide a complete report on Mr. Brown’s professional qualifications and work history. This would be a way of putting allegations regarding his past to rest.


We should debate whether the path Indiantown has embarked on is the right one. Both citizens and non-citizens can discuss policy. What needs to be eliminated from discussion is whether the Manager was hired because he provided an inaccurate work history.


The above reference article which is in the latest edition of Indiantown Currents can be found at:







Indiantown will now be required to participate in the joint meetings with the County, School Board, and City of Stuart. Under Florida Statute 163.31 when there is a school located within a municipal boundary you become a member of the club. The Council will now participate in the biggest waste of time in Martin County. The joint meetings are held at the Blake Library with the next one scheduled on February 13th.


Imagine 21 elected officials sitting around the table listening to boring presentations. For these are official meetings of the different governing Boards. Usually no motions or decisions are made but because they are official meetings matters can be considered.


The governing structure is spelled out in an Interlocal Agreement between the parties. That is why Nikki van Vonno, the head of County Growth Management, was at the meeting making this presentation. Welcome Indiantown! 


The presentation can be found at:






The little things in Village bureaucracy can take the most time.


The concession stand at Big Mound Park is currently being operated through an inherited agreement from Martin County and the Tropical Soccer League.


After listening to the presentation, I am not sure who is taking their place. Is it one organization or will the different leagues that play at the park be the concessionaires? There will be improvements made to the concession stand, I think. The agreement has products that cannot be offered for sale such as vaping paraphernalia. Can anything that is not listed be sold?


At least to me the presentation was muddled with the Parks Supervisor, a Village employee, and the Parks outside consultant falling all over themselves to be incoherent. Wouldn’t it had been better and more logical to put out an RFQ for the running of the stand and have any income received dedicated to the Village for park recreation programming?


A motion was made to accept the agreement by Dowling and seconded by Hernandez. It passed 5-0.


The agreement can be found at:




Speaking of Parks, the Council voted to make the part time administrative person a full-time position. The Manager stated that person will now be available for other administrative options. Like almost all decisions the Council approved 5-0




Kimley-Horn made a study concerning having the Civic Center become a shelter during a hurricane. The building is currently not up to code to safely shelter people during a hurricane. The facility would need to be retrofitted and with the study that was performed not every defect was discovered.


What is known is that the roof is not adequate nor are the doors and windows. The roof alone would be $200,000 plus. While a new building would be between $350,000-$400,000. Martin County will provide a generator if the Center will sign an agreement for 15 years to act as a pet-friendly shelter. Indiantown is looking to be reimbursed for the $6,000 study from the state.


The Village does not own this building. The providing of shelters is the role of the County. I can’t think of a worse place to have any shelter than a single room structure without adequate facilities for hygiene or the preparation of meals. This is the current Civic Center. I am at a loss as to why the Village is involved in this process. Don’t they have enough on their plates?


That study can be found at:




Kimley Horn had a second study that was presented regarding storm water improvement projects. The Village assumed this responsibility from the County last year. They needed a complete assessment. Now they have one. A capital improvement project list can be developed.


The study can be found at:




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